Assert::Refute::T::Array - Assertions about arrays for Assert::Refute suite
Add array_of
and is_sorted
checks to both runtime checks and unit test scripts.
use Test::More;
use Assert::Refute qw(:core);
use Assert::Refute::T::Array;
Testing that array consists of given values:
array_of [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ], qr/ba/, "This fails because of foo";
array_of [
{ id => 42, name => "Answer to life" },
{ id => 137 },
], contract {
package T;
use Assert::Refute::T::Basic;
like $_[0]->{name}, qr/^\w+$/;
like $_[0]->{id}, qr/^\d+$/;
}, "This also fails";
Testing that array is ordered:
is_sorted { $a lt $b } [sort qw(foo bar bar baz)],
"This fails because of repetition";
is_sorted { $a le $b } [sort qw(foo bar bar baz)],
"This passes though";
Not only sorting, but other types of partial order can be tested:
is_sorted { $b->{start_date} eq $a->{end_date} }, \@reservations,
"Next reservation aligned with the previous one";
All of the below functions are exported by default:
array_of \@list, $criteria, [ "message" ]
Check that every item in the list matches criteria, which may be one of:
regex - just match against regular expression;
a functions - execute that function inside a single subcontract;
Assert::Refute::Contract - pass each element as argument to a separate subcontract.
is_sorted { $a ... $b } \@list, "message";
Check that condition about ($a, $b) holds for every two subsequent items in array.
Consider using reduce_subtest{ $a ... $b }
instead if there's a complex condition inside.
map_subtest { ok $_ } \@list, "message";
Execute a subcontract that applies checks in { ... } to every element of an array.
Return value of code block is ignored.
Automatically succeeds if there are no elements.
[EXPERIMENTAL] Name and meaning may change in the future.
reduce_subtest { $a ... $b } \@list, "message";
Applies checks in { ... } to every pair of subsequent elements in list. The element with lower number is $a, and with higher number is $b.
reduce_subtest { ... } [1,2,3,4];
would induce pairs:
($a = 1, $b = 2), ($a = 2, $b = 3), ($a = 3, $b = 4)
Return value of code block is ignored.
Automatically succeeds if list has less than 2 elements.
[EXPERIMENTAL] Name and meaning may change in the future.
This module is part of Assert::Refute suite.
Copyright 2017-2018 Konstantin S. Uvarin. <khedin at>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: