FP::Abstract::Sequence - functional sequence protocol
use FP::Predicates qw(is_sequence is_proper_sequence);
# ^ placed here because we can't export functions from
# FP::Abstract::Sequence
use FP::PureArray;
use FP::StrictList;
use FP::List;
use FP::Stream;
use FP::Array 'array';
use FP::Equal 'is_equal';
is_equal list(purearray(3, 4),
strictlist(3, 4),
list(3, 4),
stream(3, 4),
cons(3, 4),
array(3, 4), # Should we change this given `FP::autobox`?
{3 => 4})->map(*is_sequence),
list(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, undef, undef, undef);
is is_sequence(cons 3, 4), 1;
is is_proper_sequence(cons 3, 4), 0; # improper list
my $ns = purearray(FP::Abstract::Sequence->FP_Interface__method_names);
# The methods you can count on being supported by sequences.
is_equal $ns->sort->take(5),
purearray('any', 'append', 'array', 'cons', 'drop');
This is a functional protocol, i.e. its use does not exert any side effects (that are visible to the user). It does *not* imply `FP::Abstract::Pure`, though; impure data structures could implement it all the same (in addition to a mutation protocol).
This is alpha software! Read the status section in the package README or on the website.