WebService::Amazon::Route53 - Perl interface to Amazon Route 53 API


version 0.100


WebService::Amazon::Route53 provides an interface to Amazon Route 53 DNS service.

use WebService::Amazon::Route53;

my $r53 = WebService::Amazon::Route53->new(id => 'ROUTE53ID',
                                           key => 'SECRETKEY');

# Create a new zone
$r53->create_hosted_zone(name => '',
                         caller_reference => 'example.com_migration_01');

# Get zone information
my $response = $r53->find_hosted_zone(name => '');
my $zone = $response->{hosted_zone};

# Create a new record
$r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => $zone->{id},
                                  action => 'create',
                                  name => '',
                                  type => 'A',
                                  ttl => 86400,
                                  value => '');

# Modify records
$r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => $zone->{id},
    changes => [
            action => 'delete',
            name => '',
            type => 'A',
            ttl => 86400,
            value => ''
            action => 'create',
            name => '',
            type => 'A',
            ttl => 86400,
            records => [


Required parameters are marked as such, other parameters are optional.

Instance methods return a false value on failure. More detailed error information can be obtained by calling "error".

The methods described below correspond to the 2013-04-01 version of the Route53 API. For the 2011-05-05 version, see WebService::Amazon::Route53::API::20110505.


Creates a new instance of a WebService::Amazon::Route53 API class.

my $r53 = WebService::Amazon::Route53->new(id => 'ROUTE53ID',
                                           key => 'SECRETKEY');

Based on the value of the version parameter, the matching subclass of WebService::Amazon::Route53::API is instantiated (e.g., for version set to "2013-04-01", WebService::Amazon::Route53::API::20130401 is used). If the version parameter is omitted, the latest supported version is selected (currently "2013-04-01").


  • id

    (Required) AWS access key ID.

  • key

    (Required) Secret access key.

  • version

    Route53 API version (either "2013-04-01" or "2011-05-05", default: "2013-04-01").


Gets a list of hosted zones.

$response = $r53->list_hosted_zones(max_items => 15);


  • marker

    Indicates where to begin the result set. This is the ID of the last hosted zone which will not be included in the results.

  • max_items

    The maximum number of hosted zones to retrieve.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing zone data, and a next marker if more zones are available. Example:

$response = {
    'hosted_zones' => [
            'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID',
            'name' => '',
            'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone',
            'config' => {
                'comment' => 'This is my first hosted zone'
            'resource_record_set_count' => '10'
            'id' => '/hostedzone/456ZONEID',
            'name' => '',
            'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone2',
            'config' => {
                'comment' => 'This is my second hosted zone'
            'resource_record_set_count' => '7'
    'next_marker' => '456ZONEID'


Gets hosted zone data.

$response = get_hosted_zone(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


  • zone_id

    (Required) Hosted zone ID.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing zone data and name servers information. Example:

$response = {
    'hosted_zone' => {
        'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID'
        'name' => '',
        'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone',
        'config' => {
            'comment' => 'This is my first hosted zone'
        'resource_record_set_count' => '10'
    'delegation_set' => {
        'name_servers' => [


Finds the first hosted zone with the given name.

$response = $r53->find_hosted_zone(name => '');


  • name

    (Required) Hosted zone name.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing zone data and name servers information (see "get_hosted_zone"), or a false value if there is no hosted zone with the given name.


Creates a new hosted zone.

$response = $r53->create_hosted_zone(name => '',
                                     caller_reference => 'example.com_01');


  • name

    (Required) New hosted zone name.

  • caller_reference

    (Required) A unique string that identifies the request.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing new zone data, change description, and name servers information. Example:

$response = {
    'hosted_zone' => {
        'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID'
        'name' => '',
        'caller_reference' => 'example.com_01',
        'config' => {},
        'resource_record_set_count' => '2'
    'change_info' => {
        'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
        'submitted_at' => '2011-08-30T23:54:53.221Z',
        'status' => 'PENDING'
    'delegation_set' => {
        'name_servers' => [


Deletes a hosted zone.

$change_info = $r53->delete_hosted_zone(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


  • zone_id

    (Required) Hosted zone ID.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing change information. Example:

$change_info = {
    'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
    'submitted_at' => '2011-08-31T00:04:37.456Z',
    'status' => 'PENDING'


Lists resource record sets for a hosted zone.

$response = $r53->list_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


  • zone_id

    (Required) Hosted zone ID.

  • name

    The first domain name (in lexicographic order) to retrieve.

  • type

    DNS record type of the next resource record set to retrieve.

  • identifier

    Set identifier for the next source record set to retrieve. This is needed when the previous set of results has been truncated for a given DNS name and type.

  • max_items

    The maximum number of records to be retrieved. The default is 100, and it's the maximum allowed value.

Returns: A hash reference containing record set data, and optionally (if more records are available) the name, type, and set identifier of the next record to retrieve. Example:

$response = {
    resource_record_sets => [
            name => '',
            type => 'MX'
            ttl => 86400,
            resource_records => [
            name => '',
            type => 'NS',
            ttl => 172800,
            resource_records => [
    next_record_name => '',
    next_record_type => 'A',
    next_record_identifier => '1'


Makes changes to DNS record sets.

$change_info = $r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID',
    changes => [
        # Delete the current A record
            action => 'delete',
            name => '',
            type => 'A',
            ttl => 86400,
            value => ''
        # Create a new A record with a different value
            action => 'create',
            name => '',
            type => 'A',
            ttl => 86400,
            value => ''
        # Create two new MX records
            action => 'create',
            name => '',
            type => 'MX',
            ttl => 86400,
            records => [

If there is just one change to be made, you can use the simplified call syntax, and pass the change parameters directly, instead of using the changes parameter:

$change_info = $r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID',
                                                 action => 'delete',
                                                 name => '',
                                                 type => 'A',
                                                 ttl => 86400,
                                                 value => '');


  • zone_id

    (Required) Hosted zone ID.

  • changes

    (Required) A reference to an array of hashes, describing the changes to be made. If there is just one change, the array may be omitted and change parameters may be passed directly.

Change parameters:

  • action

    (Required) The action to perform ("create", "delete", or "upsert").

  • name

    (Required) The name of the domain to perform the action on.

  • type

    (Required) The DNS record type.

  • ttl

    The DNS record time to live (TTL), in seconds.

  • records

    A reference to an array of strings that represent the current or new record values. If there is just one value, you can use the value parameter instead.

  • value

    Current or new DNS record value. For multiple record values, use the records parameter.

  • health_check_id

    ID of a Route53 health check.

  • set_identifier

    Unique description for this resource record set.

  • weight

    Weight of this resource record set (in the range 0 - 255).

  • alias_target

    Information about the CloudFront distribution, Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, Amazon S3 bucket, or resource record set to which queries are being redirected. A hash reference with the following fields:

    • hosted_zone_id

      Hosted zone ID for the CloudFront distribution, Amazon S3 bucket, Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, or Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.

    • dns_name

      DNS domain name for the CloudFront distribution, Amazon S3 bucket, Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, or another resource record set in this hosted zone.

    • evaluate_target_health

      Inherit the health of the referenced resource record sets (0 or 1).

  • region

    Amazon EC2 region name.

  • failover

    Make this a primary or secondary failover resource record set ("primary" or "secondary").

Returns: A reference to a hash containing change information. Example:

$change_info = {
    'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
    'submitted_at' => '2011-08-31T00:04:37.456Z',
    'status' => 'PENDING'


Gets current status of a change batch request.

$change_info = $r53->get_change(change_id => '123FOO456');


  • change_id

    (Required) The ID of the change batch request.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing change information. Example:

$change_info = {
    'id' => '/change/123FOO456'
    'submitted_at' => '2011-08-31T00:04:37.456Z',
    'status' => 'PENDING'


Creates a new health check.

$response = $r53->create_health_check(
    caller_reference => 'check_01',
    type => 'http',
    fully_qualified_domain_name => '',
    request_interval => 10


  • caller_reference

    (Required) A unique string that identifies the request.

  • type

    (Required) The type of health check to be created ("http", "https", "http_str_match", "https_str_match", or "tcp").

  • ip_address

    The IPv4 address of the endpoint on which to perform health checks.

  • port

    The port on the endpoint on which to perform health checks. Required when the type is tcp, optional for other types (if omitted, the default value of 80 is used).

  • resource_path

    The path to request when performing health checks (applies to all types except tcp).

  • fully_qualified_domain_name

    Fully qualified domain name to be used in checks (applies to all types except tcp).

  • search_string

    The string to search for in the response body from the specified resource (applies to http_str_match and https_str_match).

  • request_interval

    The number of seconds between the time when a response is received and the time when the next health check request is sent (10 or 30, default: 30).

  • failure_threshold

    The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa (a value between 1 and 10, default: 3).

Returns: A reference to a hash containing health check information. Example:

$response = {
    'health_check' => {
        'id' => '01ab23cd-45ef-67ab-89cd-01ab23cd45ef',
        'caller_reference' => 'check_01',
        'health_check_config' => {
            'type' => 'http',
            'fully_qualified_domain_name' => '',
            'request_interval' => '10',
            'failure_threshold' => '3',
            'port' => '80'


Gets information about a specific health check.

$response = $r53->get_health_check(
    health_check_id => '01ab23cd-45ef-67ab-89cd-01ab23cd45ef');


  • health_check_id

    (Required) The ID of the health check to be deleted.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing health check information. Example:

$response = {
    'health_check' => {
        'id' => '01ab23cd-45ef-67ab-89cd-01ab23cd45ef',
        'caller_reference' => 'check_01',
        'health_check_config' => {
            'type' => 'http',
            'fully_qualified_domain_name' => '',
            'request_interval' => '10',
            'failure_threshold' => '3',
            'port' => '80'


Gets a list of health checks.

$response = $r53->list_health_checks(max_items => 10);


  • marker

    Indicates where to begin the results set. This is the ID of the first health check to include in the results.

  • max_items

    The maximum number of health checks to retrieve.

Returns: A reference to a hash containing health check data, and a next marker if more health checks are available. Example:

$response = {
    'health_checks' => [
            'id' => '01ab23cd-45ef-67ab-89cd-01ab23cd45ef',
            'caller_reference' => 'check_01',
            'health_check_config' => {
                'type' => 'http',
                'fully_qualified_domain_name' => '',
                'request_interval' => '10',
                'failure_threshold' => '3',
                'port' => '80'
            'id' => 'ab23cd01-ef45-ab67-cd89-ab23cd45ef01',
            'caller_reference' => 'check_02',
            'health_check_config' => {
                'type' => 'https',
                'fully_qualified_domain_name' => '',
                'request_interval' => '30',
                'failure_threshold' => '3',
                'port' => '443'
    'next_marker' => '23cd01ab-45ef-67ab-89cd-23cd45ef01ab'


Deletes a health check.

$result = $r53->delete_health_check(
    health_check_id => '01ab23cd-45ef-67ab-89cd-01ab23cd45ef');


  • health_check_id

    (Required) The ID of the health check to be deleted.

Returns: 1 if the health check was successfully deleted, a false value otherwise.


Returns the last error.

$error = $r53->error;

Returns: A reference to a hash containing the type, code, and message of the last error. Example:

$error = {
    'type' => 'Sender',
    'message' => 'FATAL problem: UnsupportedCharacter encountered at  ',
    'code' => 'InvalidDomainName'


* Amazon Route 53 API Reference


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

git clone


Michal Wojciechowski <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Michal Wojciechowski.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.