In the class interface, you will not use this class.
In the object interface, this class provides the interface into the API.
You can construct this class by passing in either a "WebService::Braintree::Configuration" in config object or the parameters necessary to build a "WebService::Braintree::Configuration" in config object.
This ojbect provides the following methods. These methods are used to retrieve the object that will give access to different elements of the Braintree API.
For additional documentation of how to use these objects, please refer to the object's documentation. For general documentation, please refer to the main documentation of WebService::Braintree.
"WebService::Braintree::AddOnGateway" in add_on
List all plan add-ons.
"WebService::Braintree::AddressGateway" in address
Create, update, delete, and find addresses.
"WebService::Braintree::ApplePayGateway" in apply_pay
List, register, and unregister ApplePay domains.
"WebService::Braintree::ClientTokenGateway" in client_token
Generate client tokens. These are used for client-side SDKs to take actions.
"WebService::Braintree::CreditCardGateway" in credit_card
Create, update, delete, and find credit cards.
"WebService::Braintree::CreditCardVerificationGateway" in credit_card_verification
Find and list credit card verifications.
"WebService::Braintree::CustomerGateway" in customer
Create, update, delete, and find customers.
"WebService::Braintree::DiscountGateway" in discount
List all plan discounts.
"WebService::Braintree::DisputeGateway" in dispute
Accept, and find disputes.
"WebService::Braintree::DocumentUploadGateway" in document_upload
Manage document uploads.
"WebService::Braintree::EuropeBankAccountGateway" in europe_bank_account
Find Europe Bank Accounts.
"WebService::Braintree::IdealPaymentGateway" in ideal_payment
Find IdealPayment payment methods.
"WebService::Braintree::MerchantGateway" in merchant
Provision merchants from "raw ApplePay".
"WebService::Braintree::MerchantAccountGateway" in merchant_account
Create, update, and find merchant accounts.
"WebService::Braintree::PaymentMethodGateway" in payment_method
Create, update, delete, and find payment methods.
"WebService::Braintree::PaymentMethodNonceGateway" in payment_method_nonce
Create, update, delete, and find payment method nonces.
"WebService::Braintree::PayPalAccountGateway" in paypal_account
Find and update PayPal accounts.
"WebService::Braintree::PlanGateway" in plan
List all subscription plans.
"WebService::Braintree::SettlementBatchSummaryGateway" in settlement_batch_summary
Generate settlement batch summaries.
"WebService::Braintree::SubscriptionGateway" in subscription
Create, update, cancel, find, and handle charges for subscriptions.
"WebService::Braintree::TransactionGateway" in transaction
Create, manage, and search for transactions. This is the workhorse class and it has many methods.
"WebService::Braintree::TransactionLineItemGateway" in transaction_line_item
Find all the transaction line-items.
"WebService::Braintree::TransparentRedirectGateway" in transparent_redirect
Manage the transparent redirection of ????.
NOTE: This class needs significant help in documentation.
"WebService::Braintree::UsBankAccountGateway" in us_bank_account
Find US Bank Accounts.
"WebService::Braintree::WebhookNotificationGateway" in webhook_notification
Manage the webhook notiifcations.
NOTE: This class needs significant help in documentation.
"WebService::Braintree::WebhookTestingGateway" in webhook_testing
Manage the webhook testing.
NOTE: This class needs significant help in documentation.