Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5::Indexer - Incrementally index your files


  use File::Find::Rule ;
  use Readonly ;
  Readonly my $DEFAUT_MAX_FILE_SIZE_INDEXING_THRESHOLD => 300 << 10 ; # 300KB
  my $indexer 
	= Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5::Indexer->new
		INDEX_DIRECTORY => 'text_index', 
		) ;
  my @files = File::Find::Rule
		->name( '*.pm', '*.pod' )
		->not_name(qr[auto | unicore | DateTime/TimeZone | DateTime/Locale])
		->in('.') ;
  indexer->add_files(@files) ;
  indexer->add_files(@more_files) ;
  indexer = undef ;


This module implements an incremental text indexer and searcher based on Search::Indexer.


Given a list of files, this module will allow you to create an indexed text database that you can later query for matches. You can also use the siim command line application installed with this module.


new( %named_arguments)

Create a Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5::Indexer object.

my $indexer = new Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5::Indexer(%named_arguments) ;

Arguments - %named_arguments

%named_arguments -

Returns - A Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5::Indexer object

Exceptions -

  • Incomplete argument list

  • Error creating index directory

  • Error creating index metadata database

  • Error creating a Search::Indexer object

add_files($self, %named_arguments)

Adds the contents of the files passed as arguments to the index database. Files already indexed are checked and re-indexed only if their content has changed

Arguments %named_arguments

FILES - Array reference - a list of files to add to the index. The file can either be a:
Scalar - The name of the file to indexed
Hash reference - this is, for example, useful when you want to index the contents of a tarball
NAME - The name of the file to indexed
DESCRIPTION - A user specific description string to be saved within the database
MAXIMUM_DOCUMENT_SIZE - Integer - a warning is displayed for document with greater size
DONE_ONE_FILE_CALLBACK - sub reference - called every time a file is handled
$file_name - the name of the file re-indexed
$file_description - user specific description of the name
$file_info - Hash reference
  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - up to date, no re-indexing necessary
    1 - file content changed since last index, re-indexed
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - re_indexing time

Returns - Hash reference keyed on the file name

  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - up to date, no re-indexing necessary
    1 - file content changed since last index, re-indexed
    2 - new file
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - re-indexing time


add_file($self, $name, $description)


$self -
$name -

Returns - Hash reference containing

  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - up to date, no re-indexing necessary
    1 - file content changed since last index, re-indexed
    2 - new file
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - re-indexing time



removes the contents of the files passed as arguments from the index database.

Arguments %named_arguments

FILES - Array reference - a list of files to remove from to the index
DONE_ONE_FILE_CALLBACK - sub reference - called every time a file is handled
$file_name - the name of the file removed
$file_description - description of the file
$file_info - Hash reference
  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - file not found
    1 - file found and removed
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - removal time

Returns - Hash reference keyed on the file name

  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - file found and removed
    1 - file not found
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - re-indexing time


remove_document_with_id($id, $content)

removes the contents of the files passed as arguments


  • $id - The id of the document to remove from the database

  • $content - The contents of the document or undef

Returns - Nothing

Exceptions - None


Checks the index database contents.

Arguments %named_arguments

DONE_ONE_FILE_CALLBACK - sub reference - called every time a file is handled
$file_name - the name of the file being checked
$description - description of the file
$file_info - Hash reference containing
  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - file found and identical
    1 - file found, content is different (needs re-indexing)
    2 - file not found
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - check time

Returns - Hash reference keyed on the file name or nothing in void context

  • STATE - Boolean -

    0 - file found and identical
    1 - file found, content is different (needs re-indexing)
    2 - file not found
  • ID - integer - document id

  • TIME - Float - check time

Exceptions - None


Checks the index database contents and remove any reference to documents that don't exist.

Arguments - None

Returns - Array reference containing the named of the document that don't exist

Exceptions - None


None so far.


Nadim ibn hamouda el Khemir


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Search::Indexer::Incremental::MD5

You can also look for information at: