Catalyst::Plugin::Continuation - Catalyst Continuation Plugin
# Make sure to load session plugins too!
package MyApp;
use Catalyst qw/Session Session::Store::File
Session::State::Cookie Continuation/;
# Create a controller
package MyApp::Controller::Test;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
# Add a action with attached action class
sub counter : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $up = $c->continue('up');
my $down = $c->continue('down');
my $counter = $c->stash->{counter} || 0;
Counter: $counter<br/>
<a href="$up">++</a>
<a href="$down">--</a>
# Add private actions for continuations
sub up : Private { $_[1]->stash->{counter}++ }
sub down : Private { $_[1]->stash->{counter}-- }
Catalyst Continuation Plugin.
These methods are overridden to allow the special continuation dispatch.
Contains the continuation object that was restored.
set_continuation $id, $structure
get_continuation $id
delete_continuation $id
These are internal methods which you can override.
They default to storing inside $c->session
, and using "generate_session_id" in Catalyst::Plugin::Session.
If you want your continuations to be garbage collected in some way you need to override this to store the data in some other backend.
Note that active_continuations
returns a hash reference which you can edit. Be careful.
$c->continuation_expired( $id )
This handler is called when the continuation with the ID $id tried to get invoked but did not exist
$c->resume_continuation( $cont_or_id );
Resume a continuation based on an ID or an object.
This is a convenience method intended on saving you the need to load and execute the continuation yourself.
Returns the Catalyst::Continuation object for given method.
Takes the same arguments as "forward" in Catalyst and it's relatives.
A pseudo-cc - a continuation to your caller.
Note that this does NOT honor the call stack in any way - it is ONLY to reinvoke the immediate caller. See the NeedsLogin test controller in the test suite for an example of how to use this effectively.
Returns the string Catalyst::Continuation
by default. You may override this to replace the continuation class.
Continuations take up space, and are by default stored in the session.
When invoked a session will delete itself by default, but anything else will leak, until the session expires.
If this is a concern for you, override the get_continuation
family of functions to have a better scheme for storage.
Some approaches you could implement, depending on how you use continuations:
- size limiting
Store up to $x continuations, and toss out old ones once this starts to overflow. This is essentially an LRU policy.
- continuation grouping
Group all the continuations saved in a single request together. When one of them is deleted, all the rest go with it.
- use the fine grained session expiry feature
Catalyst::Plugin::Session allows you to expire some session keys before the entire session expired. You can associate each session with it's own unique key, and avoid extending the continuation's time-to-live.
If you override all these functions then you don't need the Catalyst::Plugin::Session dependency.
Catalyst, Seaside (, Jifty, Coro::Cont, psychiatrist(1).
Sebastian Riedel,
Yuval Kogman,
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.