Plack::Auth::SSO - role for Single Sign On (SSO) authentication
* SSO for Central Authentication System (CAS): Plack::Auth::SSO::CAS
* SSO for ORCID: Plack::Auth::SSO::ORCID
* SSO for Shibboleth: Plack::Auth::SSO::Shibboleth
package MySSOAuth;
use Moo;
use Data::Util qw(:check);
with "Plack::Auth::SSO";
sub to_app {
my $self = shift;
sub {
my $env = shift;
my $request = Plack::Request->new($env);
my $session = Plack::Session->new($env);
#did this app already authenticate you?
#implementation of Plack::Auth::SSO should write hash to session key,
#configured by "session_key"
my $auth_sso = $self->get_auth_sso($session);
#already authenticated: what are you doing here?
if( is_hash_ref($auth_sso) ){
return [ 302, [ Location => $self->uri_for($self->authorization_path) ], [] ];
#not authenticated: do your internal work
#everything ok: set auth_sso
package => __PACKAGE__,
package_id => $self->id,
response => {
content => "Long response from external SSO application",
content_type => "text/xml"
uid => "<uid>",
info => {
attr1 => "attr1",
attr2 => "attr2"
extra => {
field1 => "field1"
#redirect to other application for authorization:
return [ 302, [ Location => $self->uri_for($self->authorization_path) ], [] ];
#in your app.psgi
builder {
mount "/auth/myssoauth" => MySSOAuth->new(
session_key => "auth_sso",
authorization_path => "/auth/myssoauth/callback",
uri_base => "http://localhost:5001"
mount "/auth/myssoauth/callback" => sub {
my $env = shift;
my $session = Plack::Session->new($env);
my $auth_sso = $session->get("auth_sso");
#not authenticated yet
return [ 403, ["Content-Type" => "text/html"], ["forbidden"] ];
#process auth_sso (white list, roles ..)
[ 200, ["Content-Type" => "text/html"], ["logged in!"] ];
This is a Moo::Role for all Single Sign On Authentication packages. It requires to_app
method, that returns a valid Plack application
An implementation is expected is to do all communication with the external SSO application (e.g. CAS). When it succeeds, it should save the response from the external service in the session, and redirect to the authorization url (see below).
The authorization route must pick up the response from the session, and log the user in.
This package requires you to use Plack Sessions.
- session_key
When authentication succeeds, the implementation saves the response from the SSO application in this session key, together with extra information.
The response should look like this:
{ package => "<package-name>", package_id => "<package-id>", response => { content => "Long response from external SSO application like CAS", content_type => "<mime-type>" }, uid => "<uid-in-external-app>", info => { attr1 => "attr1", attr2 => "attr2" }, extra => { field1 => "field1" } }
This is usefull for several reasons:
* the authorization application can distinguish between authenticated and not authenticated users * it can pick up the saved response from the session * it can lookup a user in an internal database, matching on the provided "uid" from the external service. * the key "package" tells which package authenticated the user; so the application can do an appropriate lookup based on this information. * the key "package_id" defaults to the package name, but is configurable. This is usefull when you have several external services of the same type, and your application wants to distinguish between them. * the original response is stored as text, along with the content type. * other attributes stored in the hash reference "info". It is up to the implementing package whether it should only used attributes as pushed during the authentication step (like in CAS), or do an extra lookup. * "extra" should be used to store request information. e.g. "ORCID" gives a "token". e.g. "Shibboleth" supplies the "Shib-Identity-Provider".
(internal) path of the authorization route. This path will be prepended by "uri_base" to create the full url.
When authentication succeeds, this application should redirect you here
- uri_for( path )
method that prepends your path with "uri_base".
- id
identifier of the authentication module. Defaults to the package name. This is handy when using multiple SSO instances, and you need to known exactly which package authenticated the user.
This is stored in "auth_sso" as "package_id".
- uri_base
base url of the Plack application
returns a Plack application
This must be implemented by subclasses
get saved SSO response from your session
save SSO response to your session
$hash should be a hash ref, and look like this:
package => __PACKAGE__,
package_id => __PACKAGE__ ,
response => {
content => "Long response from external SSO application like CAS",
content_type => "<mime-type>",
uid => "<uid>",
info => {},
extra => {}
See examples/app1:
#copy example config to required location
$ cp examples/catmandu.yml.example examples/catmandu.yml
#edit config
$ vim examples/catmandu.yml
#start plack application
plackup examples/
Nicolas Franck, <nicolas.franck at>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
Plack::Auth::SSO::CAS, Plack::Auth::SSO::ORCID Plack::Auth::SSO::Shibboleth