IO::EPP - Object and procedure interface of the client-side for work with EPP API of registries and some resellers
use IO::EPP;
print "IO::EPP version is $IO::EPP::VERSION\n";
IO::EPP is a very light and fast interface of the access to EPP API from the client's side with minimum dependences. It is independent of libxml and other heavy libraries.
It works over IO::Socket::SSL without additional modules and demands only Digest::MD5 for generation of unique ID and Time::HiRes for the purpose of logging. LWP is necessary for two registries and one reseller (TCI/RIPN, Taeping и HosterKZ), because EPP of these providers works over HTTPS.
In test mode IO::EPP can emulate the job of some registries. Now the emulation of Verisign Core and CentralNic servers is supported at the level of 99% of answers. The test environment for IO::EPP::Base uses the emulation of CentralNic without extensions.
The main difference of the emulation from a registry is that all the data are into the process which makes requests. That's why when the process comes to the end all the data will be lost. If you want to save the data between queries you need to replace the functions in the module IO::EPP::Test::Server.
The library IO::EPP has two ways of working - procedural or object one. The procedural method works over the object one and when called returns the object of connection.
The authorization occurs when an object is created.
Logout is called automatically from the object destructor.
The basic module is IO::EPP::Base. It supports all the functions of EPP RFC and the extension DNSSEC. But since many registries and resellers use a large number of their own extensions the special modules that work over IO::EPP::Base are wrote for them.
The description of definite functions see in IO::EPP::Base.
The special parameters for every provider should be seen in relevant modules.
Full examples of working with every function of packages see in the tests t/Base.t and t/VerisignCore.t.
For now there are the modules for such providers:
- IO::EPP::Base
The universal module for working with EPP API and the basic class for other modules.
- IO::EPP::Verisign
Registry for gtlds (Core Server), cctlds and new gtlds (NameStore Server)
- IO::EPP::Afilias
.org, .ngo, .org, .орг, .संगठन, .机构 –
Registry for gltds and cctlds
- IO::EPP::CNic
Registry for 3lvl.cctlds and new gtlds
- IO::EPP::RRPProxy
Reseller, belongs to the CentralNic Group
Registry for cctlds and some new gtlds
The module for working with TCI tlds over normal EPP
Registry for .tatar, .дети
The module for working with TCI tlds over HTTPS, needs LWP
Registry for .ru, .su, .рф
- IO::EPP::Taeping
Registry for, org. tlds
This module works over HTTPS, needs LWP
- IO::EPP::Flexireg
Registry for .moscow, .москва, and tlds
- IO::EPP::CoreNic
Registry for new gtlds
- IO::EPP::DrsUa
Registry for,, and reseller for other .ua tlds
Reseller, a division of BRS Media Inc.
- IO::EPP::HosterKZ
Reseller for .kz, .қаз tlds
This module works over HTTPS, needs LWP.
The links on documentation of EPP for each provider are in relevant modules.
The list of emulation modules:
- IO::EPP::Test::Base
The module of emulation of server with standard EPP API, mostly repeats the behavior of CentralNic server.
- IO::EPP::Test::CNic
The module of emulation of CentralNic server.
- IO::EPP::Test::VerisignCore
The module of emulation of Verisign Core Server. The real test Verisign server does not support the redemption of domains. The redemption of domains works in this module, but without checking of parametres.
For working with emulation of registries it is necessary to set the parameter test_mode = 1
. Error codes and messages have been checked on production server.
The modules of emulation of other registries are still in construction.
It is more convenient for cases when it is necessary to keep the connection with the registry.
An example of registration of a new nameserver
use IO::EPP::CNic;
use Data::Dumper;
# Parameters for IO::Socket::SSL
my %sock_params = (
PeerHost => '',
PeerPort => 700,
SSL_key_file => 'ssl_key_file.pem',
SSL_cert_file => 'ssl_cert_file.pem',
Timeout => 30,
debug => 1,
# Login parameters
my %params = (
user => 'H1234567',
pass => 'XXXXXXXX',
sock_params => \%sock_params,
test_mode => 0, # real connect
no_log => 1, # without logger
my $conn = IO::EPP::CNic->new( \%params ); # create object, get greeting and call login()
my ( $answer, $code, $msg ) = $conn->get_ns_info( ns => '' );
if ( $code == 2303 ) {
# $msg eq 'The host '' does not exist'
( $answer, $code, $msg ) = $conn->create_ns( { ns => '', ips => ['', 'fe80::1'] } );
if ( $code == 1000 ) {
print "ns created\n";
else {
print "error: $msg\n";
elsif ( $code == 1000 ) {
print " allready exist: " . Dumper $answer;
else {
print "error getting ns info: $msg\n";
undef $conn; # call logout() and DESTROY()
This method of working is more suitable for single requests.
An example of cheking of two domains access
use Data::Dumper;
use IO::EPP::Verisign;
use Config;
# common function for setting the connection parametres
sub make_request {
my ( $action, $params ) = @_;
if ( !$params->{tld} && $params->{dname} ) {
( $params->{tld} ) = $params->{dname} =~ /\.([^.]+)$/;
unless ( $params->{tld} ) {
my $msg = 'Not found tld';
return ( { code => 0, msg => "code: 0\nmsg: $msg" }, $msg, 0 );
unless ( $params->{conn} ) {
# need create new connection
state $config = Config::get('Providers.Verisign');
# Parameters for IO::Socket::SSL
my %sock_params = (
PeerPort => $config->{port},
Proto => 'tcp',
SSL_key_file => $config->{ssl_key_file},
SSL_cert_file => $config->{ssl_cert_file},
# SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, -- for this parameter need use IO::Socket::SSL
Timeout => 30,
debug => 1,
if ( $params->{tld} =~ /^(com|net|edu)$/ ) {
$params->{server} = 'Core';
$params->{user} = $config->{core_username};
$params->{pass} = $config->{core_password};
$sock_params{PeerHost} = $config->{core_url}; #
elsif ( $params->{tld} eq 'name' ) {
# For .name need set special epp extensions
# earlier this tld was located on the dedicated server
$params->{server} = 'DotName';
$params->{user} = $config->{name_username};
$params->{pass} = $config->{name_password};
$sock_params{PeerHost} = $config->{name_url}; #
else {
# .tv, .cc, .jobs and other tlds
$params->{server} = 'NameStore';
$params->{user} = $config->{name_username};
$params->{pass} = $config->{name_password};
$sock_params{PeerHost} = $config->{name_url}; #
$params->{sock_params} = \%sock_params;
$params->{test_mode} = 0;
# By default the logging is directed into STDOUT, but this can be changed
# $params->{no_logs} = 1; -- work without logs
# $params->{log_fn} = sub { print "\nverisign logger:\n$_[0]\n" }; -- use manual logger
$params->{log_name} = '/var/log/comm_epp_verisign.log'; # use this file for output
return IO::EPP::Verisign::make_request( $action, $params );
my ( $answer, $msg ) = make_request( 'check_domains', { tld => 'com', domains => [ '', '' ] } );
print Dumper $answer;
As a result in STDOUT will be output:
$VAR1 = {
'msg' => 'Command completed successfully',
'' => {
'avail' => '1'
'' => {
'reason' => 'Domain exists',
'avail' => '0'
'code' => '1000'
Vadim Likhota <>, some edits were made by Andrey Voyshko, Victor Efimov
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Version # 1 will be assigned to the library when the emulations of all registries and the tests for them will be written.
The additions for working with other registries and resellers are welcome.