

elive_raise_meeting [url] [options] [participants]

Authentication Options

[url]                        # web address and site instance path,
                             # E.g.: 
-user someAdminUser          # SDK/SOAP username
-pass somePass               # SDK/SOAP password

Basic Options

-facilitator  userId
-name         'meeting name'
-meeting_pass otherpass      # meeting password
-start  '[YYYY-MM-DD ]HH:MM' # start time
-end    '[YYYY-MM-DD ]HH:MM' # end time
-occurs {days|weeks}=n       # repeat over n days/weeks (elm2)

Moderators and Participants

-moderators user|*group|guest-name(guest-id) ...
-participants user|*group|guest-name(guest-id) ...

Where each participant or moderator can be:

   'user'        - a single Elluminate user. This can be either the
                   user's username or user-id.

   '*group'      - a group of users. This can be either the group-name
                   or group-id.

   'Display Name(loginName)'
                 - a guest login.

Meeting Setup Options

-boundary     0|15|30|..     # minutes participants can arrive before or
                             # leave after the scheduled meeting times.
-max_talkers  n              # max no. of simultaneous talkers
-max_cameras  n              # max no. of simultaneous cameras (elm3)
-profile_display      none|mod|all       # profiles to display (elm3)
                             # none, mod (moderators only), or all
-recording_status     off|on|manual      # set recording status
                             #  - off:    recording disabled
                             #  - on:     starts automatically
                             #  - manual: recording started by moderator
-recording_resolution cg|cc|mg|mc|fg|fc  # recording resolution (elm3)
                             #  - cg:course gray, cc:course color,
                             #  - mg:medium gray, mc:medium color,
                             #  - fg:fine gray,   fc:fine color
-seats        count          # number of seats to reserve on server
-[no]invites                 # allow in-session invitations
-[no]follow                  # lock whiteboard to moderator view (elm3)
-[no]private                 # hide from public schedule
-[no]restricted              # restrict entry to registered users (elm3)
-[no]permissions             # let participants perform activities
-[no]raise_hands             # automatically raise hands on entry
-[no]supervised              # moderator can see private messages

-user_notes      'some text'
-moderator_notes 'some text'
-cost_center     'code'
-exit_url=  # URL to visit on meeting exit (elm3)

Preload Options

-upload              local_file     # upload a local file
-import_from_server  remote_file    # import a server side file
-add_preload         preload_id,... # associate with existing preloads

Compatibility Options

-use elm2                  # ELM 2.x compat (via Elive::View::Session)
-use elm3                  # ELM 3.x compat (via Elive::Entity::Session)
-use Some::Custom::Class   # create session via a custom session class


-? --help                  # print this help
-v --version               # print version and exit
--debug=n                  # set debug level


Creates a meeting (session) on an Elluminate Live! server


perldoc Elive