Mew - Moo with sugar on top


# This:
use Mew;
has  _foo  => PositiveNum;
has -_bar  => Bool;  # note the minus: it means attribute is not `required`
has  _type => Str, (default => 'text/html');
has  _cust => ( is => 'ro', isa => sub{ 42 } ); # standard Moo `has`

# Is same as:
use strictures 2;
use Types::Standard qw/:all/;
use Types::Common::Numeric qw/:all/;
use Moo;
use namespace::clean;

has _foo  => (
    init_arg => 'foo',
    is       => 'ro'
    isa      => PositiveNum,
    required => 1,
has _bar  => (
    init_arg => 'bar',
    is       => 'ro'
    isa      => Bool,
has _type  => (
    init_arg => 'type',
    is       => 'ro'
    isa      => Str,
    default  => 'text/html',
has _cust => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => sub{ 42 },


This module is just like regular Moo, except it also imports strictures and namespace::clean, along with a couple of standard types modules. In addition, it sweetens the Moo's has subroutine to allow for more concise attribute declarations.


Virtually all of the functionality is described in Moo.


use Mew;

Automatically imports the following modules: Moo, strictures, Types::Standard, Types::Common::Numeric, and namespace::clean. NOTE: in particular the last one. It'll scrub your namespace, thus if you're using things like experimental, you should declare them after you use Mew.


Call it like if it were Moo

has _cust => ( is => 'ro' );

First, you can call has just like you'd call "has" in Moo and it'll work exactly as it used to. The sugar won't be enabled in that case.

Specify isa type to get sugar

has _cust => Str;
has _cust => Str, ( default => "foo" ); # Note: can't use "=>" after Str

To get the sugar, you need to specify one of the imported types from either Types::Standard or Types::Common::Numeric as the second argument. Once that is done, Mew will add some default settings, which are:

1) Set `isa` to the type you gave
2) Set `is` to 'ro'
3) Set `require` to 1
4) Set `init_arg` to the name of the attribute, removing
    the leading underscore, if it's present

Thus, has _cust => Str; is equivalent to

use Types::Standard qw/Str/;
has _cust => (
    init_arg => 'cust',
    is       => 'ro'
    isa      => Str,
    required => 1,

IMPORTANT NOTE: because Perl's fat comma (=>) quotes the argument on the left side, using it after the type won't work:

has _cust => Str => ( default => "BROKEN" ); # WRONG!!!!
has _cust => Str, ( default => "WORKS" ); # Correct!
has _cust => ( Str, default => "WORKS" ); # This is fine too

Modify the sugar

It's possible to alter the defaults created by Mew:

Remove required

has -_cust => Str;

Simply prefix the attribute's name with a minus sign to avoid setting required => 1.

Modify other options

has  _cust => Str, ( init arg => "bar" );
has -_cust => Str, ( is => "lazy" );

You can explicitly provide values for options set by Mew, in which case the values you provide will be used instead of the defaults.


Moo, Type::Tiny


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To report bugs or request features, please use

If you can't access GitHub, you can email your request to bug-Mew at


Part of the code was borrowed from Moo's innards. ew module is an almost-verbatim copy of oo module. Props to Altreus for coming up with the name for the module.

The rest is:



You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.