PMLTQ::Command::query - WIP: Executes query on treebank


version 1.2.3


pmltq query [--server <URL_or_server_ID> ] [ <options> ] [ --stdin | --query-file <filename> | --query <query> | <query> ]
pmltq query --btred [ <options> ] [ --stdin | --query-file <filename> | --query <query> ] [ -l <filelist> |  <file(s)> ]
pmltq query --ntred [ <options> ] [ --stdin | --query-file <filename> | --query <query> ] [ -l <filelist> |  <file(s)> ]
pmltq query --jtred [ <options> ] [ --stdin | --query-file <filename> | --query <query> ] [ -l <filelist> |  <file(s)> ]


pmltq query [options] [ --print-servers|-P | --node-types | --relations ]


Run the query.



Use SQL-based query engine (default).


Query given files or filelist using btred.


Query given files or filelist using ntred (ntred servers must be already up and running).


Run query query over given files/filelist using jtred (multiple btred instances distributed over an SGE cluster).

--server|-s URL_or_ID

If used with SQL-based engine, this option can be used to specify a URL (http://hostname:port) to a pmltq http server, or an ID of a pre-configured SQL or HTTP server (use --print-servers to get a list).

If used with btred or jtred, it can be used to specify a server to run btred/jtred on using SSH.

If used with ntred, it can be used to specify a hostname and port (hostname:port) for the ntred hub.


Read query from the standard input.

--query|-Q string

Specify PML-TQ query on the command-line.

--query-file filename

Read PML-TQ query from a given (utf-8 encoded text) file

--query-pml-file filename

Read PML-TQ query from a given PML file

--query-id ID

Use query with a given ID. If the input is a text file, it can contain more than one query. In that case, each query must start with a line of the following form:

# == query: ID ==

where ID is a unique identifier of the query. This option can be used to select a single query from the input.

If the input is a PML file, then the ID is just the id of the query tree.

--filelist|-l filename

This flag can be used with --btred, --ntred, or --jtred to spedify a file containing a list of files to search, each on a separate line.

Note that for --ntred, the files must be already loaded on the ntred servers and this flag simply allows you to specify a subcorpus.

--auth-id URL_or_ID

Use username/password stored in the configuration for a given service (spcified by URL or config-file ID) on the serice specified using --server.

--username username

Username for a HTTP or SQL PML-TQ service.

--password password

Password for a HTTP or SQL PML-TQ service.

--limit|-L number

Only applicable to SQL-based engine. Specify maximum number of results (i.e. rows printed by pmltq).

--timeout|-t seconds

Only applicable to SQL-based engine. Specify a timeout for the query. If the query evaluation takes longer than a given number of seconds, pmltq terminates the connection with the server and returns with a message "Evaluation of query timed out" and exit code 2.

--config-file|-c filename

Specify a configuration file. The configuration file is a XML file (in fact, a PML instance conforming to the treebase_conf_schema.xml) that lists available SQL engine configurations. If this option is not provided, pmltq attempts to find a file named treebase.conf in the resource paths (namely in ~/.tred.d).


List available node types and exit.

--netgraph-query|-N type_name

Assume the query is in NetGraph syntax and translate it to PMLTQ, using a given node type as the default type.


Print some extended information (e.g. evaluation benchmarks).


  • Petr Pajas <>

  • Jan Štěpánek <>

  • Michal Sedlák <>

  • Matyáš Kopp <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.