Mozilla::DOM::URI is a wrapper around an instance of Mozilla's nsIURI interface. This class inherits from Supports.
* nsIURI - interface for an uniform resource identifier w/ i18n support.
* AUTF8String attributes may contain unescaped UTF-8 characters.
* Consumers should be careful to escape the UTF-8 strings as necessary, but
* should always try to "display" the UTF-8 version as provided by this
* interface.
* AUTF8String attributes may also contain escaped characters.
* Unescaping URI segments is unadvised unless there is intimate
* knowledge of the underlying charset or there is no plan to display (or
* otherwise enforce a charset on) the resulting URI substring.
* @status FROZEN
* URIs are essentially structured names for things -- anything. This interface
* provides accessors to set and query the most basic components of an URI.
* Subclasses, including nsIURL, impose greater structure on the URI.
* This interface follows Tim Berners-Lee's URI spec (RFC2396) [1], where the
* basic URI components are defined as such:
* ftp://username:password@hostname:portnumber/pathname
* \ / \ / \ / \ /\ /
* - --------------- ------ -------- -------
* | | | | |
* | | | | Path
* | | | Port
* | | Host /
* | UserPass /
* Scheme /
* \ /
* --------------------------------
* |
* PrePath
* The definition of the URI components has been extended to allow for
* internationalized domain names [2] and the more generic IRI structure [3].
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
$iid = Mozilla::DOM::URI->GetIID()
Pass this to QueryInterface.
$retval = $uri->Clone()
* Clones the current URI. For some protocols, this is more than just an
* optimization. For example, under MacOS, the spec of a file URL does not
* necessarily uniquely identify a file since two volumes could share the
* same name.
$bool = $uri->Equals($other)
$other (Mozilla::DOM::URI)
* URI equivalence test (not a strict string comparison).
* eg. ==
$asciihost = $uri->GetAsciiHost()
* The URI host with an ASCII compatible encoding. Follows the IDNA
* draft spec for converting internationalized domain names (UTF-8) to
* ASCII for compatibility with existing internet infrasture.
$asciispec = $uri->GetAsciiSpec()
* The URI spec with an ASCII compatible encoding. Host portion follows
* the IDNA draft spec. Other parts are URL-escaped per the rules of
* RFC2396. The result is strictly ASCII.
$host = $uri->GetHost()
* The host is the internet domain name to which this URI refers. It could
* be an IPv4 (or IPv6) address literal. If supported, it could be a
* non-ASCII internationalized domain name.
* Characters are NOT escaped.
$hostport = $uri->GetHostPort()
* The host:port (or simply the host, if port == -1).
* Characters are NOT escaped.
$origincharset = $uri->GetOriginCharset()
* The charset of the document from which this URI originated. An empty
* value implies UTF-8.
* If this value is something other than UTF-8 then the URI components
* (e.g., spec, prePath, username, etc.) will all be fully URL-escaped.
* Otherwise, the URI components may contain unescaped multibyte UTF-8
* characters.
$password = $uri->GetPassword()
See GetUserName.
$path = $uri->GetPath()
* The path, typically including at least a leading '/' (but may also be
* empty, depending on the protocol).
* Some characters may be escaped.
$port = $uri->GetPort()
* A port value of -1 corresponds to the protocol's default port (eg. -1
* implies port 80 for http URIs).
$prepath = $uri->GetPrePath()
* The prePath (eg. scheme://user:password@host:port) returns the string
* before the path. This is useful for authentication or managing sessions.
* Some characters may be escaped.
$scheme = $uri->GetScheme()
* The Scheme is the protocol to which this URI refers. The scheme is
* restricted to the US-ASCII charset per RFC2396.
$spec = $uri->GetSpec()
* Returns a string representation of the URI. Setting the spec causes
* the new spec to be parsed, initializing the URI.
* Some characters may be escaped.
$userpass = $uri->GetUserPass()
* The username:password (or username only if value doesn't contain a ':')
* Some characters may be escaped.
$username = $uri->GetUsername()
* The optional username and password, assuming the preHost consists of
* username:password.
* Some characters may be escaped.
$retval = $uri->Resolve($relativepath)
$relativePath (string)
* This method resolves a relative string into an absolute URI string,
* using this URI as the base.
* NOTE: some implementations may have no concept of a relative URI.
$bool = $uri->SchemeIs($scheme)
$scheme (string)
* An optimization to do scheme checks without requiring the users of nsIURI
* to GetScheme, thereby saving extra allocating and freeing. Returns true if
* the schemes match (case ignored).
$aHost (string)
See GetHost.
$aHostPort (string)
See GetHostPort.
$aPassword (string)
See GetUserName.
$aPath (string)
See GetPath.
$aPort (integer (long))
See GetPort.
$aScheme (string)
See GetScheme.
$aSpec (string)
See GetSpec.
$aUserPass (string)
See GetUserPass.
$aUsername (string)
See GetUserName.
Copyright (C) 2005, Scott Lanning
This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Mozilla::DOM for a full notice.