Perlbug::Object - Relation class
Perlbug relation class.
Handles reading of existing, and assignment of new etc., relations between existing objects.
For inherited methods, see Perlbug::Object
use Perlbug::Relation;
my $o_rel = Perlbug::Relation->new('bug', 'patch', 'from');
my @pids = $o_rel->read('19870502.007', '')->ids;
- new
Create new Relation object, using text indicators or the object itself, if you have it
my $o_rel = Perlbug::Relation->new('bug', 'patch', 'to');
Or the other way round:
my $o_rel = Perlbug::Relation->new('patch', 'bug', 'from');
If missing, the third argument will default to 'to'.
my $o_rel = Perlbug::Relation->new($o_src, 'address'); # implied 'to'
Normally this won't be called directy, as you'll ask for an relation object from the object itself directly, and the object will pre-initialise the relationship, which is far more useful, like this:
my $o_rel = $o_obj->relation('patch'); # <-- !
For more on this, see Perlbug::Object::relation() and Perlbug::Base::object()
- source
Get and set Source object
my $o_src = $o_rel->source();
- target
Get and set target object
my $o_tgt = $o_rel->target();
- check
Check the relations are OK to each other
my $i_ok = $o_rel->check();
- set_source
Set source to given argument key, and objectid, used to ensure the relation object is reading/setting/etc. from the correct source/target combination.
my $o_rel = $o_rel->set_source('status', '33');
An example of where this might be necessary or useful is when object caching is enabled from the application side, a bug and a status object have been created, and they both require a relation to one another to be handled.
Alternatively, from the command line, one can do this, noting that at the return of relation() and assign() the source is by default set to the creating object, in this case the bug, and to read the patch record, we need to set_source() the relation:
perl -MPerlbug::Base -e "\ print Perlbug::Object::Bug->new(\ )->read('20000801.007')->relation('patch')->assign(\ [('12', '1', '2', '4', '5')])->set_source('patch'\ )->read('2')->format('A')\ " Enjoy :-)
- key
get source or target primary (relation) key(), default is source
my $s_key = $o_obj->key; my $t_key = $o_obj->key('target');
- oid
Wrapper to get and set self and source objectid.
my $rel_oid = $o_rel->oid($id);
- ids
Returns list of target ids, restrained by optionally supplied object or sql where statement:
my @all_ids = $o_rel->ids(); my @rel_ids = $o_obj->ids($o_rel, [$further_restrained_by_sql]); my @selected = $o_rel->ids($where);
- reinit
Reset relation to default values
For more info see Perlbug::Object::reinit()
Record handling methods for Perlbug::Relation::\w+'s
These all return the object reference, so calls may be chained.
- assign
Assign these ids (additionally), ie; non-prejudicial to other ids.
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully assigned to
my $i_isok = $o_obj->ASSIGNED;
- _assign
Wraps assign() to allow usage of name instead of id.
- store
Assign these target ids (only) to the source, (given at new())
A bit like assign(), but very prejudicial against non-mentioned ids.
Warning: this will remove all relative ids that are not mentioned! If in doubt use assign().
- _store
Wraps store() to allow usage of name instead of id.
- delete
Delete these target ids
- _delete
Wraps delete() to allow usage of name instead of id
- create_target
Create these target ids - note that there is no implicit assign() here, if you want that, see _assign()
Input is expected to be the non-internally known identifier itself, rather than the system known id().
$o_rel->create_target(\@names); # eg; changeids|versions|... $o_rel->assign([$o_rel->name2id(\@names)]); # then?
Richard Foley 2000 2001