SQL::Parser -- validate and parse SQL strings
my $parser = SQL::Parser->new( $dialect, \%attrs );
my $success = $parser->parse( $sql_string ); # PARSE A SQL STRING &
if ($success) { # DISPLAY RESULTING DATA
use Data::Dumper; # STRUCTURE
print Dumper $parser->structure;
$parser->feature( $class, $name, $value ); # SET OR FIND STATUS OF
my $has_feature = $parser->feature( $class, $name ); # A PARSER FEATURE
$parser->dialect( $dialect_name ); # SET OR FIND STATUS OF
my $current_dialect = $parser->dialect; # A PARSER DIALECT
print $parser->errstr; # DISPLAY CURRENT ERROR
SQL::Parser is a parser and sytax validator for a
small but useful subset of SQL (Structured Query Language). It
accepts SQL strings and returns either a detailed error message
if the syntax is invalid or a data structure containing the
results of the parse if the syntax is valid.
The module can be used in batch mode to validate a series of
statements, or as middle-ware for DBI drivers or other related
projects. When combined with SQL::Statement version 0.2 or
greater, the module can be used to actually perform the SQL
commands on a variety of file formats using DBD::AnyData, or
DBD::CSV, or DBD::Excel.
The module makes use of a variety of configuration files
located in the SQL/Dialects directory, each of which is
essentially a simple text file listing things like supported
data types, reserved words, and other features specific to a
given dialect of SQL. These features can also be turned on or
off during program execution.
This module is meant primarly as a base class for DBD drivers and as such concentrates on a small but useful subset of SQL 92. It does *not* in any way pretend to be a complete SQL 92 parser. The module will continue to add new supported syntax, currently, this is what is supported:
Summary of supported SQL syntax
SQL Statements
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE <table> <column_def_clause>
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE <table> AS <select statement>
CREATE FUNCTION <user_defined_function> [ NAME <perl_subroutine> ]
DELETE FROM <table> [<where_clause>]
INSERT [INTO] <table> [<column_list>] VALUES <value_list>
LOAD <user_defined_functions_module>
SELECT <function>
SELECT <select_clause>
[ ORDER BY ocol1 [ASC|DESC], ... oclN [ASC|DESC]] ]
[ LIMIT [start,] length ]
UPDATE <table> SET <set_clause> [<where_clause>]
Explict Join Qualifiers
Built-in Functions
* Aggregate : MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, COUNT
Special Utility Functions
* IMPORT - imports a table from an external RDBMS or perl structure
* RUN - prepares & executes statements in a file of SQL statements
Operators and Predicates
= , <> , < , > , <= , >= , IS [NOT] NULL , LIKE , CLIKE , IN , BETWEEN
Identifiers and Aliases
* regular identifiers are case insensitive (though see note on table names)
* delimited identifiers (inside double quotes) are case sensitive
* column and table aliases are supported
* use either ANSI SQL || or the CONCAT() function
* e.g. these are the same: {foo || bar} {CONCAT(foo,bar)}
* comments must occur before or after statements, can't be embedded
* SQL-style single line -- and C-style multi-line /* */ comments are supported
* currently NULLs and empty strings are identical, but this will change
* use {col IS NULL} to find NULLs, not {col=''} (though both currently work)
See below for further details.
Creates permanenet and in-memory tables.
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE <table_name> ( <column_definitions> )
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE <table_name> AS <select statement>
Column definitions are standard SQL column names, types, and constraints, see "Column Definitions".
# create a permanent table
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux (id INT PRIMARY KEY,word VARCHAR(30))");
The "AS SELECT" clause creates and populates the new table using the data and column structure specified in the select statement.
# create and populate a table from a query to two other tables
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux AS SELECT id,word FROM foo NATURAL JOIN bar");
If the optional keyword TEMP (or its synonym TEMPORARY) is used, the table will be an in-memory table, available for the life of the current database handle or until a DROP TABLE command is issued.
# create a temporary table
$dbh->do("CREATE TEMP TABLE qux (id INT PRIMARY KEY,word VARCHAR(30))");
TEMP tables can be modified with SQL commands but the updates are not automatically reflected back to any permanent tables they may be associated with. To save a TEMP table - just use an AS SELECT clause:
$dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:CSV:' );
$dbh->do("CREATE TEMP TABLE qux_temp AS (id INT, word VARCHAR(30))");
# ... modify qux_temp with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, then save it
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux_permanent AS SELECT * FROM qux_temp");
Tables, both temporary and permanent may also be created directly from perl arrayrefs and from heterogeneous queries to any DBI accessible data source, see the IMPORT() function.
$col_1 $col_type1 $col_constraints1,
$col_N $col_typeN $col_constraintsN,
* col_type must be a valid data type as defined in the
"valid_data_types" section of the dialect file for the
current dialect
* col_constriaints may be "PRIMARY KEY" or one or both of
"UNIQUE" and/or "NOT NULL"
* IMPORTANT NOTE: temporary tables, data types and column
constraints are checked for syntax violations but are
currently otherwise *IGNORED* -- they are recognized by
the parser, but not by the execution engine
* The following valid ANSI SQL92 options are not currently
supported: table constraints, named constraints, check
constriants, reference constraints, constraint
attributes, collations, default clauses, domain names as
data types
* IMPORTANT NOTE: drop behavior (cascade or restrict) is
checked for valid syntax but is otherwise *IGNORED* -- it
is recognized by the parser, but not by the execution
INSERT INTO $table [ ( $col1, ..., $colN ) ] VALUES ( $val1, ... $valN )
* default values are not currently supported
* inserting from a subquery is not currently supported
DELETE FROM $table [ WHERE search_condition ]
* see "search_condition" below
UPDATE $table SET $col1 = $val1, ... $colN = $valN [ WHERE search_condition ]
* default values are not currently supported
* see "search_condition" below
SELECT select_clause
FROM from_clause
[ WHERE search_condition ]
[ ORDER BY $ocol1 [ASC|DESC], ... $ocolN [ASC|DESC] ]
[ LIMIT [start,] length ]
* select clause ::=
| [DISTINCT|ALL] col1 [,col2, ... colN]
| set_function1 [,set_function2, ... set_functionN]
* set function ::=
| COUNT | MIN | MAX | AVG | SUM ( [DISTINCT|ALL] col_name )
* from clause ::=
table1 [, table2, ... tableN]
| table1 NATURAL [join_type] JOIN table2
| table1 [join_type] table2 USING (col1,col2, ... colN)
| table1 [join_type] JOIN table2 ON table1.colA = table2.colB
* join type ::=
* if join_type is not specified, INNER is the default
* if DISTINCT or ALL is not specified, ALL is the default
* if start position is omitted from LIMIT clause, position 0 is
the default
* ON clauses may only contain equal comparisons and AND combiners
* self-joins are not currently supported
* if implicit joins are used, the WHERE clause must contain
and equijoin condition for each table
[NOT] $val1 $op1 $val1 [ ... AND|OR $valN $opN $valN ]
$op = | <> | < | > | <= | >=
The "CLIKE" operator works exactly the same as the "LIKE"
operator, but is case insensitive. For example:
WHERE foo LIKE 'bar%' # succeeds if foo is "barbaz"
# fails if foo is "BARBAZ" or "Barbaz"
WHERE foo CLIKE 'bar%' # succeeds for "barbaz", "Barbaz", and "BARBAZ"
There are many built-in functions and you can also create your
own new functions from perl subroutines. See L<SQL::Statement::Functions>
for documentation of functions.
Identifiers (table & column names)
Regular identifiers (table and column names *without* quotes around them) are case INSENSITIVE so column foo, fOo, FOO all refer to the same column.
Delimited identifiers (table and column names *with* quotes around them) are case SENSITIVE so column "foo", "fOo", "FOO" each refer to different columns.
A delimited identifier is *never* equal to a regular identifer (so "foo" and foo are two different columns). But don't do that :-).
Remember thought that, in DBD::CSV if table names are used directly as file names, the case sensitivity depends on the OS e.g. on Windows files named foo, FOO, and fOo are the same as each other while on Unix they are different.
Special Utility SQL Functions
Imports the data and structure of a table from an external data source into a permanent or temporary table.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux AS IMPORT(?)",{},$oracle_sth);
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux AS IMPORT(?)",{},$AoA);
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux AS IMPORT(?)",{},$AoH);
IMPORT() can also be used anywhere that table_names can:
$sth->execute( $pg_sth, $mysql_sth );
The IMPORT() function imports the data and structure of a table from an external data source. The IMPORT() function is always used with a placeholder parameter which may be 1) a prepared and executed statement handle for any DBI accessible data source; or 2) an AoA whose first row is column names and whose succeeding rows are data 3) an AoH.
The IMPORT() function may be used in the AS clause of a CREATE statement, and in the FROM clause of any statement. When used in a FROM clause, it should be used with a column alias e.g. SELECT * FROM IMPORT(?) AS TableA WHERE ...
You can also write your own IMPORT() functions to treat anything as a data source. See User-Defined Function in SQL::Statement::Functions.
# create a CSV file from an Oracle query
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:CSV:');
$oracle_sth = $oracle_dbh->prepare($any_oracle_query);
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE qux AS IMPORT(?)",{},$oracle_sth);
# create an in-memory table from an AoA
$dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:File:' );
$arrayref = [['id','word'],[1,'foo'],[2,'bar'],];
$dbh->do("CREATE TEMP TABLE qux AS IMPORT(?)",{},$arrayref);
# query a join of a PostgreSQL table and a MySQL table
$dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:File:' );
$pg_dbh = DBI->connect( ... DBD::pg connect params );
$mysql_dbh = DBI->connect( ... DBD::mysql connect params );
$pg_sth = $pg_dbh->prepare( ... any pg query );
$pg_sth = $pg_dbh->prepare( ... any mysql query );
$sth->execute( $pg_sth, $mysql_sth );
Run SQL statements from a user supplied file.
RUN( sql_file )
If the file contains non-SELECT statements such as CREATE and INSERT, use the RUN() function with $dbh->do(). For example, this prepares and executes all of the SQL statements in a file called "populate.sql":
$dbh->do(" CALL RUN( 'populate.sql') ");
If the file contains SELECT statements, the RUN() function may be used anywhere a table name may be used, for example, if you have a file called "query.sql" containing "SELECT * FROM Employee", then these two lines are exactly the same:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT * FROM Employee ");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT * FROM RUN( 'query.sql' ) ");
If the file contains a statement with placeholders, the values for the placehoders can be passed in the call to $sth->execute() as normal. If the query.sql file contains "SELECT id,name FROM x WHERE id=?", then these two are the same:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT id,name FROM x WHERE id=?");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT * FROM RUN( 'query.sql' ) ");
Note This function assumes that the SQL statements in the file are separated by a semi-colon+newline combination (/;\n/). If you wish to use different separators or import SQL from a different source, just over-ride the RUN() function with your own user-defined-function.
The new() method creates a SQL::Parser object which can then be used to parse, validate, or build SQL strings. It takes one required parameter -- the name of the SQL dialect that will define the rules for the parser. A second optional parameter is a reference to a hash which can contain additional attributes of the parser.
use SQL::Parser;
my $parser = SQL::Parser->new( $dialect_name, \%attrs );
The dialect_name parameter is a string containing any valid dialect such as 'ANSI', 'AnyData', or 'CSV'. See the section on the dialect() method below for details.
The attribute parameter is a reference to a hash that can contain error settings for the PrintError and RaiseError attributes. See the section below on the parse() method for details.
An example:
use SQL::Parser;
my $parser = SQL::Parser->new('AnyData', {RaiseError=>1} );
This creates a new parser that uses the grammar rules
contained in the .../SQL/Dialects/ file and which
sets the RaiseError attribute to true.
For those needing backwards compatibility with SQL::Statement version 0.1x and lower, the attribute hash may also contain feature settings. See the section "FURTHER DETAILS - Backwards Compatibility" below for details.
Once a SQL::Parser object has been created with the new() method, the parse() method can be used to parse any number of SQL strings. It takes a single required parameter -- a string containing a SQL command. The SQL string may optionally be terminated by a semicolon. The parse() method returns a true value if the parse is successful and a false value if the parse finds SQL syntax errors.
1) my $success = $parser->parse('SELECT * FROM foo');
2) my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM foo';
my $success = $parser->parse( $sql );
3) my $success = $parser->parse(qq!
SELECT id,phrase
FROM foo
WHERE id < 7
AND phrase <> 'bar'
ORDER BY phrase;
4) my $success = $parser->parse('SELECT * FRoOM foo ');
In examples #1,#2, and #3, the value of $success will be true because the strings passed to the parse() method are valid SQL strings.
In example #4, however, the value of $success will be false because the string contains a SQL syntax error ('FRoOM' instead of 'FROM').
In addition to checking the return value of parse() with a variable like $success, you may use the PrintError and RaiseError attributes as you would in a DBI script:
* If PrintError is true, then SQL syntax errors will be sent as
warnings to STDERR (i.e. to the screen or to a file if STDERR
has been redirected). This is set to true by default which
means that unless you specifically turn it off, all errors
will be reported.
* If RaiseError is true, then SQL syntax errors will cause the
script to die, (i.e. the script will terminate unless wrapped
in an eval). This is set to false by default which means
that unless you specifically turn it on, scripts will
continue to operate even if there are SQL syntax errors.
Basically, you should leave PrintError on or else you will not be warned when an error occurs. If you are simply validating a series of strings, you will want to leave RaiseError off so that the script can check all strings regardless of whether some of them contain SQL errors. However, if you are going to try to execute the SQL or need to depend that it is correct, you should set RaiseError on so that the program will only continue to operate if all SQL strings use correct syntax.
IMPORTANT NOTE #1: The parse() method only checks syntax, it does NOT verify if the objects listed actually exist. For example, given the string "SELECT model FROM cars", the parse() method will report that the string contains valid SQL but that will not tell you whether there actually is a table called "cars" or whether that table contains a column called 'model'. Those kinds of verifications can be performed by the SQL::Statement module, not by SQL::Parser by itself.
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: The parse() method uses rules as defined by the selected dialect configuration file and the feature() method. This means that a statement that is valid in one dialect may not be valid in another. For example the 'CSV' and 'AnyData' dialects define 'BLOB' as a valid data type but the 'ANSI' dialect does not. Therefore the statement 'CREATE TABLE foo (picture BLOB)' would be valid in the first two dialects but would produce a syntax error in the 'ANSI' dialect.
After a SQL::Parser object has been created and the parse() method used to parse a SQL string, the structure() method returns the data structure of that string. This data structure may be passed on to other modules (e.g. SQL::Statement) or it may be printed out using, for example, the Data::Dumper module.
The data structure contains all of the information in the SQL string as parsed into its various components. To take a simple example:
$parser->parse('SELECT make,model FROM cars');
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $parser->structure;
Would produce:
$VAR1 = {
'column_names' => [
'command' => 'SELECT',
'table_names' => [
Please see the section "FURTHER DETAILS -- Parse structures" below for further examples.
This method is in progress and should be available soon.
$parser->dialect( $dialect_name ); # load a dialect configuration file
my $dialect = $parser->dialect; # get the name of the current dialect
For example:
$parser->dialect('AnyData'); # loads the AnyData config file
print $parser->dialect; # prints 'AnyData'
The $dialect_name parameter may be the name of any dialect
configuration file on your system. Use the
$parser->list('dialects') method to see a list of available
dialects. At a minimum it will include "ANSI", "CSV", and
"AnyData". For backwards compatiblity 'Ansi' is accepted as a
synonym for 'ANSI', otherwise the names are case sensitive.
Loading a new dialect configuration file erases all current
parser features and resets them to those defined in the
configuration file.
See the section above on "Dialects" for details of these
configuration files.
Features define the rules to be used by a specific parser instance. They are divided into the following classes:
* valid_commands
* valid_options
* valid_comparison_operators
* valid_data_types
* reserved_words
Within each class a feature name is either enabled or disabled. For example, under "valid_data_types" the name "BLOB" may be either disabled or enabled. If it is not eneabled (either by being specifically disabled, or simply by not being specified at all) then any SQL string using "BLOB" as a data type will throw a syntax error "Invalid data type: 'BLOB'".
The feature() method allows you to enable, disable, or check the status of any feature.
$parser->feature( $class, $name, 1 ); # enable a feature
$parser->feature( $class, $name, 0 ); # disable a feature
my $feature = $parser->feature( $class, $name ); # show status of a feature
For example:
$parser->feature('reserved_words','FOO',1); # make 'FOO' a reserved word
$parser->feature('valid_data_types','BLOB',0); # disallow 'BLOB' as a
# data type
# determine if the LIKE
# operator is supported
my $LIKE = $parser->feature('valid_operators','LIKE');
See the section below on "Backwards Compatibility" for use of the feature() method with SQL::Statement 0.1x style parameters.
Dialect Configuration Files
These will change completely when Tim finalizes the DBI get_info method.
Parse Structures
Here are some further examples of the data structures returned by the structure() method after a call to parse(). Only specific details are shown for each SQL instance, not the entire struture.
'SELECT make,model, FROM cars'
command => 'SELECT',
table_names => [ 'cars' ],
column_names => [ 'make', 'model' ],
'CREATE TABLE cars ( id INTEGER, model VARCHAR(40) )'
column_defs => {
id => { data_type => INTEGER },
model => { data_type => VARCHAR(40) },
set_quantifier => 'DISTINCT',
'SELECT MAX (model) FROM cars'
set_function => {
name => 'MAX',
arg => 'models',
'SELECT * FROM cars LIMIT 5,10'
limit_clause => {
offset => 5,
limit => 10,
'SELECT * FROM vars ORDER BY make, model DESC'
sort_spec_list => [
{ make => 'ASC' },
{ model => 'DESC' },
"INSERT INTO cars VALUES ( 7, 'Chevy', 'Impala' )"
values => [ 7, 'Chevy', 'Impala' ],
Backwards Compatibility
This module can be used in conjunction with SQL::Statement, version 0.2 and higher. Earlier versions of SQL::Statement included a SQL::Parser as a submodule that used slightly different syntax than the current version. The current version supports all of this earlier syntax although new users are encouraged to use the new syntax listed above. If the syntax listed below is used, the module should be able to be subclassed exactly as it was with the older SQL::Statement versions and will therefore not require any modules or scripts that used it to make changes.
In the old style, features of the parser were accessed with this syntax:
feature('create','type_blob',1); # allow BLOB as a data type
feature('create','type_blob',0); # disallow BLOB as a data type
feature('select','join',1); # allow multi-table statements
The same settings could be acheieved in calls to new:
my $parser = SQL::Parser->new(
create => {type_blob=>1},
select => {join=>1},
Both of these styles of setting features are supported in the current SQL::Parser.
Subclassing SQL::Parser
In the event you need to either extend or modify SQL::Parser's default behavior, the following methods may be overriden to modify the behavior:
Processes the BETWEEN...AND... predicates; default converts to 2 range predicates.
Process the IN (...list...) predicates; default converts to a series of OR'd '=' predicate, or AND'd '<>' predicates for NOT IN.
Abstract method; default simply returns the original string. Called after get_btwn() and get_in(), but before any further predicate processing is applied. Possible uses include converting other predicate syntax not recognized by SQL::Parser into user-defined functions.
* add support for database.schema.table.column #
* add support for precision in types e.g. DECIMAL(1,6) # PodMaster
Thanks to Jochen Wiedmann for writing the original module. Thanks to Ilya Sterin for support in the early stages of my redesign of the module. Thanks to Dean Arnold for extensive patching, support, and suggetions. Thanks to Dan Wright for patches and suggestions. See also the changes file for thanks to the dozens of people who have helped along the way.
This module is copyright (c) 2001,2005 by Jeff Zucker.
All rights reserved.
The module may be freely distributed under the same terms as
Perl itself using either the "GPL License" or the "Artistic
License" as specified in the Perl README file.
Jeff can be reached at: