UML::Sequence::SimpleSeq - turns simple outlines (see below) into UML sequence diagrams

SYNOPSIS UML::Sequence::SimpleSeq outline_file > sequence.xml sequence.xml > sequence.svg

OR UML::Sequence::SimpleSeq outline_file | > sequence.svg


This file may be used directly by a script (as shown above) or as a base class for other sequencers (see UML::Sequence::JavaSeq). It supplies routines for handling simple outlines like a user could be expected to type by hand. Such outlines look like this:

At Home.Wash Car
    Garage.retrieve bucket
    Kitchen.prepare bucket
        Kitchen.pour soap in bucket
        Kitchen.fill bucket
    Garage.get sponge door
    Driveway.apply soapy water
    Driveway.empty bucket
    Garage.close door
    Garage.replace sponge
    Garage.replace bucket

The "class" name and "method" name are separated by a dot. If there are multiple dots, the method name is everything after the last dot. Classes and methods in this context are elements of a UML sequence diagram. Classes get boxes at the top of the page. Method calls are labeled lines from one class to another. If you want two classes with the same name, you must append a suffix or prefix (try instanceName:ClassName).


Call this first with the outline file (in the format described above). Pass it the name of the file to read. Returns a reference to an array whose elements are lines from the outline with spacing preserved.


Call this with an outline (possibly generated by grab_outline). It will return a hash reference. Each method mentioned in the outline will appear as a key in the hash (the values are less important, they count the occurances of the method).


This method is a call back used by the UML::Sequence constructor. It accepts a signature and returns the "class" name (in scalar context) or the "class" and "method" names (in list context). It splits the signature on the last dot it sees after removing any argument list and associated parentheses. Thus, it works for simple and Java outlines.


Phil Crow, <>


Copyright 2003, Philip Crow, all rights reserved. You may modify and/or redistribute this code in the same manner as Perl itself.