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VM::EC2::Image - Object describing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)


use VM::EC2;

$ec2     = VM::EC2->new(...);
$image   = $ec2->describe_images(-image_id=>'ami-12345');

$state   = $image->imageState;
$owner   = $image->imageOwnerId;
$rootdev = $image->rootDeviceName;
@devices = $image->blockDeviceMapping;
$tags    = $image->tags;

@instances = $image->run_instances(-min_count=>10);


This object represents an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), and is returned by VM::EC2->describe_images(). In addition to methods to query the image's attributes, the run_instances() method allows you to launch and configure EC2 instances based on the AMI.


These object methods are supported:

imageId       -- AMI ID
imageLocation -- Location of the AMI
imageState    -- Current state of the AMI. One of "available",
                 "pending" or "failed". Only "available" AMIs
                 can be launched.
imageOwnerId  -- AWS account ID of the image owner.
isPublic      -- Returns true if this image has public launch
                 permissions. Note that this is a Perl boolean,
                 and not the string "true".
productCodes  -- A list of product codes associated with the image.
architecture  -- The architecture of the image.
imageType     -- The image type (machine, kernel or RAM disk).
kernelId      -- The kernel associated with the image.
ramdiskId     -- The RAM disk associated with the image.
platform      -- "Windows" for Windows AMIs, otherwise undef.
stateReason   -- Explanation of a "failed" imageState. This is
                 a VM::EC2::Instance::State::Reason
imageOwnerAlias -The AWS account alias (e.g. "self") or AWS
                 account ID that owns the AMI.
name          -- Name of the AMI provided during image creation.
description   -- Description of the AMI provided during image
rootDeviceType -- The root device type. One of "ebs" or
rootDeviceName -- Name of the root device, e.g. "/dev/sda1"
blockDeviceMapping -- List of block devices attached to this
                  image. Each element is a
virtualizationType -- One of "paravirtual" or "hvm".
hypervisor     -- One of "ovm" or "xen"

In addition, the object supports the tags() method described in VM::EC2::Generic:

print "ready for production\n" if $image->tags->{Released};

@instances = $image->run_instances(%args)

The run_instance() method will launch one or more instances based on this AMI. The method takes all the arguments recognized by VM::EC2->run_instances(), except for the -image_id argument. The method returns a list of VM::EC2::Instance objects, which you may monitor periodically until they are up and running.

All arguments are optional. See run_instances() in VM::EC2 for more information.

-min_count         Minimum number of instances to launch [1]
-max_count         Maximum number of instances to launch [1]
-key_name          Name of the keypair to use
-security_group_id Security group ID to use for this instance.
                   Use an arrayref for multiple group IDs
-security_group    Security group name to use for this instance.
                   Use an arrayref for multiple values.
-user_data         User data to pass to the instances. Do NOT base64
                   encode this. It will be done for you.
-instance_type     Type of the instance to use. See below for a
-placement_zone    The availability zone you want to launch the
                   instance into. Call $ec2->regions for a list.
-placement_group   An existing placement group to launch the
                   instance into. Applicable to cluster instances
-placement_tenancy Specify 'dedicated' to launch the instance on a
                   dedicated server. Only applicable for VPC
-kernel_id         ID of the kernel to use for the instances,
                   overriding the kernel specified in the image.
-ramdisk_id        ID of the ramdisk to use for the instances,
                   overriding the ramdisk specified in the image.
-block_devices     Specify block devices to map onto the instances,
                   overriding the values specified in the image.
                   This can be a scalar string or an arrayref for
                   multiple mappings:
-monitoring        Pass a true value to enable detailed monitoring.
-subnet_id         ID of the subnet to launch the instance
                   into. Only applicable for VPC instances.
-termination_protection  Pass true to lock the instance so that it
                   cannot be terminated using the API. Use
                   modify_instance() to unset this if youu wish to
                   terminate the instance later.
-disable_api_termination -- Same as above.
-shutdown_behavior Pass "stop" (the default) to stop the instance
                   and save its disk state when "shutdown" is called
                   from within the instance. Stopped instances can
                   be restarted later. Pass "terminate" to
                   instead terminate the instance and discard its
                   state completely.
-instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior -- Same as above.
-private_ip_address Assign the instance to a specific IP address
                   from a VPC subnet (VPC only).
-client_token      Unique identifier that you can provide to ensure
                   idempotency of the request. You can use
                   $ec2->token() to generate a suitable identifier.

Note that after launching an instance, you may need to wait a few seconds before adding tags to it or performing other operations.

See VM::EC2 for details.

$boolean = $image->make_public($public)

Change the isPublic flag. Provide a true value to make the image public, a false one to make it private.

$state = $image->current_status

Refreshes the object and then calls imageState() to return one of "pending", "available" or "failed." You can use this to monitor an image_creation process in progress.

@user_ids = $image->launchPermissions

Returns a list of user IDs with launch permission for this image. Note that the AWS API calls this "launchPermission", but this module makes it plural to emphasize that the result is a list.

@user_ids = $image->authorized_users

The same as launchPermissions.

$boolean = $image->add_authorized_users($id1,$id2,...)

$boolean = $image->remove_authorized_users($id1,$id2,...)

These methods add and remove user accounts which have launch permissions for the image. The result code indicates whether the list of user IDs were successfully added or removed.

$boolean = $image->add_authorized_users($id1,$id2,...)

$boolean = $image->remove_authorized_users($id1,$id2,...)

$boolean = $image->reset_authorized_users

These methods add and remove user accounts which have launch permissions for the image. The result code indicates whether the list of user IDs were successfully added or removed.

reset_authorized_users() resets the list users authored to launch instances from this image to empty, effectively granting launch privileges to the owner only.

See also authorized_users().


This method will refresh the object from AWS, updating all values to their current ones. You can call it after tagging or otherwise changing image attributes.


When used in a string context, this object will interpolate the imageId.


VM::EC2 VM::EC2::Generic VM::EC2::BlockDevice VM::EC2::StateReason VM::EC2::Instance VM::EC2::Tag


Lincoln Stein <>.

Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.