Encode::JISX0213 - JIS X 0213 encodings


use Encode::JISX0213;
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
$byte = encode("iso-2022-jp-2004", $utf8);
$utf8 = decode("iso-2022-jp-2004", $byte);


This module provides following encodings.

Canonical         Alias                         Description
euc-jis-2004      qr/\beuc-?(jis|jp)-?2004$/i   8-bit encoding
iso-2022-jp-2004  qr/\biso-?2022-?jp-?2004$/i   7-bit encoding

Additionally, it provides encodings for older revision, JIS X 0213:2000:

Canonical         Alias                         Description
euc-jisx0213      qr/\beucjisx0213$/i           8-bit encoding
                  qr/\beuc.*jp[ \-]?(?:2000|2k)$/i
                  qr/\bjp.*euc[ \-]?(2000|2k)$/i
                  qr/\bujis[ \-]?(?:2000|2k)$/i
iso-2022-jp-3     qr/\biso-?2022-?jp-?3$/i      7-bit encoding

and for transition from legacy standards:

Canonical         Alias                         Description
x-iso2022jp2004-compatible                      See note.
x-iso2022jp2004-strict                          See note.


To find out how to use this module in detail, see Encode.

Notes on Compatibility

To encode Unicode string to byte string, x-iso2022jp2004-strict uses JIS X 0208 as much as possible, strictly conforming to JIS X 0213:2004 Annex 2. It is compatible to other encodings.

x-iso2022jp2004-compatible uses JIS X 0208 for the bit combinations co-existing on JIS X 0208 and JIS X 0213 plane 1. It is not compatible to other encodings; it had never been registered by any standards bodies.

However, to decode byte string to Unicode string, encodings in the tables above accept arbitrary sequences of both JIS X 0208 and JIS X 0213. Exception is x-iso2022jp2004-strict: It accepts only allowed JIS X 0208 sequences.

euc-jis-2004 and euc-jisx0213 contains JIS X 0213 plane 2 along with JIS X 0212 in G3. By this non-standard extension, they have forward compatibility with EUC-JP (AJEC) in case of decoding.

Comparison with Other Modules

Encode::JIS2K provides euc-jisx0213, iso-2022-jp-3 and shift_jisx0213 encodings. euc-jp in Encode::JP 1.64 or later can decode euc-jisx0213 sequences. They support earlier revision of standard, and lack function to encode sequences with multiple Unicode characters such as katakana with semi-voiced sound mark.

ShiftJIS::X0213::MapUTF provides shift_jisx0213 and shift_jis-2004. It does not provide interface to contemporary Encode module.


JIS X 0213:2000 7ビット及び8ビットの2バイト情報交換用符号化拡張漢字集合 (7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded extended KANJI sets for information interchange), and its amendment JIS X 0213:2000/Amd.1:2004.

Encode, Encode::JP, Encode::ShiftJIS2004.


Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <hatuka(at)>


Copyright (C) 2013 Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.