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DBIx::Class::Manual::QuickStart - up and running with DBIC in 10 minutes


This document shows the minimum amount of code to make you a productive DBIC user. It requires you to be familiar with just the basics of database programming (what database tables, rows and columns are) and the basics of Perl object-oriented programming (calling methods on an object instance). It also helps if you already know a bit of SQL and how to connect to a database through DBI.

Follow along with the example database shipping with this distribution, see directory examples/Schema. This database is also used through-out the rest of the documentation.


First, install DBIx::Class like you do with any other CPAN distribution. See and perlmodinstall.

Then open the distribution in your shell and change to the subdirectory mentioned earlier, the next command will download and unpack it:

$ perl -mCPAN -e'CPAN::Shell->look("DBIx::Class")'
DBIx-Class$ cd examples/Schema

Inspect the database:

DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ sqlite3 db/example.db .dump

You can also use a GUI database browser such as SQLite Manager.

Have a look at the schema classes files in the subdirectory MyApp. The MyApp::Schema class is the entry point for loading the other classes and interacting with the database through DBIC and the Result classes correspond to the tables in the database. DBIx::Class::Manual::Example shows how to write all that Perl code. That is almost never necessary, though. Instead use dbicdump (part of the distribution DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader) to automatically create schema classes files from an existing database. The chapter "Resetting the database" below shows an example invocation.

Connecting to the database

A schema object represents the database.

use MyApp::Schema qw();
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:db/example.db');

The first four arguments are the same as for "connect" in DBI.

Working with data

Almost all actions go through a resultset object.

Adding data

Via intermediate result objects:

my $artist_ma = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({
    name => 'Massive Attack',
my $cd_mezz = $artist_ma->create_related(cds => {
    title => 'Mezzanine',
for ('Angel', 'Teardrop') {
    $cd_mezz->create_related(tracks => {
        title => $_

Via relation accessors:

    name => 'Metallica',
    cds => [
            title => q{Kill 'Em All},
            tracks => [
                { title => 'Jump in the Fire' },
                { title => 'Whiplash' },
            title => 'ReLoad',
            tracks => [
                { title => 'The Memory Remains' },
                { title => 'The Unforgiven II' },
                { title => 'Fuel' },

Columns that are not named are filled with default values. The value undef acts as a NULL in the database.

See the chapter "Introspecting the schema classes" below to find out where the non-obvious source name strings such as Artist and accessors such as cds and tracks come from.

Set the environment variable DBI_TRACE='1|SQL' to see the generated queries.

Retrieving data

Set up a condition.

my $artists_starting_with_m = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
        name => { like => 'M%' }

Iterate over result objects of class MyApp::Schema::Result::Artist. Result objects represent a row and automatically get accessors for their column names.

for my $artist ($artists_starting_with_m->all) {
    say $artist->name;

Changing data

Change the release year of all CDs titled ReLoad.

        title => 'ReLoad',
        year => 1997,

Removing data

Removes all tracks titled Fuel regardless of which CD the belong to.

        title => 'Fuel',

Introspecting the schema classes

This is useful for getting a feel for the naming of things in a REPL or during explorative programming.

From the root to the details:

$schema->sources;                       # returns qw(Cd Track Artist)
$schema->source('Cd')->columns;         # returns qw(cdid artist title year)
$schema->source('Cd')->relationships;   # returns qw(artist tracks)

From a detail to the root:

$some_result->result_source;            # returns appropriate source
$some_resultsource->schema;             # returns appropriate schema

Resetting the database

# delete database file
DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ rm -f db/example.db

# create database and set up tables from definition
DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ sqlite3 db/example.db < db/example.sql

# fill them with data
DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ perl ./

# delete the schema classes files
DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ rm -rf MyApp

# recreate schema classes files from database file
DBIx-Class/examples/Schema$ dbicdump \
    -o dump_directory=. MyApp::Schema dbi:SQLite:db/example.db

Where to go next

If you want to exercise what you learned with a more complicated schema, load Northwind into your database.

If you want to transfer your existing SQL knowledge, read DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers.

Continue with DBIx::Class::Tutorial and "WHERE TO START READING" in DBIx::Class.


Check the list of additional DBIC resources.


This module is free software copyright by the DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the DBIx::Class library.