Gantry::Utils::FormErrors - A CRUD form validation error object


A typical example:

use Gantry::Plugins::CRUD;
use Gantry::Utils::FormErrors;

my $crud_obj = Gantry::Plugins::CRUD->new(
    validator => \&my_validator,

sub my_validator {
    my $opts   = shift;
    my $params = $opts->{ params };
    my $form   = $opts->{ form   };

    my %missing;
    my @errors;

    if ( not $params->{ password } ) {
        $missing{ password }++;
    if ( $params->{ password } =~ /$params->{ user_name } ) {
        push @errors, 'Password cannot contain user name';
    # ... other similar tests

    my $error_text = join "\n<br /><b>Error:</b> ", @errors;

    $form->{ error_text } = $error_text;

    return Gantry::Utils::FormErrors->new(
            missing    => \%missing,

The rest is handled by the CRUD plugin and the default template (


This module provides objects which respond to the same API as Data::FormValidator::Results (or at least the parts of that API which Gantry normally uses).

Use this module in your Gantry::Plugins::CRUD validator callback.



Constructor, expects a hash reference with the following keys (all are optional):

missing    - a hash reference keyed by missing field names
invalid    - a hash reference keyed by invalid field names

Returns 1 if there are any keys in the missing hash.


Same as has_missing, except that it checks the invalid hash.


If called without arguments, returns number of missing fields. If call with the name of a field, returns 1 if that field is a key in the missing hash and 0 otherwise.


Same as missing, but checks the invalid hash.


Returns the hash reference of missing fields. Keys are field names values are usually 1 (but they must be true).

This is useful if two validation routines are cooperating to form the final lists.


Returns the hash reference of invalid fields. Keys are field names values are usually 1 (but they must be true).

This is useful if two validation routines are cooperating to form the final lists.


Phil Crow, <<gt>


Copyright (C) 2006 Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.