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NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Xfer - parse NcFTPd xfer logs


use NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Xfer;
$parser = NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Xfer->new('xfer.20100101');

while($line = $parser->next) {
  if($line->{operation} eq 'S') {
    print 'Upload';
    # ...

# Check for an error, otherwise it was EOF
if($parser->error) {
  die 'Parsing failed: ' . $parser->error;


This class is part of the NcFTPd::Log::Parse package. Refer to its documentation for a detailed overview of how this and the other parsers work.

Only NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Xfer specific features are described here.


Parsed Xfer log entries are returned as hash references whose keys are dependent on the entry's operation. Operations are described below.

Logs created by older versions of NcFTPd may contain less fields than listed here. In these cases the missing field(s) will have a value of undef.

Only the non-obvious fields are described.


chmod entries have an operation code of C

  • time

    Date & time the entry occured

  • process

    NcFTPd process ID

  • operation

    Operation code for the type of activity this entry represents, set to C

  • pathname

  • mode

    Unix style permissions set on pathname by this operation

  • reserved1

    NcFTPd reserved field (empty string)

  • reserved2

    NcFTPd reserved field (empty string)

  • user

  • email

    Anonymous user's password, NcFTPd refers to this as email

  • host

  • session_id


delete entries have an operation code of D

  • time

    Date & time the entry occured

  • process

    NcFTPd process ID

  • operation

    Operation code for the type of activity this entry represents, set to D

  • pathname

  • reserved1

    NcFTPd reserved field (empty string)

  • reserved2

    NcFTPd reserved field (empty string)

  • reserved3

    NcFTPd reserved field (empty string)

  • user

  • email

    Anonymous user's password, NcFTPd refers to this as email

  • host

  • session_id

link entries have an operation code of L

  • time

    Date & time the entry occured

  • process

    NcFTPd process ID

  • operation

    Operation code for the type of activity this entry represents, set to L

  • source

    Path of the file used to create the link

  • reserved1

    NcFTPd reserved field, always set to to

  • destination

    Path of the link

  • reserved2

  • user

  • email

    Anonymous user's password, NcFTPd refers to this as email

  • host

  • session_id


Directory listing entries have an operation code of T

  • time

    Date & time the entry occured

  • process

    NcFTPd process ID

  • operation

    Operation code for the type of activity this entry represents, set to T

  • pathname

  • status

    Set to one of the following:


  • pattern

  • recursion

    Set to RECURSIVE if this was a recursive listing, an empty string otherwise

  • user

  • email

    Anonymous user's password, NcFTPd refers to this as email

  • host

  • session_id


Mkdir entries have an operation code of M. The fields are the same as the delete operation's.


Rename entries have an operation code of N. The fields are the same as the link operation's.


Retrieve entries (downloads) have an operation code of R. The fields are the same as the store operation's.


Store entries (uploads) have an operation code of S

  • time

    Date & time the entry occured

  • process

    NcFTPd process ID

  • operation

    Operation code for the type of activity this entry represents, set to S

  • pathname

  • size

    The number of bytes transfered

  • durtaion

    Length of the operation in seconds

  • rate

    Kbps transfer rate

  • user

  • email

    Anonymous user's password, NcFTPd refers to this as email

  • host

  • suffix

    NcFTPd can create archives on the fly. If one was created, this field contains the archive's extention.

  • status

    Set to one of the following:


    See the NcFTPd docs for more info:

  • type

    Binary or ASCII transfer, A or I

  • notes

    A string of codes providing additional details about the operation. The field can be expanded into something descriptive.

  • start_of_transfer

    Unix timestamp denoting the start of the transfer

  • session_id

  • starting_size

    Size of the file when the transfer started, -1 if unknown

  • starting_offset

    File offset where the transfer began, -1 if unknown


See NcFTPd::Log::Parse for the full documentation.


Create a parser capable of parsing the specified xfer log:

$parser = NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Xfer->new($file, %options)


A parser capable of parsing the specified xfer log.



  • expand => 1|0

  • expand => [ 'field1', 'field2', ... ]

    Currently only the operation and notes fields can be expanded. 1 will expand all fields 0, the default, will not expand any.

    An entry's operation field is a single character denoting type of log entry (see "XFER LOG ENTRIES"). Use expand to replace this with a meaningful one word description:

    # Without expand
    print "Op: $entry->{operation}"
    Op: T
    # With expand
    print "Op: $entry->{operation}"
    Op: listing

    An entry's notes field can contain a string of multiple character codes. These codes can provide additional details about the operation. Use expand to replace this string of codes with an array reference of meaningfull descriptions:

    # Without expand
    print "Notes: $entry->{notes}"
    Notes: SfPs
    # With expand
    print 'Notes: ', join(', ', @{$entry->{notes}})
    Notes: Used sendfile, PASV connection
  • filter => sub { ... }

    See filter's documentation under "new" in NcFTPd::Log::Parse


If a parser cannot be created an error will be raised.


NcFTPd::Log::Parse, NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Session, NcFTPd::Log::Parse::Misc and the NcFTPd log file documentation


Skye Shaw <sshaw AT>


Copyright (C) 2011 Skye Shaw

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.