Egg::Plugin::EasyDBI - Plugin for Egg to use DBI easy.


use Egg qw/ EasyDBI /;

# Acquisition of data base steering wheel.
my $dbh= $e->dbh;

# SELECT * FROM hoge WHERE id = ?
my $hoge= $dbh->hashref(q{SELECT * FROM hoge WHERE id = ?}, $id)
       || die q{ Data is not found. };
my $hoge= $e->db->hoge->hashref('id = ?', $id)
       || die q{ Data is not found. };

# SELECT * FROM hoge WHERE age > ?
my $list= $dbh->arrayref(q{SELECT * FROM hoge WHERE age > ?}, 20)
       || die q{ Data is not found. };
my $list= $e->db->hoge->arrayref('age > ?', 20)
       || die q{ Data is not found. };

# SELECT id FROM hoge WHERE user = ?
my $id= $dbh->scalar(q{SELECT id FROM hoge WHERE user = ?}, 'boo')
       || die q{ Data is not found. };
my $id= $e->db->hoge->scalar(\'id', 'user = ?', 'boo');

# The processed list is acquired.
my $list= $e->db->hoge->arrayref('age > ?', [20], sub {
     my($array, %hash)= @_;
     push @$array, "$hash{id} : $hash{user} : $hash{age}";
  }) || die q{ Data is not found. };
# The data that can be immediately used is acquired.
my $text;
$e->db->hoge->arrayref('age > ?', [20], sub {
     my($array, %hash)= @_;
     $text.= <<END_DATA;
ID   : $hash{id}
NAME : $hash{user}
AGE  : $hash{age}
  }) || "";
# INSERT INTO hoge (id, user, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
  q{INSERT INTO hoge (id, user, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)},
  qw/ 1 zoo 21 /
  ) || die q{ Fails in regist of data. };
$e->db->hoge->insert( id=> 1, user=> 'zoo', age=> 20 )
    || die q{ Fails in regist of data. };

# UPDATE hoge SET other = ?, age = age + 1 WHERE id = ?
  q{UPDATE hoge SET other = ?, age = age + 1 WHERE id = ?},
  qw/ gao 1 /
  ) || die q{ Fails in regist of data. };
$e->db->hoge->update( id=> 1, other=> 'gao', age=> \1 )
    || die q{ Fails in regist of data. };

or, I think that this is the best.
$e->db->hoge->update(\'id = ?', { id=> [1], other=> 'gao', age=> \1 })
    || die q{ Fails in regist of data. };

A method different from 'do' of dbh of DBI is called about above-mentioned 'do'. It is $dbh->dbh. Therefore, usual 'do' is $dbh->dbh->do.


It is a plugin to use module Egg::Mod::EasyDBI to use DBI easily.

It is necessary to setup Egg::Model::DBI to use it.


Please go in the configuration of this plug-in with 'plugin_easydbi'.

All set values extend to Egg::Mod::EasyDBI as it is.


dbh ([LABEL_NAME])

The object of Egg::Plugin::EasyDBI::handler is returned.

There is no argument needing and when two or more connection destination is set with Egg::Model::DBI, LABEL_NAME is passed usually.

my $dbh= $e->dbh;


The db object of Egg::Plugin::EasyDBI::handler is returned.

my $table= $e->db->hoge_table;

When tables unite, it becomes the following.

my $table= $e->db(qw/ hoge = /);

see Egg::Mod::EasyDBI.

close_dbh ([BOOL])

All the opened transactions are shut and the object is annulled.

AutoCommit However, the object is only annulled if it is invalid.

Please pass BOOL one usually. To do all rollbacks when 0 and undefined are passed, it is treated.

# If commit_ok is effective, commit is done.

# Even if commit_ok is effective, it is rollback treatment of all.


Egg::Plugin::EasyDBI::handler has succeeded to Egg::Mod::EasyDBI.



dbh and the configuration acquired from Egg::Model::DBI are passed to the constructor of the base class.


Egg::Release, Egg::Mod::EasyDBI, Egg::Model::DBI, DBI,


Masatoshi Mizuno <>


Copyright (C) 2008 Bee Flag, Corp. <>, All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.