Kelp::Response - Format an HTTP response


Examples of route definitions make a lot more sense when showing how to use this module. Note that in the below examples $self->res is an instance of Kelp::Response:

# Render simple text
sub text {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->res->text->render("It works!");

# Render advanced HTML
sub html {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->res->html->render("<h1>It works!</h1>");

# Render a mysterious JSON structure
sub json {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->res->json->render({ why => 'no' });

# Render the stock 404
sub missing {
    my $self = shift;

# Render a template
sub view {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->res->template('', { name => 'Rick James' } );


The PSGI specification requires that each route returns an array with status code, headers and body. Plack::Response already provides many useful methods that deal with that. This module extends Plack::Response to add the tools we need to write graceful PSGI compliant responses. Some methods return $self, which makes them easy to chain.



This method tries to act smart, without being a control freak. It will fill out the blanks, unless they were previously filled out by someone else. Here is what is does:

  • If the response code was not previously set, this method will set it to 200.

  • If no content-type is previously set, render will set is based on the type of the data rendered. If it's a reference, then the content-type will be set to application/json, otherwise it will be set to text/html.

    # Will set the content-type to json
    $res->render( { numbers => [ 1, 2, 3 ] } );
  • Last, the data will be encoded with the charset specified by the app.


Sets the content type of the response and returns $self.

# Inside a route definition

text, html, json, xml

These methods are shortcuts for set_content_type with the corresponding type. All of them set the content-type header and return $self so they can be chained.

$self->res->json->render({ word => \1 });


Sets response headers. This is a wrapper around "header" in Plack::Response, which returns $self to allow for chaining.

$self->res->set_header('X-Something' => 'Value')->text->render("Hello");


A convenience method that sets several response headers instructing most browsers to not cache the response.

$self->res->no_cache->json->render({ epoch => time });

The above response will contain headers that disable caching.


Set the response code.

$self->res->set_code(401)->render("Access denied");


A convenience method that sets code 404 and returns "File Not Found".

sub some_route {
    if ( not $self->req->param('ok') ) {
        return $self->res->render_404;

If your application's tone is overly friendly or humorous, you will want to create a custom 404 page. The best way to do this is to subclass this module into your own class, for example MyApp::Response. Then override the render_404 method.

package MyApp::Response;
use parent 'Kelp::Response';

sub render_404 {
    my $self = shift;

You'll have to override the "response" in Kelp method in your main module too, in order to instruct it to use your new class:

package MyApp;
use parent 'Kelp';

sub response {
    my $self = shift;
    return MyApp::Response->new( app => $self );


Renders the stock "500 - Server Error" message. See "render_404" for examples on how to customize it.


This method renders a template. The template should be previously configured by you and included via a module. See Kelp::Module::Template for a template module.

sub some_route {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->res->template('', { login => 'user' });