Wx::Perl::DbLinker - Wx gui building part of DbLinker.


version 0.009 but see version at the end of MYMETA.yml to check that I'm correct here...


To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install

On windows use nmake or dmake instead of make.


The following modules are required in order to use Wx::Perl::Linker

Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbTools => 0.105,
Data::Dumper => 2.154,
DateTime::Format::Strptime => 1.5,
Test::More => 1,
Wx => 0.99,
Log::Log4perl => 1.41
DBD::SQLite'	=> 1.46

Install one of Rose::DB::Object or DBIx::Class if you want to use these orm to access your data.

DBIx::Class is required to get example_dbc working.


This module automates the process of tying data from a database to widgets on a xrc-generated form.

Steps for use:

  • Create a Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::xxxDataManager object that contains the rows to display. Use DbiDataManager, RdbDataManager or DbcDataManager depending on how you access the database: sql commands and DBI, DBIx::Class or Rose::DB::Object

  • Create xrc resource files to construct the gui: Wx windows and controls. It is required is that you name your widgets the same as the fields in your data source.

  • Create a Wx::Perl:DbLinker::Wxform object that links the data and the gui

  • Connect the buttons to methods that handle common actions such as inserting, moving, deleting, etc.


The eg folder (located in the Wx-Perl-DbLinker-xxx folder under cpan/build in your perl folders tree) contains three examples. All displays a main form with a bottom navigation bar that displays each record (a country and its main language) one by one. A subform displays other(s) language(s) spoken in that country. Each language is displayed one by one and a second navigation bar is used to show these in turn. For each language, a list gives the others countries where this idiom is spoken. Items from this lists are also add/delete/changed with a third navigation bar.

The data is stored in two sqllite files that differs only on the layout of the speaks table. In both files, there are three tables:

  • countries (countryid, country, mainlangid),

  • langues (langid, langue),

  • speaks (in file ./data/ex1_1) (langid, countryid) is access with,

    speaks (in file ./data/ex1) (speaksid, langid, countryid) is access with

  • uses DBIx::Class and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbcDataManager. The speaks table primary key is the complete row itself, with the two fields, countryid and langid.

  • uses SQL::Abstract::More and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::SqlADataManager. The database is the same as above.

  • uses Rose::Data::Object and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::RdbDataManager. The speaks table primary key is a counter speaksid and the two fields, countryid and langid compose an index which does not allow duplicate rows.


Any Wx::Perl::DbLinker questions or problems can be posted to me (rappazf) on my gmail account.

The current state of the source can be extract using Mercurial from


FranE<ccedil>ois Rappaz <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.



1 POD Error

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