Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl - Write aesthetic forces in perl


package Something;
use base qw(Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl);

# If you need a private constructor, don't forget to chain it
# sub new {
#     my $force = shift->SUPER::new;
#     # do something, maybe with $force->_private_data
#     return $force;
# }

sub setup {
    my ($force, $aglo) = @_;
    # Do any needed preparations
    return $closure;

sub gradient {
    my ($force, $aglo, $gradient, $closure) = @_;
    # Calculate forces into $gradient

sub cleanup {
    my ($force, $aglo, $closure) = @_;
    # Maybe need some cleanup on $closure

# If you need a DESTROY, don't forget to chain it
# sub DESTROY {
#     my $force = shift;
#     # do something, maybe with $force->_private_data
#     $force->SUPER::DESTROY;
# }

# Override name if you don't like the default
# sub name {
#    return "Something";
# }

# Typically you then provide one instance of your force and register it


Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl is a baseclass for writing perl based aesthetic forces. This can be as simple as just providing a gradient method.


This code duplicates what Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::MinEdgeLength does (minimize edge lengths), but in pure perl.

package Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Mel;
use warnings;
use strict;

use base qw(Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl);

sub gradient {
    my (undef, $state, $gradient) = @_;
    my @delta;

    my @coordinates = $state->all_coordinates;
    my $max_d = $state->nr_dimensions()-1;

    for ($state->topology->edges) {
        my $from = $coordinates[$_->[0]];
        my $to   = $coordinates[$_->[1]];
        my $dist = 0;
        $dist += ($delta[$_] = $to->[$_]-$from->[$_])**2 for 0..$max_d;
        $dist = sqrt($dist);
        next if $dist < 1e-8;

        $from = $gradient->[$_->[0]];
        $to   = $gradient->[$_->[1]];
        for(0..$max_d) {
            $from->[$_] += $delta[$_] *= $dist;
            $to->[$_]   -= $delta[$_];



Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl inherits from Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force, so all methods of that class are available. As extension writer you will probably be most interested in register and _private_data.

The methods explained here aren't normally directly called by the user or even the programmer of the force, but implicitely by using the Graph::Layout::Aesthetic package. They are documented here so the implementer of a force class (who can override the defaults) can see when and with which arguments his methods get called

$force = Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl->new

This is the default constructor provided by Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl. It is returns a perl wrapper around a C-structure (which is what a Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force object must be). So if you want to write your own constructor, you'll still need to call this internally, and then you can use _private_data to associate extra state with the force.

$closure = $force->setup($state)

This method gets called when a force gets associated with a layout state (it corresponds to aesth_setup in Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force). It is supposed to return some scalar that will then later be passed again to any corresponding gradient and cleanup method calls. So the $closure value can be used to associate state with a force/state pair.

The default provided by Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl does nothing and simply returns undef.

@gradient = $force->gradient($state, $gradient, $closure)

This method gets called whenever a preferred gradient for a force is needed while laying out a graph (it corresponds to aesth_gradient in Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force). It gets passed a starting $gradient, which is an array reference with an element for each vertex. Each element in turn is an array reference to coordinate forces. All of these have already been initialized to zero at the start of the method call. The method is now responsible for filling in these values. The direction of the force should be a direction in which an infinitesimal step will improve the target aesthetic, and the size should correspond with how fast it improves in that direction.

There is no default gradient method, you must provide one yourself in your subclass.

$force->cleanup($state, $closure)

This method gets called when $force gets disassociated from $state (it corresponds to aesth_cleanup in Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force). A typical use would be to clean up things implied by $closure.

Since perl has its own garbage collection and you can already associate methods with data going away, quite often you don't want to do anything here. Which is exactly what the default cleanup method does: nothing.


Actually Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force::Perl (currently) has no DESTROY method, but inherits the one from Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force. That one however must be called if in the end the $force object was constructed with the local new method. So if you override DESTROY in your subclass, you need to chain to that one (simply using $force->SUPER::DESTROY should be good enough).




Graph::Layout::Aesthetic, Graph::Layout::Aesthetic::Force


Ton Hospel, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Ton Hospel

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.