Elive::Entity::Group - Elluminate Group entity instance class


These are used to maintain user groups for general use. In particular, for group selection of meeting participants.

The members property contains the group members as an array of user IDs.

If the a site is configured for LDAP, groups are mapped to LDAP groups. Group access becomes read-only. The affected methods are: insert, update, and delete.



    # insert from an array of User Ids. Elements may be integers, strings
    # and/or user objects.
    my $alice = Elive::Entity::User->get_by_loginName('alice');
    my $bob = Elive::Entity::User->get_by_loginName('bob');

    my $group = Elive::Entity::Group->insert({
	name => 'Elluminati',
        # following are all ok
	members => [111111, '222222', $alice->userId, $bob ],

    # insert from a comma separated string of user IDs
    my $group = Elive::Entity::Group->insert({
	name => 'Elluminati',
	members => '111111,222222,333333',

Inserts a new group from data.


$group->update({members => [111111,'222222', $alice->userId, $bob]});
$group->update({members => '111111,222222,333333'});