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Archive::Libarchive::XS::Function - libarchive function reference


version 0.0903


use Archive::Libarchive::XS qw( :func );


This is the function reference for the Perl bindings to libarchive.

This document provides example calls to each function with argument and return value variable names that infer their types. Functions that take multiple arguments or return multiple values of the same type will use numbered suffixes to distinguish them (example: $archive1, $archive2).


An archive object identifier (actually a pointer to the C structure used by libarchive as the archive object).

These are created with archive_read_new, archive_write_new or archive_write_disk_new and deleted with archive_read_free or archive_write_free.


An archive entry identifier (actually a pointer to the C structure used by libarchive as the archive entry object).

These are created with archive_entry_new and deleted with archive_entry_free. They can also be returned by archive_read_next_header, but in that case libarchive will handle the allocation and freeing of resources for the entry.


Integer value indicating the success or failure of an operation. Most functions use this as their return value. This value may be compared to any of these constants:


Operation was successful


Fond end of archive


Retry might succeed


Partial success


Current operation cannot complete


No more operations are possible

(There are additional non-status code constants provided by libarchive, see Archive::Libarchive::XS::Constant for a full listing).


Returns the number of bytes read/written on success (or 0 at EOF), returns a negative status value (see $status above) on error or warning.


A code reference pointing to a Perl callback subroutine. The arguments that are passed into the callback and the return values expected from the callback are documented in Archive::Libarchive::XS::Callback.


A plain string scalar value.


A boolean value, either 0 or 1 (probably not undef for return values).

If you are linking against an older version of libarchive, some of these functions may not be available. You can use the can method to test if a function or constant is available, for example:

  # grzip filter is available.

Functions with the prefix archive_perl_ are not part of libarchive and are provided with this module for perl specific needs when operating with the library.



my $status = archive_clear_error($archive);

Clears any error information left over from a previous call Not generally used in client code. Does not return a value.


my $status = archive_copy_error($archive1, $archive2);

Copies error information from one archive to another.


my $acl = archive_entry_acl($entry);

Return an opaque ACL object.

There's not yet anything you can actually do with this...


my $status = archive_entry_acl_add_entry($entry, $type, $permset, $tag, $qual, $name);

Adds a single ACL entry. For the access ACL and non-extended principals, the classic UNIX permissions are updated.


my $status = archive_entry_acl_clear($entry);

removes all ACL entries and resets the enumeration pointer.


my $count = archive_entry_acl_count($entry, $want_type);

counts the ACL entries that have the given type mask. $type can be the bitwise-or of ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS and ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT. If ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS is included and at least one extended ACL entry is found, the three non-extended ACLs are added.


my $status = archive_entry_acl_next($entry, $want_type, $type, $permset, $tag, $qual, $name);

return the next entry of the ACL list. This functions may only be called after archive_entry_acl_reset has indicated the presence of extended ACL entries.


my $status = archive_entry_acl_reset($entry, $want_type);

prepare reading the list of ACL entries with archive_entry_acl_next or archive_entry_acl_next_w. The function returns either 0, if no non-extended ACLs are found. In this case, the access permissions should be obtained by archive_entry_mode or set using chmod. Otherwise, the function returns the same value as archive_entry_acl_count.


my $string = archive_entry_acl_text($entry, $flags);

converts the ACL entries for the given type mask into a string. In addition to the normal type flags, ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_STYLE_EXTRA_ID and ARCHIVE_ENTRY_ACL_STYLE_MARK_DEFAULT can be specified to further customize the result. The returned long string is valid until the next call to archive_entry_acl_clear, archive_entry_acl_add_entry, archive_entry_acl_text.


my $atime = archive_entry_atime($entry);

Returns the access time property for the archive entry.


my $bool = archive_entry_atime_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the access time property has been set on the archive entry.


my $atime = archive_entry_atime_nsec($entry);

Returns the access time (nanoseconds).


my $birthtime = archive_entry_birthtime($entry);

Returns the birthtime (creation time) for the archive entry.


my $bool = archive_entry_birthtime_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the birthtime (creation time) property has been set on the archive entry.


my $birthtime = archive_entry_birthtime_nsec($entry);

Returns the birthtime (creation time) for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_clear($entry);

Erases the object, resetting all internal fields to the same state as a newly-created object. This is provided to allow you to quickly recycle objects without thrashing the heap.


my $entry1 = archive_entry_clone($entry2);

A deep copy operation; all text fields are duplicated.


my $status = archive_entry_copy_fflags_text($entry, $string);

Sets the fflags_text property for the archive entry object.

This is an alias for archive_entry_set_fflags_text.


An Alias for archive_entry_set_mac_metadata.


my $status = archive_entry_set_sourcepath($entry, $sourcepath);

Sets the sourcepath property for the archive entry object.

This is an alias for archive_entry_set_sourcepath.


my $status = archive_entry_stat($entry, $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $atime, $mtime, $ctime);

Converts the various fields in the format used by stat to the fields store in the archive entry.

The fields $blksize, $blocks supported by stat, are not supported by this function.

This is an alias for archive_entry_set_stat.


my $ctime = archive_entry_ctime($entry);

Returns the ctime (last time an inode property was changed) property for the archive entry.


my $bool = archive_entry_ctime_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the ctime (last time an inode property was changed) property has been set on the archive entry.


my $ctime = archive_entry_ctime_nsec($entry);

Returns the ctime (last time an inode property was changed) property (nanoseconds).


my $device = archive_entry_dev($entry);

Returns the device property for the archive entry.

The device property is an integer identifying the device, and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the ino64 property) to find hardlinks.


my $bool = archive_entry_dev_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the device property on the archive entry is set.

The device property is an integer identifying the device, and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the ino64 property) to find hardlinks.


my $device_major = archive_entry_devmajor($entry);

Returns the device major property for the archive entry.


my $device_minor = archive_entry_devminor($entry);

Returns the device minor property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_fflags($entry, $set, $clear);

Gets the file flag properties for the archive entry. The $set and $clear arguments are updated to return their values.


my $string = archive_entry_fflags_text($entry);

Returns the file flags property as a string.


my $code = archive_entry_filetype($entry);

Gets the filetype of the archive entry. Code should be one of



my $status = archive_entry_free($entry);

Releases the struct archive_entry object.


my $gid = archive_entry_gid($entry);

Returns the group id property for the archive entry.


my $string = archive_entry_gname($entry);

Retrieve the gname for the archive entry object.


my $string = archive_entry_hardlink($entry);

Retrieve the hardlink for the archive entry object.


my $ino = archive_entry_ino($entry);

Get the inode property for the entry.

The inode property is an integer identifying the file within a filesystem and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the dev property) to find hardlinks.

This actually uses the libarchive archive_entry_set_ino64 function (in libarchive archive_entry_set_ino is a legacy interface).


my $bool = archive_entry_ino_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the inode property for the entry has been set.


my $status = archive_entry_linkify($linkresolver, $entry1, $entry2)

Behavior depends on the link resolver strategy (archive_entry_linkresolver_set_strategy). See libarchive documentation (archive_entry_linkify(3)) for details.

Note that $entry1 and $entry2 are passed by value and may be changed or set to undef after this function is called.


my $status = archive_entry_linkresolver_free($linkresolver);

Deallocates a link resolver instance. All deferred entries are flushed and the internal storage is freed.


my $linkresolver = archive_entry_linkresolver_new();

Allocate a new link resolver.


my $status = archive_entry_linkresolver_set_strategy($linkresolver, $format);

Set the link resolver strategy. $format should be an archive format constant (a constant with ARCHIVE_FORMAT_ prefix see Archive::Libarchive::XS::Constant.


my $buffer = archive_entry_mac_metadata($entry);

The mac_metadata property is Storage for Mac OS-specific AppleDouble metadata information. Apple-format tar files store a separate binary blob containing encoded metadata with ACL, extended attributes, etc. This provides a place to store that blob.

This method gets the blob. The C name for this function is archive_entry_copy_mac_metadata.


my $mode = archive_entry_mode($entry);

Get a combination of file type and permission and provide the equivalent of st_mode. use of archive_entry_filetype and archive_entry_perm for getting and archive_entry_set_filetype and archive_entry_set_perm for setting is recommended.


my $mtime = archive_entry_mtime($entry);

Gets the mtime (modify time) property for the archive entry.


my $bool = archive_entry_mtime_is_set($entry);

Returns true if the mtime (modify time) property has been set on the archive entry.


my $mtime = archive_entry_mtime_nsec($entry);

Gets the mtime property (modify time) property for the archive entry (nanoseconds).


my $entry = archive_entry_new();

Allocate and return a blank struct archive_entry object.


my $entry = archive_entry_new2($archive)

This form of archive_entry_new2 will pull character-set conversion information from the specified archive handle. The older archive_entry_new form will result in the use of an internal default character-set conversion.


my $nlink = archive_entry_nlink($entry);

Gets the number of hardlinks for the entry.


my $string = archive_entry_pathname($entry);

Retrieve the pathname for the archive entry object.


my $perm = archive_entry_perm($entry);

Get the permission bits for the entry. This is the usual UNIX octal permission thing.


my $device = archive_entry_rdev($entry);

Returns the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $device_major = archive_entry_rdevmajor($entry);

Returns the major component of the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $device_minor = archive_entry_rdevminor($entry);

Returns the minor component of the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_atime($entry, $atime, $nsec);

Sets the access time property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_birthtime($entry, $birthtime, $nsec);

Sets the birthtime (creation time) for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_ctime($entry, $ctime, $nsec);

Sets the ctime (last time an inode property was changed) property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_dev($entry, $device);

Sets the device property for the archive entry.

The device property is an integer identifying the device, and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the ino64 property) to find hardlinks.


my $status = archive_entry_set_devmajor($entry, $devmajor);

Sets the device major property for the archive entry.

The device property is an integer identifying the device, and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the ino64 property) to find hardlinks.


my $status = archive_entry_set_devminor($entry, $devminor);

Sets the device minor property for the archive entry.

The device property is an integer identifying the device, and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the ino64 property) to find hardlinks.


my $status = archive_entry_set_fflags($entry, $set, $clear);

Sets the file flag properties for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_fflags_text($entry, $string);

Sets the fflags_text property for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_filetype($entry, $code);

Sets the filetype of the archive entry. Code should be one of



my $status = archive_entry_set_gid($gid).

Sets the group id property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_gname($entry, $string)

Sets the gname for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_hardlink($entry, $string)

Sets the hardlink for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_ino($entry, $ino);

Set the inode property for the entry.

The inode property is an integer identifying the file within a filesystem and is used by archive_entry_linkify (along with the dev property) to find hardlinks.

This actually uses the libarchive archive_entry_set_ino64 function (in libarchive archive_entry_set_ino is a legacy interface).


my $status = archive_entry_set_link($entry, $string);

Set symlink if symlink is already set, else set hardlink.


my $status = archive_entry_set_mac_metadata($entry, $buffer);

The mac_metadata property is Storage for Mac OS-specific AppleDouble metadata information. Apple-format tar files store a separate binary blob containing encoded metadata with ACL, extended attributes, etc. This provides a place to store that blob.

This method sets the blob. The C name for this function is archive_entry_copy_mac_metadata.


my $status = archive_entry_set_mode($entry, $mode);

Set a combination of file type and permission and provide the equivalent of st_mode. use of archive_entry_filetype and archive_entry_perm for getting and archive_entry_set_filetype and archive_entry_set_perm for setting is recommended.


my $status = archive_entry_set_mtime($entry, $sec, $nanosec);

Set the mtime (modify time) for the entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_nlink($entry, $nlink);

Sets the number of hardlinks for the entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, $string)

Sets the pathname for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_perm($entry, $perm);

Set the permission bits for the entry. This is the usual UNIX octal permission thing.


my $status = archive_entry_set_rdev($entry, $device);

Set the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_rdevmajor($entry, $major);

Set the major component of the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_rdevminor($entry, $minor);

Sets the minor component of the rdev property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_size($entry, $size);

Sets the size property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_sourcepath($entry, $sourcepath);

Sets the sourcepath property for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_stat($entry, $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $atime, $mtime, $ctime);

Converts the various fields in the format used by stat to the fields store in the archive entry.

The fields $blksize, $blocks supported by stat, are not supported by this function.


my $status = archive_entry_set_symlink($entry, $string)

Sets the symlink for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_set_uid($entry, $uid);

Set the UID (user id) property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_uname($entry, $string)

Sets the uname for the archive entry object.


my $size = archive_entry_size($entry);

Returns the size of the entry in bytes.


my $bool = archive_entry_size_is_set($entry)

Returns true if the size property for the archive entry has been set.


my $sourcepath = archive_entry_sourcepath($entry);

Gets the sourcepath property for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_sparse_add_entry($entry, $offset, $length)

Add a sparse region to the entry.


my $status = archive_entry_sparse_clear($entry)

Remove all sparse region from the archive entry.


my $count = archive_entry_sparse_count($entry);

Return the number of sparse entries in the entry.


my $status = archive_entry_sparse_next($entry, $offset, $length);

Return the next sparse region for the entry. Example:

while(my $r = archive_entry_sparse_next($entry, $offset, $length))
  last if $r == ARCHIVE_WARN;
  die archive_error_string($a) if $r < ARCHIVE_OK;
  # do something with $name and $value


my $count = archive_entry_sparse_reset($entry);

Reset the internal sparse region iterator for the entry (see archive_entry_sparse_next for an example).


my($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $atime, $mtime, $ctime) = archive_entry_stat($entry);

Converts the various fields stored in the archive entry to the format used by stat.

The fields $blksize, $blocks supported by stat, are not supported by this function.


my $strmode = archive_entry_strmode($entry);

Returns a string representation of the archive entry's permission mode, a la the Unix ls command (example: a mode of 0644 should come back as -rw-r--r--.


my $string = archive_entry_symlink($entry);

Retrieve the symlink for the archive entry object.


my $uid = archive_entry_uid($entry);

Get the UID (user id) property for the archive entry.


my $string = archive_entry_uname($entry);

Retrieve the uname for the archive entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_unset_atime($entry);

Removes the value for the atime property on the archive.


my $status = archive_entry_unset_birthtime($entry);

Unset the birthtime (creation time) property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_set_ctime($entry);

Unsets the ctime (last time an inode property was changed) property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_unset_mtime($entry);

Unset the mtime (modify time) for the entry object.


my $status = archive_entry_unset_size($entry);

Unsets the size property for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_xattr_add_entry($entry, $name, $buffer);

Add an extended attribute (xattr) to the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_xattr_clear($entry);

Remove all extended attributes (xattr) to the archive entry.


my $count = archive_entry_xattr_count($entry);

Returns the number of extended attributes (xattr) for the archive entry.


my $status = archive_entry_xattr_next($entry, $name, $buffer);

Retrieve the extended attribute (xattr) at the extended attributes (xattr) cursor, and increment the cursor. If the cursor is already at the end, it will return ARCHIVE_WARN, $name and $buffer will be undef. Here is an example which loops through all extended attributes (xattr) for an archive entry:

while(my $r = archive_entry_xattr_next($entry, my $name, my $value))
  last if $r == ARCHIVE_WARN;
  die archive_error_string($a) if $r < ARCHIVE_OK;
  # do something with $name and $value


my $status = archive_entry_xattr_reset($entry);

Reset the internal extended attributes (xattr) cursor for the archive entry.


my $errno = archive_errno($archive);

Returns a numeric error code indicating the reason for the most recent error return.

Return type is an errno integer value.


my $string = archive_error_string($archive);

Returns a textual error message suitable for display. The error message here is usually more specific than that obtained from passing the result of archive_errno to strerror. Returns undef if there is not error.


my $count = archive_file_count($archive);

Returns a count of the number of files processed by this archive object. The count is incremented by calls to archive_write_header or archive_read_next_header.


my $count = archive_filter_bytes($archive, $level);

Byte count for the given filter level. See archive_filter_count for details of the level numbering.


my $code = archive_filter_code($archive, $level);

Returns a numeric code identifying the indicated filter. See archive_filter_count for details of the level numbering.


my $count = archive_filter_count($archive);

Returns the number of filters in the current pipeline. For read archive handles, these filters are added automatically by the automatic format detection. For write archive handles, these filters are added by calls to the various archive_write_add_filter_XXX functions. Filters in the resulting pipeline are numbered so that filter 0 is the filter closest to the format handler. As a convenience, functions that expect a filter number will accept -1 as a synonym for the highest-numbered filter. For example, when reading a uuencoded gzipped tar archive, there are three filters: filter 0 is the gunzip filter, filter 1 is the uudecode filter, and filter 2 is the pseudo-filter that wraps the archive read functions. In this case, requesting archive_position(a,(-1)) would be a synonym for archive_position(a,(2)) which would return the number of bytes currently read from the archive, while archive_position(a,(1)) would return the number of bytes after uudecoding, and archive_position(a,(0)) would return the number of bytes after decompression.


my $string = archive_filter_name($archive, $level);

Returns a textual name identifying the indicated filter. See archive_filter_count for details of the numbering.


my $code = archive_format($archive);

Returns a numeric code indicating the format of the current archive entry. This value is set by a successful call to archive_read_next_header. Note that it is common for this value to change from entry to entry. For example, a tar archive might have several entries that utilize GNU tar extensions and several entries that do not. These entries will have different format codes.


my $string = archive_format_name($archive);

A textual description of the format of the current entry.


my $status = archive_match_exclude_entry($archive, $flag, $entry);

Add exclusion entry


my $status = archive_match_exclude_pattern($archive, $pattern);

Add exclusion pathname pattern.


my $status = archive_match_exclude_pattern_from_file($archive, $filename, $null_separator);

Add exclusion pathname pattern from file.


my $bool = archive_match_excluded($archive, $entry);

Test if archive_entry is excluded. This is a convenience function. This is the same as calling all archive_match_path_excluded, archive_match_time_excluded and archive_match_owner_excluded.


my $status = archive_match_free($archive);

Free the resources previously allocated with archive_match_new.


my $status = archive_match_include_date($archive, $flag, $date_string);

Set inclusion time by a date string


my $status = archive_match_include_file_time($archive, $flag, $pathname);

Set inclusion time by a particular file


my $status = archive_match_include_gid($archive, $gid);

The match object $archive should match entries with the given $gid


my $status = archive_match_include_gname($archive, $gname);

The match object $archive should match entries with the given group name


my $status = archive_match_include_pattern_from_file($archive, $pattern);

Add inclusion pathname pattern


my $status = archive_match_include_pattern_from_file($archive, $filename, $null_separator);

Add inclusion pathname pattern from file


my $status = archive_match_include_time($archive, $flag, $sec, $nsec);

Set inclusion time


my $status = archive_match_include_uid($archive, $uid);

The match object $archive should match entries with the given $uid


my $status = archive_match_include_uname($archive, $uname);

The match object $archive should match entries with the given user name


my $archive = archive_match_new();

Allocates and initializes a archive object suitable for reading and matching with an archive.


my $bool = archive_match_owner_excluded($archive, $entry);

Test if a file is excluded by its uid, gid, user name or group name.


my $bool = archive_match_path_excluded($archive, $entry);

Test if pathname is excluded.


my $count = archive_match_path_unmatched_inclusions($archive);

Return the amount number of unmatched inclusion patterns


my $status = archive_match_path_unmatched_inclusions_next($archive, $pattern);

Fetch the next unmatched pattern.


my $bool = archive_match_time_excluded($archive, $entry);

Test if a file is excluded by its time stamp.


my $string = archive_perl_codeset();

Returns the name of the "codeset" (character encoding, example: "UTF-8" for UTF-8 or "ANSI_X3.4-1968" for ASCII) of the currently configured locale.


my $bool = archive_perl_utf8_mode();

Returns true if the internal "codeset" used by libarchive is UTF-8.


my $status = archive_read_append_filter($archive, $code)

Add the given filter by its code.

The _append_ form is to manually set the format and filters to be used. This is useful to bypass the bidding process when the format and filters to use is known in advance.


my $status = archive_read_append_filter_program($archive, $command);

Data is feed through the specified external program before being dearchived. Note that this disables automatic detection of the compression format, so it makes no sense to specify this in conjunction with any other decompression option.

The _append_ form is to manually set the format and filters to be used. This is useful to bypass the bidding process when the format and filters to use is known in advance.


my $status = archive_read_append_filter_program_signature($archive, $command, $signature);

Data is feed through the specified external program before being dearchived, if the signature matches.

The _append_ form is to manually set the format and filters to be used. This is useful to bypass the bidding process when the format and filters to use is known in advance.


my $status = archive_read_close($archive);

Complete the archive and invoke the close callback.


my $count_or_status = archive_read_data($archive, $buffer, $max_size);

Read data associated with the header just read. Internally, this is a convenience function that calls archive_read_data_block and fills any gaps with nulls so that callers see a single continuous stream of data. Returns the actual number of bytes read, 0 on end of data and a negative value on error.


my $count_or_status = archive_read_data_block($archive, $buffer, $offset);

Return the next available block of data for this entry. Unlike archive_read_data, this function allows you to correctly handle sparse files, as supported by some archive formats. The library guarantees that offsets will increase and that blocks will not overlap. Note that the blocks returned from this function can be much larger than the block size read from disk, due to compression and internal buffer optimizations.


my $status = archive_read_data_into_fh($archive, $fh);

A convenience function that repeatedly calls archive_read_data_block to copy the entire entry to the provided file handle.


my $status = archive_read_data_skip($archive);

A convenience function that repeatedly calls archive_read_data to skip all of the data for this archive entry.


my $bool = archive_read_disk_can_descend($archive);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_disk_current_filesystem($archive);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_disk_current_filesystem_is_remote($archive);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_disk_current_filesystem_is_synthetic($archive);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_disk_descend($archive);

Request that current entry be visited. If you invoke it on every directory, you'll get a physical traversal. This is ignored if the current entry isn't a directory or a link to a directory. So, if you invoke this on every returned path, you'll get a full logical traversal.


my $status = archive_read_disk_entry_from_file($archive, $entry, $fh, undef);
my $status = archive_read_disk_entry_from_file($archive, $entry, $fh, \@stat);
my $status = archive_read_disk_entry_from_file($archive, $entry, undef, \@stat);

Populates a struct archive_entry object with information about a particular file. The archive_entry object must have already been created with archive_entry_new and at least one of the source path or path fields must already be set. (If both are set, the source path will be used.)

Information is read from disk using the path name from the struct archive_entry object. If a file handle ($fh) is provided, some information will be obtained using that file handle, on platforms that support the appropriate system calls.

Note: The C API supports passing in a stat structure for some performance benefits. Currently this is unsupported in the Perl version, and you must pass undef in as the forth argument, for possible future compatibility.

Where necessary, user and group ids are converted to user and group names using the currently registered lookup functions above. This affects the file ownership fields and ACL values in the struct archive_entry object.


my $string = archive_read_disk_gname($archive, $gid);

Returns a group name given a gid value. By default always returns undef.


my $archive = archive_read_disk_new();

Allocates and initializes an archive object suitable for reading object information from disk.


my $status = archive_read_disk_open($archive, $string)

Allocates and initializes an archive object suitable for reading objects from disk.


my $status = archive_read_disk_set_atime_restored($archive);

Request that the access time of the entry visited by traversal be restored.


my $status = archive_read_disk_set_behavior($archive, $flags);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_disk_set_gname_lookup($archive, $data, $lookup_callback, $cleanup_callback);

Register a callback for the lookup of GID from group names. In order to deregister call archive_read_disk_set_gname_lookup with both callback functions set to undef.

See Archive::Libarchive::XS::Callback for calling conventions for the lookup and cleanup callbacks.


my $status = archive_read_disk_set_standard_lookup($archive);

This convenience function installs a standard set of user and group name lookup functions. These functions use getpwuid and getgrgid to convert ids to names, defaulting to undef. if the names cannot be looked up. These functions also implement a simple memory cache to reduce the number of calls to getpwuid and getgrgid.

my $status = archive_read_disk_set_symlink_hybrid($archive);

This sets the mode used for handling symbolic links. The "hybrid" mode currently behaves identically to the "logical" mode.

my $status = archive_read_disk_set_symlink_logical($archive);

This sets the mode used for handling symbolic links. The "logical" mode follows all symbolic links.

my $status = archive_read_disk_set_symlink_physical($archive);

This sets the mode used for handling symbolic links. The "physical" mode does not follow any symbolic links.


my $status = archive_read_disk_set_uname_lookup($archive, $data, $lookup_callback, $cleanup_callback);

Register a callback for the lookup of UID from user names. In order to deregister call archive_read_disk_setugname_lookup with both callback functions set to undef.

See Archive::Libarchive::XS::Callback for calling conventions for the lookup and cleanup callbacks.


my $string = archive_read_disk_uname($archive, $gid);

Returns a user name given a uid value. By default always returns undef.


my $status = archive_read_extract($archive, $entry, $flags);

A convenience function that wraps the corresponding archive_write_disk interfaces. The first call to archive_read_extract creates a restore object using archive_write_disk_new and archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup, then transparently invokes archive_write_disk_set_options, archive_write_header, archive_write_data, and archive_write_finish_entry to create the entry on disk and copy data into it. The flags argument is passed unmodified to archive_write_disk_set_options.


my $status = archive_read_extract2($archive1, $entry, $archive2);

This is another version of archive_read_extract() that allows you to provide your own restore object. In particular, this allows you to override the standard lookup functions using archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup, and archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup. Note that archive_read_extract2 does not accept a flags argument; you should use archive_write_disk_set_options to set the restore options yourself.


my $status = archive_read_extract_set_skip_file($archive, $dev, $ino);

Record the dev/ino of a file that will not be written. This is generally set to the dev/ino of the archive being read.


my $status = archive_read_free($archive);

Invokes archive_read_close if it was not invoked manually, then release all resources.


my $offset = archive_read_header_position($archive);

Retrieve the byte offset in UNCOMPRESSED data where last-read header started.


my $archive = archive_read_new();

Allocates and initializes a archive object suitable for reading from an archive. Returns an opaque archive which may be a perl style object, or a C pointer (depending on the implementation), either way, it can be passed into any of the read functions documented here with an $archive argument.


my $status = archive_read_next_header($archive, $entry);

Read the header for the next entry and return an entry object Returns an opaque archive which may be a perl style object, or a C pointer (depending on the implementation), either way, it can be passed into any of the functions documented here with an <$entry> argument.


my $status = archive_read_next_header2($archive, $entry);

Read the header for the next entry and populate the provided entry object.


my $status = archive_read_open($archive, $data, $open_cb, $read_cb, $close_cb);

The same as archive_read_open2, except that the skip callback is assumed to be undef.


my $status = archive_read_open1($archive);

Opening freezes the callbacks.


my $status = archive_read_open2($archive, $data, $open_cb, $read_cb, $skip_cb, $close_cb);

Freeze the settings, open the archive, and prepare for reading entries. This is the most generic version of this call, which accepts four callback functions. Most clients will want to use archive_read_open_filename, archive_read_open_FILE, archive_read_open_fd, or archive_read_open_memory instead. The library invokes the client-provided functions to obtain raw bytes from the archive.


my $status = archive_read_open_fh($archive, $fh, $block_size);

Like archive_read_open_filename, except that it accepts a file handle and block size rather than a filename. Note that the file handle will not be automatically closed at end-of-archive.

If not specified, a block size of 10240 will be used.

There is no corresponding archive_read_open_fh in the C version of libarchive. This is provided in the place of archive_read_open_FILE and archive_read_open_fd, which are not in the Perl bindings for libarchive.


my $status = archive_read_open_filename($archive, $filename, $block_size);

Like archive_read_open, except that it accepts a simple filename and a block size. This function is safe for use with tape drives or other blocked devices.

If you pass in undef as the $filename, libarchive will use standard in as the input archive.


my $status = archive_read_open_filenames($archive, \@filenames, $block_size);

Use this for reading multivolume files by filenames.


my $status = archive_read_open_memory($archive, $buffer);

Like archive_read_open, except that it uses a Perl scalar that holds the content of the archive. This function does not make a copy of the data stored in $buffer, so you should not modify the buffer until you have free the archive using archive_read_free.

Bad things will happen if the buffer falls out of scope and is deallocated before you free the archive, so make sure that there is a reference to the buffer somewhere in your programmer until archive_read_free is called.


my $status = archive_read_set_callback_data($archive, $data);

Set the client data for callbacks.


my $status = archive_read_set_close_callback($archive, $callback);

Set the close callback for the archive object.


my $status = archive_read_set_filter_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered filters (including decompression filters).

If option and value are both undef, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_OK will be returned. If option is undef but value is not, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is not undef, option and value will be provided to the filter or reader named module. The return value will be that of the module. If there is no such module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is NULL, option and value will be provided to every registered module. If any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this value will be returned immediately. Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned if any module accepts the option, and ARCHIVE_FAILED in all other cases.


my $status = archive_read_set_format($archive, $format);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_read_set_format_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered format readers.

If option and value are both undef, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_OK will be returned. If option is undef but value is not, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is not undef, option and value will be provided to the filter or reader named module. The return value will be that of the module. If there is no such module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is NULL, option and value will be provided to every registered module. If any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this value will be returned immediately. Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned if any module accepts the option, and ARCHIVE_FAILED in all other cases.

archive_read_set_open_callback($archive, $callback)

my $status = archive_read_set_open_callback($archive, $callback);

Set the open callback for the archive object.


my $status = archive_read_set_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Calls archive_read_set_format_option then archive_read_set_filter_option. If either function returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned immediately. Otherwise, greater of the two values will be returned.


my $status = archive_read_set_options($archive, $options);

options is a comma-separated list of options. If options is undef or empty, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned immediately.

Calls archive_read_set_option with each option in turn. If any archive_read_set_option call returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned immediately.


The option/value pair will be provided to every module. Modules that do not accept an option with this name will ignore it.


The option will be provided to every module with a value of "1".


The option will be provided to every module with an undef value.

module:option=value, module:option, module:!option

As above, but the corresponding option and value will be provided only to modules whose name matches module.


my $status = archive_read_set_read_callback($archive, $callback);

Set the read callback for the archive object.


my $status = archive_read_set_seek_callback($archive, $callback);

Set the seek callback for the archive object.


my $status = archive_read_set_skip_callback($archive, $callback);

Set the skip callback for the archive object.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_all($archive);

Enable all available decompression filters.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_bzip2($archive);

Enable bzip2 decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_compress($archive);

Enable compress decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_grzip($archive);

Enable grzip decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_gzip($archive);

Enable gzip decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_lrzip($archive);

Enable lrzip decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_lzip($archive);

Enable lzip decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_lzma($archive);

Enable lzma decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_lzop($archive);

Enable lzop decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_none($archive);

Enable none decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_program($archive, $command);

Data is feed through the specified external program before being dearchived. Note that this disables automatic detection of the compression format, so it makes no sense to specify this in conjunction with any other decompression option.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_program_signature($archive, $command, $signature);

Data is feed through the specified external program before being dearchived, if the signature matches.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_rpm($archive);

Enable rpm decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_uu($archive);

Enable uu decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_filter_xz($archive);

Enable xz decompression filter.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_7zip($archive);

Enable 7zip archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_all($archive);

Enable all available archive formats.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_ar($archive);

Enable ar archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_by_code($archive, $code);

Enables a single format specified by the format code.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_cab($archive);

Enable cab archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_cpio($archive);

Enable cpio archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_empty($archive);

Enable empty archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_gnutar($archive);

Enable gnutar archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_iso9660($archive);

Enable iso9660 archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_lha($archive);

Enable lha archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_mtree($archive);

Enable mtree archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_rar($archive);

Enable rar archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_raw($archive);

Enable raw archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_tar($archive);

Enable tar archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_xar($archive);

Enable xar archive format.


my $status = archive_read_support_format_zip($archive);

Enable zip archive format.


my $count_or_status = archive_seek_data($archive, $offset, $whence);

Seek within the body of an entry. Similar to lseek.


my $status = archive_set_error($archive, $errno, $format, @args);

Sets the numeric error code and error description that will be returned by archive_errno and archive_error_string. This function should be used within I/O callbacks to set system-specific error codes and error descriptions. This function accepts a printf-like format string and arguments (via perl's sprintf.


my $version = archive_version_number();

Return the libarchive version as an integer.


my $string = archive_version_string();

Return the libarchive as a version.

Returns a string value.


my $status = archive_write_add_filter($archive, $code);

A convenience function to set the filter based on the code.


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_b64encode($archive);

Add b64encode filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_by_name($archive, $name);

A convenience function to set the filter based on the name.


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_bzip2($archive);

Add bzip2 filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_compress($archive);

Add compress filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_grzip($archive);

Add grzip filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_gzip($archive);

Add gzip filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_lrzip($archive);

Add lrzip filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_lzip($archive);

Add lzip filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_lzma($archive);

Add lzma filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_lzop($archive);

Add lzop filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_none($archive);

Add none filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_program($archive, $cmd);

The archive will be fed into the specified compression program. The output of that program is blocked and written to the client write callbacks.


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_uuencode($archive);

Add uuencode filter


my $status = archive_write_add_filter_xz($archive);

Add xz filter


my $status = archive_write_close($archive)

Complete the archive and invoke the close callback.


my $status = archive_write_data($archive, $buffer);

Write data corresponding to the header just written.

This function returns the number of bytes actually written, or -1 on error.


my $count_or_status = archive_write_data_block($archive, $buffer, $offset);

Writes the buffer to the current entry in the given archive starting at the given offset.


my $int64 = archive_write_disk_gid($archive, $string, $int64);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $archive = archive_write_disk_new();

Allocates and initializes a struct archive object suitable for writing objects to disk.

Returns an opaque archive which may be a perl style object, or a C pointer (Depending on the implementation), either way, it can be passed into any of the write functions documented here with an $archive argument.


my $status = archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup($archive, $data, $lookup_callback, $cleanup_callback);

Register a callback for the lookup of group names from group id numbers. In order to deregister call archive_write_disk_set_group_lookup with both callback functions set to undef.

See Archive::Libarchive::XS::Callback for calling conventions for the lookup and cleanup callbacks.


my $status = archive_write_disk_set_options($archive, $flags);

The options field consists of a bitwise OR of one or more of the following values:



my $status = archive_write_disk_set_skip_file($archive, $device, $inode);

Records the device and inode numbers of a file that should not be overwritten. This is typically used to ensure that an extraction process does not overwrite the archive from which objects are being read. This capability is technically unnecessary but can be a significant performance optimization in practice.


my $status = archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup($archive);

This convenience function installs a standard set of user and group lookup functions. These functions use getpwnam and getgrnam to convert names to ids, defaulting to the ids if the names cannot be looked up. These functions also implement a simple memory cache to reduce the number of calls to getpwnam and getgrnam.


my $status = archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup($archive, $data, $lookup_callback, $cleanup_callback);

Register a callback for the lookup of user names from user id numbers. In order to deregister call archive_write_disk_set_user_lookup with both callback functions set to undef.

See Archive::Libarchive::XS::Callback for calling conventions for the lookup and cleanup callbacks.


my $int64 = archive_write_disk_uid($archive, $string, $int64);

Undocumented libarchive function.


my $status = archive_write_fail($archive);

Marks the archive as FATAL so that a subsequent free operation won't try to close cleanly. Provides a fast abort capability when the client discovers that things have gone wrong.


my $status = archive_write_finish_entry($archive)

Close out the entry just written. Ordinarily, clients never need to call this, as it is called automatically by archive_write_next_header and archive_write_close as needed. However, some file attributes are written to disk only after the file is closed, so this can be necessary if you need to work with the file on disk right away.


my $status = archive_write_free($archive);

Invokes archive_write_close if it was not invoked manually, then release all resources.


my $count = archive_write_get_bytes_per_block($archive);

Retrieve the currently-set value for last block size. A value of -1 here indicates that the library should use default values.


my $count = archive_write_get_bytes_per_block($archive);

Retrieve the block size to be used for writing. A value of -1 here indicates that the library should use default values. A value of zero indicates that internal blocking is suppressed.


my $status = archive_write_header($archive, $entry);

Build and write a header using the data in the provided struct archive_entry structure. You can use archive_entry_new to create an $entry object and populate it with archive_entry_set* functions.


my $archive = archive_write_new();

Allocates and initializes a archive object suitable for writing an new archive. Returns an opaque archive which may be a perl style object, or a C pointer (depending on the implementation), either way, it can be passed into any of the write functions documented here with an $archive argument.


my $status = archive_write_open($archive, $data, $open_cb, $read_cb, $close_cb);

Freeze the settings, open the archive, and prepare for writing entries. This is the most generic form of this function, which accepts pointers to three callback functions which will be invoked by the compression layer to write the constructed archive.


my $status = archive_write_open_fh($archive, $fh);

A convenience form of archive_write_open() that accepts a file descriptor. Note that the file handle will not be automatically closed.

There is no corresponding archive_read_write_fh in the C version of libarchive. This is provided in the place of archive_write_open_FILE and archive_write_open_fd, which are not in the Perl bindings for libarchive.


my $status = archive_write_open_filename($archive, $filename);

A convenience form of archive_write_open that accepts a filename. If you have not invoked archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block, then archive_write_open_filename will adjust the last-block padding depending on the file: it will enable padding when writing to standard output or to a character or block device node, it will disable padding otherwise. You can override this by manually invoking archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block before calling archive_write_open. The archive_write_open_filename function is safe for use with tape drives or other block-oriented devices.

If you pass in undef as the $filename, libarchive will write the archive to standard out.


my $status = archive_write_open_memory($archive, \$scalar);

A convenience form of archive_write_open that accepts a reference to a scalar that will receive the archive.


my $status = archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block($archive, $bytes_in_last_block);

Sets the block size used for writing the last block. If this value is zero, the last block will be padded to the same size as the other blocks. Otherwise, the final block will be padded to a multiple of this size. In particular, setting it to 1 will cause the final block to not be padded. For compressed output, any padding generated by this option is applied only after the compression. The uncompressed data is always unpadded. The default is to pad the last block to the full block size (note that archive_write_open_filename will set this based on the file type). Unlike the other "set" functions, this function can be called after the archive is opened.


my $status = archive_write_set_bytes_per_block($archive, $bytes_per_block);

Sets the block size used for writing the archive data. Every call to the write callback function, except possibly the last one, will use this value for the length. The default is to use a block size of 10240 bytes. Note that a block size of zero will suppress internal blocking and cause writes to be sent directly to the write callback as they occur.

archive_write_set_filter_option($archive, $module, $option, $value)

my $status = archive_write_set_filter_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered filters (including decompression filters).

If option and value are both undef, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_OK will be returned. If option is undef but value is not, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is not undef, option and value will be provided to the filter or reader named module. The return value will be that of the module. If there is no such module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is undef, option and value will be provided to every registered module. If any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this value will be returned immediately. Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned if any module accepts the option, and ARCHIVE_FAILED in all other cases.


my $status = archive_write_set_format($archive, $code);

A convenience function to set the format based on the code.


my $status = archive_write_set_format_7zip($archive);

Set the archive format to 7zip


my $status = archive_write_set_format_ar_bsd($archive);

Set the archive format to ar_bsd


my $status = archive_write_set_format_ar_svr4($archive);

Set the archive format to ar_svr4


my $status = archive_write_set_format_by_name($archive, $name);

A convenience function to set the format based on the name.


my $status = archive_write_set_format_cpio($archive);

Set the archive format to cpio


my $status = archive_write_set_format_cpio_newc($archive);

Set the archive format to cpio_newc


my $status = archive_write_set_format_gnutar($archive);

Set the archive format to gnutar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_iso9660($archive);

Set the archive format to iso9660


my $status = archive_write_set_format_mtree($archive);

Set the archive format to mtree


my $status = archive_write_set_format_mtree_classic($archive);

Set the archive format to mtree_classic


my $status = archive_write_set_format_old_tar($archive);

Set the archive format to old_tar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Specifies an option that will be passed to currently-registered format readers.

If option and value are both undef, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_OK will be returned. If option is undef but value is not, these functions will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is not undef, option and value will be provided to the filter or reader named module. The return value will be that of the module. If there is no such module, ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned.

If module is undef, option and value will be provided to every registered module. If any module returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, this value will be returned immediately. Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned if any module accepts the option, and ARCHIVE_FAILED in all other cases.


my $status = archive_write_set_format_pax($archive);

Set the archive format to pax


my $status = archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted($archive);

Set the archive format to pax_restricted


my $status = archive_write_set_format_shar($archive);

Set the archive format to shar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_shar_dump($archive);

Set the archive format to shar_dump


my $status = archive_write_set_format_ustar($archive);

Set the archive format to ustar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_v7tar($archive);

Set the archive format to v7tar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_xar($archive);

Set the archive format to xar


my $status = archive_write_set_format_zip($archive);

Set the archive format to zip


my $status = archive_write_set_option($archive, $module, $option, $value);

Calls archive_write_set_format_option, then archive_write_set_filter_option. If either function returns ARCHIVE_FATAL, ARCHIVE_FATAL will be returned immediately. Otherwise, greater of the two values will be returned.


my $status = archive_write_set_options($archive, $options);

options is a comma-separated list of options. If options is undef or empty, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned immediately.

Individual options have one of the following forms:


The option/value pair will be provided to every module. Modules that do not accept an option with this name will ignore it.


The option will be provided to every module with a value of "1".


The option will be provided to every module with a NULL value.

module:option=value, module:option, module:!option

As above, but the corresponding option and value will be provided only to modules whose name matches module.


my $status = archive_write_set_skip_file($archive, $dev, $ino);

The dev/ino of a file that won't be archived. This is used to avoid recursively adding an archive to itself.


my $status = archive_write_zip_set_compression_deflate($archive);

Set the compression method for the zip archive to deflate.


my $status = archive_write_zip_set_compression_store($archive);

Set the compression method for the zip archive to store.




Graham Ollis <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Graham Ollis.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.