Search::Xapian::PostingIterator - Iterate over the list of documents indexed by a term.
This iterator represents a stream of documents indexed by a term. It overloads ++ for advancing the iterator, or you can explicitly call the inc method. This class also overloads 'eq', 'ne', '==', '!=', and "" (stringification).
- new
Constructor. Defaults to an uninitialized iterator.
- clone
- inc
Advance the iterator by one. (Called implictly by '++' overloading).
- skip_to <tname>
Skip the iterator to term tname, or the first term after tname if tname isn't in the list of terms being iterated.
- get_docid
Get the unique id of this document.
- get_wdf
Return the wdf of the current term (if meaningful).
- positionlist_begin
Return Search::Xapian:::PositionIterator pointing to start of positionlist for current term.
- positionlist_end
Return Search::Xapian:::PositionIterator pointing to end of positionlist for current term.
- get_doclength
Get the length of the document at the current position in the postlist.
This information may be stored in the postlist, in which case this lookup should be extremely fast (indeed, not require further disk access). If the information is not present in the postlist, it will be retrieved from the database, at a greater performance cost.
- equal <term>
Checks if a term is the same as this term. Also overloaded to the 'eq' and '==' operators.
- nequal <term>
Checks if a term is different from this term. Also overloaded to the 'ne' and '!=' operators.
- get_description
Returns a string describing this object. (for introspection)