Kelp::Test - Automated tests for a Kelp web app


use MyApp;
use Kelp::Test;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

my $app = MyApp->new;
my $t = Kelp::Test->new( app => $app );

$t->request( GET '/path' )
  ->content_is("It works");

$t->request( POST '/api' )
  ->json_cmp({auth => 1});


This module provides basic tools for testing a Kelp based web application. It is object oriented, and all methods return $self, so they can be chained together. Testing is done by sending HTTP requests to an already built application and analyzing the response. Therefore, each test usually begins with the "request" method, which takes a single HTTP::Request parameter. It sends the request to the web app and saves the response as an HTTP::Response object.



The Kelp::Test object is instantiated with single attribute called app. It is a reference to a Kelp based web app.

my $myapp = MyApp->new;
my $t = Kelp::Test->new( app => $myapp );

From this point on, all requests run with $t->request will be sent to $app.


This is only used when testing Kelp::Less apps. Since we don't have an application class to load, we need to load the app.psgi file.

my $t = Kelp::Test->new( psgi => 'app.psgi' );

All testing methods work exactly the same way. Note that since we don't have control over how the Kelp class is loaded, we may have to use the PLACK_ENV environment variable to set different testing modes.

> PLACK_ENV=test prove -l

The above is the same as:

use Kelp::Less mode => 'test';


Each time $t-request> is used to send a request, an HTTP::Response object is returned and saved in the res attribute. You can use it to run tests, although as you will see, this module provides methods which make this a lot easier. It is recommended that you use the convenience methods rather than using res.

$t->request( GET '/path' )
is $t->res->code, 200, "It's a success";



request( $http_request )

Takes an HTTP::Request object and sends it to the application. When the HTTP::Response object is returned, it is initialized in the "res" attribute. It is very convenient to use HTTP::Request::Common in your test modules, so you can take advantage of the simplified syntax for creating an HTTP request.

$t->request( POST '/api', [ user => 'jane' ] );

This method returns $self, so other methods can be chained after it.

code_is, code_isnt

code_is( $code, $test_name ), code_isnt( $code, $test_name )

Tests if the last response returned a status code equal or not equal to $code. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->code_is(200);
$t->request( GET '/path' )->code_isnt(500);

content_is, content_isnt

content_is( $value, $test_name ), content_isnt( $value, $test_name )

Tests if the last response returned content equal or not equal to $value. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_is("Ok.");
$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_isnt("Fail.");

content_like, content_unlike

content_like( $regexp, $test_name ), content_unlike( $regexp, $test_name )

Tests if the last response returned content that matches or doesn't match $regexp. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_like(qr{Amsterdam});
$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_unlike(qr{Rotterdam});

content_type_is, content_type_isnt

content_type_is( $value, $test_name ), content_type_isnt( $value, $test_name )

Tests if the last response's content-type header is equal or not equal to $value. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_type_is("text/plain");
$t->request( GET '/path' )->content_type_isnt("text/html");

header_is, header_isnt

header_is( $header, $value, $test_name ), header_isnt( $header, $value, $test_name )

Tests if the last response returned a header $header that is equal or not equal to $value. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->header_is( "Pragma", "no-cache" );
$t->request( GET '/path' )->header_isnt( "X-Check", "yes" );

header_like, header_unlike

header_like( $header, $regexp, $test_name ), header_unlike( $header, $regexp, $test_name )

Tests if the last response returned a header $header that matches or doesn't match $regexp. An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.

$t->request( GET '/path' )->header_like( "Content-Type", qr/json/ );
$t->request( GET '/path' )->header_unlike( "Content-Type", qr/image/ );


json_cmp( $expected, $test_name )

This tests for two things: If the returned content-type is application-json, and if the returned JSON structure matches the structure specified in $expected. To compare the two structures this method uses cmp_deeply from Test::Deep, so you can use all the goodies from the SPECIAL-COMPARISONS-PROVIDED section of the Test::Deep module.

$t->request( GET '/api' )->json_cmp(
        auth      => 1,
        timestamp => ignore(),
        info      => subhashof( { name => 'Rick James' } )

An optional name of the test can be added as a second parameter.


note( $note )

Print a note, using the Test::More note function.

$t->request( GET '/path' )
  ->note("Checking headers now")
  ->header_is( "Content-Type", qr/json/ );


Prints all headers for debugging purposes.

$t->request( GET '/path' )
  ->header_is( "Content-Type", qr/json/ )


Prints the entire content for debugging purposes.

$t->request( GET '/path' )