
Mozilla::DOM::WebNavigation is a wrapper around an instance of Mozilla's nsIWebNavigation interface. This class inherits from Supports.

Note: the nsIWebNavigation interface isn't marked FROZEN in Gecko, so it can change.

You can get this object by QueryInterfacing WebBrowser:

$iid = Mozilla::DOM::WebNavigation->GetIID;
$navigation = $browser->QueryInterface($iid);

XXX: The following methods are unfortunately not wrapped yet: LoadURI, GetSessionHistory, SetSessionHistory. I'd especially like to have LoadURI, but I don't know how to do nsIInputStream for its last two arguments.


$iid = Mozilla::DOM::WebNavigation->GetIID()

Pass this to QueryInterface.


$bool = $webnavigation->GetCanGoBack()

    * Indicates if the object can go back.  If true this indicates that
    * there is back session history available for navigation.

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:


$bool = $webnavigation->GetCanGoForward()

    * Indicates if the object can go forward.  If true this indicates that
    * there is forward session history available for navigation

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:


$currenturi = $webnavigation->GetCurrentURI()

    * The currently loaded URI or null.

    Note: I think this is the same as


    in Gtk2::MozEmbed.

$document = $webnavigation->GetDocument()

    * Retrieves the current DOM document for the frame, or lazily creates a
    * blank document if there is none. This attribute never returns null except
    * for unexpected error situations.

    Note: this document is also available by doing

    my $browser = $embed->get_nsIWebBrowser;
    my $window = $browser->GetContentDOMWindow;
    my $doc = $window->GetDocument;

$referringuri = $webnavigation->GetReferringURI()

    * The referring URI.


    * Tells the object to navigate to the previous session history item.  When
    * a page is loaded from session history, all content is loaded from the
    * cache (if available) and page state (such as form values, scroll position)
    * is restored.
    * @return NS_OK               - Backward navigation was successful.
    *         NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED - This call was unexpected at this time.  Most
    *                               likely you can't go back right now.

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:



    * Tells the object to navigate to the next Forward session history item.
    * When a page is loaded from session history, all content is loaded from
    * the cache (if available) and page state (such as form values, scroll
    * position) is restored.
    * @return NS_OK               - Forward was successful.
    *         NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED - This call was unexpected at this time.  Most
    *                               likely you can't go forward right now.

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:



    • $index (integer (long))

    * Tells the object to navigate to the session history item at index.
    * @return NS_OK -               GotoIndex was successful.
    *         NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED - This call was unexpected at this time.  Most
    *                               likely you can't goto that index


    • $reloadFlags (integer (long))

    * Tells the Object to reload the current page.
    * @param reloadFlags - Flags modifying reload behaviour. Generally you will
    *                      pass LOAD_FLAGS_NONE for this parameter.

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:


    (See also the section "flags Gtk2::MozEmbed::Reload" in `perldoc Gtk2::MozEmbed::main`.)


    • $stopFlags (integer (long))

    * Stops a load of a URI.
    * @param stopFlags - Flags indicating the stop behavior.

    Note: this method is available in Gtk2::MozEmbed:





Copyright (C) 2005, Scott Lanning

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Mozilla::DOM for a full notice.