Zoidberg::Utils::Output - Zoidberg output routines


use Zoidberg::Utils qw/:output/;

# use this instead of perlfunc print
output "get some string outputted";
output { string => 'or some data struct dumped' };


This module provides some routines used by various Zoidberg modules to output data.

Although when working within the Zoidberg framework this module should be used through the Zoidberg::Utils interface, it also can be used on it's own.


By default all of the below except typed_output.



Output a list of possibly mixed data structs as nice as possible.

A reference to an array of plain scalars may be outputted as a multicolumn list, more complex data will be dumped using Data::Dumper.


Like output() but tags data as a message, in non-interactive mode these may not be printed at all.


Like output() tags the data as debug output, will only be printed when in debug mode. Debug ouput will be printed to STDERR if printed at all.


Like output but intended for error messages, data will be printed to STDERR. Has some glue for error objects created by Zoidberg::Utils::Error. Prints $@ when no argument is given.

typed_output($type, @_)

Method that can be used to define output types that don't fit in the above group. $type must be a plain string that is used as output 'tag'.


Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus] <>

Copyright (c) 2003 Jaap G Karssenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Zoidberg, Zoidberg::Utils