PONAPI::Document - a {json:api} document building class


version 0.001001


use PONAPI::Document;

my $document = PONAPI::Document->new(
    version  => $version,
    req_path => $req_path,
    req_base => $req_base,

my $resource = $document->add_resource( type => 'foo', id => 1 )
                        ->add_attributes({ ... })
$resource->add_relationship(%$_) for ...;

# If we want multiple resources in one response:
$document->add_resource() # go crazy!

# If we have an error at some point:
$document->raise_error( 418, 'TEA TIME' );

# And once we are done, return a valid {json:api} document
# as a perl hash, which you can later turn into JSON.
my $result = $document->build;


PONAPI::Document lets you build {json:api} compliant documents.

You'll want to refer to the {json:api} spec when using this class.


  • new

    Creates a new document object. Requires version.

    You may optionally provide req_base and req_path.

  • req_base

    The base of the request. Used to create links. Empty string by default.

    # Without req_base set:
    # With req_base set to ''
  • req_path

    Path to the current request. Used to create pagination links.

  • set_status

  • status

    HTTP status for the request. Default is 200.

  • version

    {json:api} version of the request. This must be set when creating the object.

  • add_meta( $meta_key => $value )

    Adds an entry to the meta section of the document, under $meta_key.

  • add_resource({ type => $type, id => $id })

    Creates a new PONAPI::Document::Builder::Resource object, with type $type and id $id, and adds it to the document.

    You can then call add_relationship and add_attributes on this object, amongst other things; See PONAPI::Document::Builder::Resource for all the ways to add information to this object.

  • add_null_resource

    Adds a null resource to the object.

  • convert_to_collection

    By default, all documents hold a single resource in their data section. However, if convert_to_collection is called on a resource, the data section will instead hold an arrayref of resources.

    # Originally:
    { data: { type => 'foo', id => 1, attributes => ... } }
    # After convert_to_collection
    { data: [ { type => 'foo', id => 1, attributes => ... }, ] }
  • is_collection

    Returns true if the object holds a collection.

  • add_included({ type => $type, id => $id })

    Similarly to add_resource, returns a PONAPI::Document::Builder::Resource object of the given type and id, and adds it to the included section of the document.

  • add_link( $link_type => $url )

  • add_links( $link_type => $url, ... )

    Adds links to the links section of the document.

  • add_self_link

    Convenience method that adds a link to the current object into the links section.

  • add_pagination_links(%links)

    Adds the provided pagination links to the links section.

        first => ...,
        self  => ...,
        prev  => ...,
        next  => ...,
  • build

    Creates a document out of the current state of the object.

  • parent

    Returns the immediate parent of this object, or undef. See also is_root

  • is_root

    Returns true if we are the root of the document tree.

  • find_root

    Returns the root document.

  • raise_error( $http_status, $reason )

    Creates an error document.

  • has_errors

  • has_errors_builder

  • has_included

  • has_link

  • has_links

  • has_links_builder

  • has_parent

  • has_resource

  • has_resource_builders

  • has_resources

  • has_status

  • has_meta

    These do what you would expect.


For reporting bugs or submitting patches, please use the github bug tracker at


  • Mickey Nasriachi <>

  • Stevan Little <>

  • Brian Fraser <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Mickey Nasriachi, Stevan Little, Brian Fraser.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.