Bio::CIPRES - interface to the CIPRES REST API


use Bio::CIPRES;

my $ua = Bio::CIPRES->new(
    user    => $username,
    pass    => $password,
    app_id  => $id,
    timeout => 60,

my $job = $ua->submit_job( %job_params );

while (! $job->is_finished) {
    sleep $job->poll_interval;

print STDOUT $job->stdout;
print STDERR $job->stderr;

if ($job->exit_code == 0) {

    for my $file ($job->outputs) {
        $file->download( out => $file->name );



Bio::CIPRES is an interface to the CIPRES REST API for running phylogenetic analyses. Currently it provides general classes and methods for job submission and handling - determination of the correct parameters to submit is up to the user (check "SEE ALSO" for links to tool documentation).


my $ua = Bio::CIPRES->new(
    user    => $username,
    pass    => $password,
    app_id  => $id,
    timeout => 60,

# or read configuration from file

my $ua = Bio::CIPRES->new(
    conf => "$ENV{HOME}/.cipres"

Create a new Bio::CIPRES object. There are a number of required and optional parameters which can be specified in the constructor or read from a configuration file. The configuration file should contain key=value pairs, one pair per line, as in:


Required parameters (no defaults):

  • user - the username of your registered CIPRES REST account

  • pass - the password of your registered CIPRES REST account

The passphrase must be stored in plaintext, so the usual precautions apply (e.g. the file should not be world-readable). If possible, find another way to retrieve the passphrase within your code and pass it in directly as a method argument.

Optional parameters (must be defined but defaults are provided):

  • app_id - override the application ID assigned to Bio::CIPRES

  • url - override the default base REST url (don't change this unless you know what you're doing).

  • timeout - set the network timeout for HTTP requests

UMBRELLA parameters:

These parameters are only for use with UMBRELLA applications (you will need you register your own UMBRELLA application to use this functionality). They are not needed for non-UMBRELLA applications, but if eu is defined then UMBRELLA is assumed and eu_email and app_name must be defined as well.

  • eu - end user name

  • eu_email - end user email address

  • app_name - UMBRELLA application name as registered with CIPRES

  • eu_institution - end user institution (currently optional)

  • eu_country - end user two-letter country code (currently optional)

my $job = $ua->submit_job( %params );

Submit a new job to the CIPRES service. Params are set based on the tool documentation (not covered here). Returns a Bio::CIPRES::Job object.

Most params are passed as simple key => value pairs of strings based on the CIPRES tool documentation. One important nuance, however, is in the handling of input files. If the contents of a input file are to be passed in as a scalar, they should be provided directly as the scalar value to the appropriate key:

my $job = $ua->submit_job( 'input.infile_' => $in_contents );

However, if the input file is to be uploaded by filename, it should be passed as an array reference:

my $job = $ua->submit_job( 'input.infile_' => [$in_filename] );

Failure to understand the difference will result in errors either during job submission or during the job run.

for my $job ( $ua->list_jobs ) {
    # do something

Returns an array of Bio::CIPRES::Job objects representing jobs in the user's workspace.

my $job = $ua->get_job( $job_handle );

Takes a single argument (string containing the job handle/ID) and returns a Bio::CIPRES::Job object representing the appropriate job, or undef if not found.


The distribution can be installed and tested in the usual ways. Note however, that running the full test suite requires CIPRES REST credentials (not shipped with package for obvious reasons). If a credentials file is found at "$ENV{HOME}/.cipres", the full test suite will be run -- otherwise only rudimentary tests will be run and most will be skipped.


This is code is in alpha testing stage and the API is not guaranteed to be stable.

Currently the use of UMBRELLA authentication is not implemented.

Please report bugs to the author.



Jeremy Volkening <>


Copyright 2016 Jeremy Volkening

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.