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How to move from Business::GoCardless[::Basic] to Business::GoCardless::Pro

First a little history

GoCardless first released their API sometime in 2011, this is now called the v1 (basic) API and will be switched off in October 2017. The v1 API only features hosted pages so there was little that could really be done in the API other than requesting some links to hosted pages and then retrieving data + webhooks.

GoCardless released the v2 (Pro) API sometime in 2015. This is a much more feature rich API and allows much more control from the client side without the need for hosted pages. The interface was also cleaned up, simplified, and some terminology was changed.

GoCardless decided to deprecate the v1 API in 2017. The v2 API still features hosted pages, now called "redirect flows" so it is possible to migrate to the v2 API without having to rewrite from scratch. The Business::GoCardless distribution has been updated to add back compatibility methods in Business::GoCardless::Pro to make this easier.

Second check the gocardless docs

You can see the docs for the v1 API at

You can see the docs for the v2 API at

GoCardless have their own upgrading guide at

Third create a sandbox account

Visit GoCardless and create a sandbox account. You will need to go through the various steps eventually ending with the generation of an API access token

Fourth check and use the end to end test

Download this distribution and run the v2 end to end test using the following script in the t directory of the distribution. Note you will need Mojolicious to run the callback reader:


pkill -lf 'gocardless_callback_reader';
sleep 1;

set -x -e

if [ "$port" == "" ]; then

set -u

morbo ./t/ -v -l "http://*:$port" &
sleep 2;

# run end_to_end tests
    prove -lrv t/004_end_to_end_pro.t

# stop emulator
pkill -lf 'gocardless_callback_reader';

If you have everything setup correctly then you are good to move onto the next step

Fifth modify your application code

The first thing you might want to do is to diff the two end to end tests included with this distribution to see what kind of changes are made: t/002_end_to_end.t compared to t/004_end_to_end_pro.t. Also refer to the Business::GoCardless::Pro perldoc.

You will see that you need to now create a Business::GoCardless::Pro object rather than a Business::GoCardless object. The new_.*?url methods require some changes to the params that are passed, and the structure of webhooks has changed slightly.

Note the session_token that is now passed to these methods - the best way to use this is to set a signed JWT that contains any state you need to get back after the user has completed the page hosted at GoCardless (user id, amounts, etc). Since using JWTs properly (see Mojo::JWT) means they can't be fiddled with you can be confident of sending state data to GoCardless for use when the data comes back to your app.

To migrate our app involved reasonably simple changes:

4 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

There were also changes to the tests:

3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

Sixth test your application code changes against the sandbox

Self explanatory. Note there is some consideration required for existing customers who you wish to continue billing - see the GoCardless docs:

Seventh "go live"

Go live, this involves creating a live account and then adding the details (token) to your app.

Submit bug reports when you find them.

Terminology changes

A Bill is now a Payment, calling confirm_resource on the ::Pro object from data generated using new_bill_url will return a Business::GoCardless::Payment object. Also calling bill or bills on the ::Pro object will return Payment objects.

A PreAuthorization is now a RedirectFlow, calling pre_authorizations is meaningless on the ::Pro object so an exception will be thrown if you do that. pre_authorization is still supported, which just returns a RedirectFlow object.

User is now Customer. There are customer and customers methods on the ::Pro object but also users will just pass through to customers.

Webhook is Webhook::V2 in the ::Pro API as these have been changed to have events so when examining a webhook you need to call events.

How do I continue to bill mandates (pre_authorizations) created in the v1 API?

Call the create_payment method on the ::Pro class with the mandate id:

my $Payment = $GoCardless->create_payment(
    amount   => 100, # note minor unites
    currency => 'EUR',
    links    => {
        mandate => $mandate

See for more information. Also see the Mandate restrictions section in the GoCardless upgrading docs ( as there are some considerations depending on the mandate type.

What about legacy webhooks

Note that GoCardless may continue to send old style webhooks even after you have migrated from the Basic to the Pro API, so to handle this the V2 Webhook object has logic to check this:

my $Webhook = $GoCardless->webhook( $json_data,$signature );

if ( $Webhook->is_legacy ) {
    # process webhook using older legacy code
} else {
    # process webhook using new style code

See the docs for Business::GoCardless::Webhook::V2 and Business::GoCardless::Webhook. Note that to support this you will also need to make sure either you set the value of $ENV{'GOCARDLESS_APP_SECRET'} to your previous Basic API app_secret or your new webhook_secret is the same as your old app_secret otherwise signatures will not be valid.


Lee Johnson -

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: