Mojolicious::Plugin::DBIC::Controller::DBIC - Build simple views to DBIC data


version 0.004


use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin DBIC => { schema => ... };
get '/', {
    controller => 'DBIC',
    action => 'list',
    resultset => 'BlogPosts',
    template => 'blog/list',


This controller allows for easy working with data from the schema. Controllers are configured through the stash when setting up the routes.



get '/', {
    controller => 'DBIC',
    action => 'list',
    resultset => 'BlogPosts',
    template => 'blog/list',

List data in a ResultSet. Returns false if it has rendered a response, true if dispatch can continue.

This method uses the following stash values for configuration:


The DBIx::Class::ResultSet class to list.

This method sets the following stash values for template rendering:


The DBIx::Class::ResultSet object containing the desired objects.


get '/blog/:id', {
    controller => 'DBIC',
    action => 'get',
    resultset => 'BlogPosts',
    template => 'blog/get',

Fetch a single result by its ID. If no result is found, renders a not found error. Returns false if it has rendered a response, true if dispatch can continue.

This method uses the following stash values for configuration:


The DBIx::Class::ResultSet class to use.


The ID to pass to "find" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet.

This method sets the following stash values for template rendering:


The DBIx::Class::Row object containing the desired object.


$routes->any( [ 'GET', 'POST' ] => '/:id/edit' )->to(
    resultset => $resultset_name,
    template => $template_name,

$routes->any( [ 'GET', 'POST' ] => '/create' )->to(
    resultset => $resultset_name,
    template => $template_name,
    forward_to => $route_name,

This route creates a new item or updates an existing item in a collection. If the user is making a GET request, they will simply be shown the template. If the user is making a POST or PUT request, the form parameters will be read, and the user will either be shown the form again with the result of the form submission (success or failure) or the user will be forwarded to another place.

This method uses the following stash values for configuration:


The resultset to use. Required.


The ID of the item from the collection. Optional: If not specified, a new item will be created. Usually part of the route path as a placeholder.


The name of the template to use. See "Renderer" in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering for how template names are resolved.


The name of a route to forward the user to on success. Optional. Any route placeholders that match item field names will be filled in.

$routes->get( '/:id/:slug' )->name( 'blog.view' );
$routes->post( '/create' )->to(
    resultset => 'blog',
    template => 'blog_edit.html.ep',
    forward_to => 'blog.view',

# { id => 1, slug => 'first-post' }
# forward_to => '/1/first-post'

Forwarding will not happen for JSON requests.


Restrict this route to only setting the given properties. An array reference of properties to allow. Trying to set additional properties will result in an error.

NOTE: Unless restricted to certain properties using this configuration, this method accepts all valid data configured for the collection. The data being submitted can be more than just the fields you make available in the form. If you do not want certain data to be written through this form, you can prevent it by using this.

The following stash values are set by this method:


The DBIx::Class::Row that is being edited, if the id is given. Otherwise, the item that was created.


A scalar containing the exception thrown by the insert/update.

Each field in the item is also set as a param using "param" in Mojolicious::Controller so that tag helpers like text_field will be pre-filled with the values. See Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers for more information. This also means that fields can be pre-filled with initial data or new data by using GET query parameters.

This method is protected by Mojolicious's Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. CSRF protection prevents other sites from tricking your users into doing something on your site that they didn't intend, such as editing or deleting content. You must add a <%= csrf_field %> to your form in order to delete an item successfully. See "Cross-site request forgery" in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering.

Displaying a form could be done as a separate route using the dbic#get method, but with more code:

$routes->get( '/:id/edit' )->to(
    resultset => $resultset_name,
    template => $template_name,
$routes->post( '/:id/edit' )->to(
    resultset => $resultset_name,
    template => $template_name,


$routes->any( [ 'GET', 'POST' ], '/delete/:id' )->to(
    resultset => $resultset_name,
    template => $template_name,
    forward_to => $route_name,

This route deletes a row from a ResultSet. If the user is making a GET request, they will simply be shown the template (which can be used to confirm the delete). If the user is making a POST or DELETE request, the row will be deleted and the user will either be shown the form again with the result of the form submission (success or failure) or the user will be forwarded to another place.

This method uses the following stash values for configuration:


The ResultSet class to use. Required.


The ID of the row from the table. Required. Usually part of the route path as a placeholder.


The name of the template to use. See "Renderer" in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering for how template names are resolved.


The name of a route to forward the user to on success. Optional. Forwarding will not happen for JSON requests.

The following stash values are set by this method:


The row that will be deleted. If displaying the form again after the row is deleted, this will be undef.

This method is protected by Mojolicious's Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. CSRF protection prevents other sites from tricking your users into doing something on your site that they didn't intend, such as editing or deleting content. You must add a <%= csrf_field %> to your form in order to delete an item successfully. See "Cross-site request forgery" in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering.




Doug Bell <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.