Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::SMTP - utility methods for sending reports via SMTP
version 1.20140622
The RFC5322.Subject field for individual report submissions SHOULD conform to the following ABNF:
dmarc-subject = %x52.65.70.6f.72.74 1*FWS ; "Report"
%x44.6f.6d.61.69.6e.3a 1*FWS ; "Domain:"
domain-name 1*FWS ; from RFC6376
%x53.75.62.6d. ; "Submitter:"
1*FWS domain-name 1*FWS
%x52.65.70.6f.72.74.2d.49.44.3a ; "Report-ID:"
msg-id ; from RFC5322
The first domain-name indicates the DNS domain name about which the report was generated. The second domain-name indicates the DNS domain name representing the Mail Receiver generating the report. The purpose of the Report-ID: portion of the field is to enable the Domain Owner to identify and ignore duplicate reports that might be sent by a Mail Receiver.
12.2.1 Email
In the case of a "mailto" URI, the Mail Receiver SHOULD communicate reports using the method described in [STARTTLS].
The message generated by the Mail Receiver must be a [MIME] formatted [MAIL] message. The aggregate report itself MUST be included in one of the parts of the message. A human-readable portion MAY be included as a MIME part (such as a text/plain part).
The aggregate data MUST be an XML file subjected to GZIP compression. The aggregate data MUST be present using the media type "application/ gzip", and the filenames SHOULD be constructed using the following ABNF:
filename = receiver "!" policy-domain "!" begin-timestamp "!"
end-timestamp [ "!" unique-id ] "." extension
unique-id = token
; "token" is imported from [MIME]
receiver = domain
; imported from [MAIL]
policy-domain = domain
begin-timestamp = 1*DIGIT
; seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970
; indicating start of the time range contained
; in the report
end-timestamp = 1*DIGIT
; seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970
; indicating end of the time range contained
; in the report
extension = "xml" / "gzip"
For the GZIP file itself, the extension MUST be "gz"; for the XML
report, the extension MUST be "xml".
Matt Simerson <>
Davide Migliavacca <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.