Whatbot::Helper::Bootstrap - Provide a helper shell to render a Bootstrap page.


This module will allow a command to utilize Twitter Bootstrap 3 as the default layout for their web command. There isn't a lot of customization provided, this is just a way to quickly get something running in whatbot. It provides a global menu to hop to other web applications, and can have additional nav options added on deployment.

The majority of the work is handled in Whatbot::Command::Role::BootstrapTemplate. The only available method here is add_application(), which will add your command to the global menu.


package Whatbot::Command::Example;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Whatbot::Command'; with 'Whatbot::Command::Role::BootstrapTemplate'; }

sub register {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Add command to global menu
    Whatbot::Helper::Bootstrap->add_application( 'Example', '/example' );

    # Add an additional menu option, if desired	 
    $self->add_menu_item( Whatbot::Helper::Bootstrap::Link->new({
        'title' => 'A fun trick',
        'href'  => '/example/fun',
    }) );

    $self->web( '/example', \&example );
    $self->web( '/example/fun', \&example_fun );


add_application( $name, $path )

Add an application to the global menu.


Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes.