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Net::LastFM::Submission - Perl interface to the Submissions Protocol


use Net::LastFM::Submission;

my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new(
    user      => 'net_lastfm',
    password  => '12',


    artist => 'Artist name',
    title  => 'Track title',
    time   => time - 10*60, # 10 minutes ago

    artist => 'Artist name',
    title  => 'Track title',


The module provides a simple Perl interface to the Submissions Protocol (current version is 1.2.1).

The Submissions Protocol is designed for the submission of now-playing and recent historical track data to user profiles (aka 'Scrobbling').



This is a constructor for Net::LastFM::Submission object. It takes list of parameters or hashref parameter.

# list
my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new(
    user     => 'net_lastfm',
    password => '12',

# hashref
my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new({
    user     => 'net_lastfm',
    password => '12',

This is a list of support parameters:

  • user

    The name of the Last.FM user. Required.

  • password

    The password of the Last.FM user. Required for Standard authentication only. It is used for generate authentication token. See

  • api_key

    The API key from your Web Services account. Required for Web Services authentication only.

  • api_secret

    The API secret from your Web Services account. Required for Web Services authentication only. It is used for generate authentication token. See

  • secret_key

    The Web Services session key generated via the authentication protocol. Required for Web Services authentication only.

  • client_id

    The identifier for the client. Optional. Default value is tst. See

  • client_ver

    The version of the client being used. Optional. Default value is 1.0.

  • ua

    The user agent of the client. Optional. Default value is LWP::UserAgent object with timeout 10 seconds.

  • enc

    The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. See function encode_data. Optional. Default value is cp1251.


The initial negotiation with the submissions server to establish authentication and connection details for the session. See


If the handshake is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

    'status' => 'OK',
    'sid'    => 'Session ID', # the scrobble session id
    'url'    => {
        'np'  => 'Now-Playing URL',
        'sm'  => 'Submission URL'


    'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
    'reason' => '...'      # reason of error


Optional lightweight notification of now-playing data at the start of the track for realtime information purposes. See

It takes list of parameters or hashref parameter.

# list
    artist => 'Artist name',
    title  => 'Track title',

# hashref
    artist => 'Artist name',
    title  => 'Track title',

This is a list of support parameters:

  • artist

    The artist name. Required.

  • title

    The track name. Required.

  • album

    The album title, or an empty string if not known.

  • length

    The length of the track in seconds, or an empty string if not known.

  • id

    The position of the track on the album, or an empty string if not known.

  • mb_id

    The MusicBrainz Track ID, or an empty string if not known.

  • enc

    The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. See function encode_data. Optional.

If the notification is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

    'status' => 'OK',


    'error'  => 'ERROR/BADSESSION',
    'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
    'reason' => '...'      # reason of error


Submission of full track data at the end of the track for statistical purposes. See

It takes list of parameters (information about one track) or list of hashref parameters (limit of Last.FM is 50).

# list
    artist => 'Artist name',
    title  => 'Track title',

# hashref
    grep { $_->{'source'} = 'R' }
        artist => 'Artist name 1',
        title  => 'Track title 1',
        time   => time - 10*60,
        artist => 'Artist name 2',
        title  => 'Track title 2',

This is a list of support parameters:

  • artist

    The artist name. Required.

  • title

    The track name. Required.

  • time

    The time the track started playing, in UNIX timestamp format. Optional. Default value is current time.

  • source

    The source of the track. Optional. Default value is R.

  • rating

    A single character denoting the rating of the track. Empty if not applicable.

  • length

    The length of the track in seconds. Required when the source is P, optional otherwise.

  • album

    The album title, or an empty string if not known.

  • id

    The position of the track on the album, or an empty string if not known.

  • mb_id

    The MusicBrainz Track ID, or an empty string if not known.

  • enc

    The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. Optional.

If the submit is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

    'status' => 'OK',


    'error'  => 'ERROR/BADSESSION/FAILED',
    'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
    'reason' => '...'      # reason of error


encode_data($data, $enc)

Function tries encode $data from $enc to UTF-8 and remove BOM-symbol. See Encode.

use Net::LastFM::Submission 'encode_data';

encode_data('foo bar in cp1251', 'cp1251');

Encoding of all data for must be UTF-8.


Module can generate a requests for handshake, now playing and submit operations. These methods return HTTP::Request instance. One request has support parameters same as method.

  • _request_handshake()

    Generate GET request for handshake. See handshake() method.

  • _request_now_playing(%args)

    Generate POST request for now playing. See now_playing(%args) method.

  • _request_submit(%args)

    Generate POST request for submit. See submit(%args) method.

Also module can parse a response (HTTP::Response instance) of these requests.


my $request  = $self->_request_handshake; # generate request for handshake, return HTTP::Request instance
my $response = send_request($request); # send this request, return HTTP::Response instance
$self->_response($response); # parse this request

This feature can use for async model (even-driven) such as POE, IO::Lambda or AnyEvent.

See POE::Component::Net::Submission::LastFM.


The module supports debug mode.

use Net::LastFM::Submission;


See examples/* in this distributive.


  • Net::LastFM

    A simple interface to the API. Moose-like interface. Very simple and powerful.

  • Audio::Scrobbler

    Perl interface to Old interface for submit.

  • Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit

    Module providing routines to submit songs to using 1.2 protocol. Use path to a track or Music::Tag or hashref. Very big :).


LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request::Common Encode Digest::MD5 Carp Exporter


Anatoly Sharifulin, <sharifulin at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-lastfm-submission at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::LastFM::Submission

You can also look for information at:


Copyright (C) 2009 Anatoly Sharifulin

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.