Elive::StandardV2::Presentation - Presentation entity class


This class can be used to upload presentation content, including Elluminate Live! plan files (*.elpx etc) and whiteboard content *.wbd etc).



Uploads content and creates a new presentation resource. You can either upload a file, or upload binary data for the presentation.

   # 1. upload a local file
    my $multimedia = Elive::StandardV2::Presentation->insert('c:\\Documents\intro.wbd');

    # 2. stream it ourselves
    open (my $fh, '<', $presentation_path)
        or die "unable to open $presentation_path: $!";

    my $content = do {local $/ = undef; <$fh>};
    die "no presentation data: $presentation_path"
        unless ($content);

    my $presentation = Elive::StandardV2::Presentation->insert(
                    filename => 'myplan.elpx',
                    creatorId =>  'bob',
                    content => $content,


my $session_presentations = Elive::StandardV2::Presentation->list(
                               filter => {sessionId => $my_session}

Lists sessions. You will need to provide a filter that contains at least one of: creatorId, presentationId, description or sessionId.