Paws::ElastiCache - Perl Interface to AWS Amazon ElastiCache


use Paws;

my $obj = Paws->service('ElastiCache');
my $res = $obj->Method(
  Arg1 => $val1,
  Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
  # if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
  # of the arguments type
  Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
  # if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
  # the constructor of the arguments type
  Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1'  }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],


Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a distributed cache in the cloud.

With ElastiCache, customers gain all of the benefits of a high-performance, in-memory cache with far less of the administrative burden of launching and managing a distributed cache. The service makes setup, scaling, and cluster failure handling much simpler than in a self-managed cache deployment.

In addition, through integration with Amazon CloudWatch, customers get enhanced visibility into the key performance statistics associated with their cache and can receive alarms if a part of their cache runs hot.


AddTagsToResource(ResourceName => Str, Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::ElastiCache::Tag])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::AddTagsToResource

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::TagListMessage instance

The I<AddTagsToResource> action adds up to 10 cost allocation tags to
the named resource. A I<cost allocation tag> is a key-value pair where
the key and value are case-sensitive. Cost allocation tags can be used
to categorize and track your AWS costs.

When you apply tags to your ElastiCache resources, AWS generates a cost allocation report as a comma-separated value (CSV) file with your usage and costs aggregated by your tags. You can apply tags that represent business categories (such as cost centers, application names, or owners) to organize your costs across multiple services. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in Amazon ElastiCache in the ElastiCache User Guide.

AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(CacheSecurityGroupName => Str, EC2SecurityGroupName => Str, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult instance

The I<AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress> action allows network ingress
to a cache security group. Applications using ElastiCache must be
running on Amazon EC2, and Amazon EC2 security groups are used as the
authorization mechanism.

You cannot authorize ingress from an Amazon EC2 security group in one region to an ElastiCache cluster in another region.

CopySnapshot(SourceSnapshotName => Str, TargetSnapshotName => Str, [TargetBucket => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshot

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CopySnapshotResult instance

The I<CopySnapshot> action makes a copy of an existing snapshot.

Users or groups that have permissions to use the CopySnapshot API can create their own Amazon S3 buckets and copy snapshots to it. To control access to your snapshots, use an IAM policy to control who has the ability to use the CopySnapshot API. For more information about using IAM to control the use of ElastiCache APIs, see Exporting Snapshots and Authentication & Access Control.

Erorr Message:

  • Error Message: The authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the desired activity.

    Solution: Contact your system administrator to get the needed permissions.

CreateCacheCluster(CacheClusterId => Str, [AutoMinorVersionUpgrade => Bool, AZMode => Str, CacheNodeType => Str, CacheParameterGroupName => Str, CacheSecurityGroupNames => ArrayRef[Str], CacheSubnetGroupName => Str, Engine => Str, EngineVersion => Str, NotificationTopicArn => Str, NumCacheNodes => Int, Port => Int, PreferredAvailabilityZone => Str, PreferredAvailabilityZones => ArrayRef[Str], PreferredMaintenanceWindow => Str, ReplicationGroupId => Str, SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotArns => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotName => Str, SnapshotRetentionLimit => Int, SnapshotWindow => Str, Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::ElastiCache::Tag]])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheCluster

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheClusterResult instance

The I<CreateCacheCluster> action creates a cache cluster. All nodes in
the cache cluster run the same protocol-compliant cache engine
software, either Memcached or Redis.

CreateCacheParameterGroup(CacheParameterGroupFamily => Str, CacheParameterGroupName => Str, Description => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheParameterGroupResult instance

The I<CreateCacheParameterGroup> action creates a new cache parameter
group. A cache parameter group is a collection of parameters that you
apply to all of the nodes in a cache cluster.

CreateCacheSecurityGroup(CacheSecurityGroupName => Str, Description => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult instance

The I<CreateCacheSecurityGroup> action creates a new cache security
group. Use a cache security group to control access to one or more
cache clusters.

Cache security groups are only used when you are creating a cache cluster outside of an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). If you are creating a cache cluster inside of a VPC, use a cache subnet group instead. For more information, see CreateCacheSubnetGroup.

CreateCacheSubnetGroup(CacheSubnetGroupDescription => Str, CacheSubnetGroupName => Str, SubnetIds => ArrayRef[Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult instance

The I<CreateCacheSubnetGroup> action creates a new cache subnet group.

Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

CreateReplicationGroup(ReplicationGroupDescription => Str, ReplicationGroupId => Str, [AutomaticFailoverEnabled => Bool, AutoMinorVersionUpgrade => Bool, CacheNodeType => Str, CacheParameterGroupName => Str, CacheSecurityGroupNames => ArrayRef[Str], CacheSubnetGroupName => Str, Engine => Str, EngineVersion => Str, NotificationTopicArn => Str, NumCacheClusters => Int, Port => Int, PreferredCacheClusterAZs => ArrayRef[Str], PreferredMaintenanceWindow => Str, PrimaryClusterId => Str, SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotArns => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotName => Str, SnapshotRetentionLimit => Int, SnapshotWindow => Str, Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::ElastiCache::Tag]])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateReplicationGroupResult instance

The I<CreateReplicationGroup> action creates a replication group. A
replication group is a collection of cache clusters, where one of the
cache clusters is a read/write primary and the others are read-only
replicas. Writes to the primary are automatically propagated to the

When you create a replication group, you must specify an existing cache cluster that is in the primary role. When the replication group has been successfully created, you can add one or more read replica replicas to it, up to a total of five read replicas.

This action is valid only for Redis.

CreateSnapshot(CacheClusterId => Str, SnapshotName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshot

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CreateSnapshotResult instance

The I<CreateSnapshot> action creates a copy of an entire cache cluster
at a specific moment in time.

DeleteCacheCluster(CacheClusterId => Str, [FinalSnapshotIdentifier => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheCluster

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheClusterResult instance

The I<DeleteCacheCluster> action deletes a previously provisioned cache
cluster. I<DeleteCacheCluster> deletes all associated cache nodes, node
endpoints and the cache cluster itself. When you receive a successful
response from this action, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins
deleting the cache cluster; you cannot cancel or revert this action.

This API cannot be used to delete a cache cluster that is the last read replica of a replication group that has Multi-AZ mode enabled.

DeleteCacheParameterGroup(CacheParameterGroupName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheParameterGroup

Returns: nothing

The I<DeleteCacheParameterGroup> action deletes the specified cache
parameter group. You cannot delete a cache parameter group if it is
associated with any cache clusters.

DeleteCacheSecurityGroup(CacheSecurityGroupName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSecurityGroup

Returns: nothing

The I<DeleteCacheSecurityGroup> action deletes a cache security group.

You cannot delete a cache security group if it is associated with any cache clusters.

DeleteCacheSubnetGroup(CacheSubnetGroupName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteCacheSubnetGroup

Returns: nothing

The I<DeleteCacheSubnetGroup> action deletes a cache subnet group.

You cannot delete a cache subnet group if it is associated with any cache clusters.

DeleteReplicationGroup(ReplicationGroupId => Str, [FinalSnapshotIdentifier => Str, RetainPrimaryCluster => Bool])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteReplicationGroupResult instance

The I<DeleteReplicationGroup> action deletes an existing replication
group. By default, this action deletes the entire replication group,
including the primary cluster and all of the read replicas. You can
optionally delete only the read replicas, while retaining the primary

When you receive a successful response from this action, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the selected resources; you cannot cancel or revert this action.

DeleteSnapshot(SnapshotName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshot

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::DeleteSnapshotResult instance

The I<DeleteSnapshot> action deletes an existing snapshot. When you
receive a successful response from this action, ElastiCache immediately
begins deleting the snapshot; you cannot cancel or revert this action.

DescribeCacheClusters([CacheClusterId => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, ShowCacheNodeInfo => Bool])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheClusters

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheClusterMessage instance

The I<DescribeCacheClusters> action returns information about all
provisioned cache clusters if no cache cluster identifier is specified,
or about a specific cache cluster if a cache cluster identifier is

By default, abbreviated information about the cache clusters(s) will be returned. You can use the optional ShowDetails flag to retrieve detailed information about the cache nodes associated with the cache clusters. These details include the DNS address and port for the cache node endpoint.

If the cluster is in the CREATING state, only cluster level information will be displayed until all of the nodes are successfully provisioned.

If the cluster is in the DELETING state, only cluster level information will be displayed.

If cache nodes are currently being added to the cache cluster, node endpoint information and creation time for the additional nodes will not be displayed until they are completely provisioned. When the cache cluster state is available, the cluster is ready for use.

If cache nodes are currently being removed from the cache cluster, no endpoint information for the removed nodes is displayed.

DescribeCacheEngineVersions([CacheParameterGroupFamily => Str, DefaultOnly => Bool, Engine => Str, EngineVersion => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheEngineVersions

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheEngineVersionMessage instance

The I<DescribeCacheEngineVersions> action returns a list of the
available cache engines and their versions.

DescribeCacheParameterGroups([CacheParameterGroupName => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameterGroups

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupsMessage instance

The I<DescribeCacheParameterGroups> action returns a list of cache
parameter group descriptions. If a cache parameter group name is
specified, the list will contain only the descriptions for that group.

DescribeCacheParameters(CacheParameterGroupName => Str, [Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, Source => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheParameters

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupDetails instance

The I<DescribeCacheParameters> action returns the detailed parameter
list for a particular cache parameter group.

DescribeCacheSecurityGroups([CacheSecurityGroupName => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSecurityGroups

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSecurityGroupMessage instance

The I<DescribeCacheSecurityGroups> action returns a list of cache
security group descriptions. If a cache security group name is
specified, the list will contain only the description of that group.

DescribeCacheSubnetGroups([CacheSubnetGroupName => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeCacheSubnetGroups

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheSubnetGroupMessage instance

The I<DescribeCacheSubnetGroups> action returns a list of cache subnet
group descriptions. If a subnet group name is specified, the list will
contain only the description of that group.

DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(CacheParameterGroupFamily => Str, [Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParameters

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult instance

The I<DescribeEngineDefaultParameters> action returns the default
engine and system parameter information for the specified cache engine.

DescribeEvents([Duration => Int, EndTime => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, SourceIdentifier => Str, SourceType => Str, StartTime => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeEvents

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::EventsMessage instance

The I<DescribeEvents> action returns events related to cache clusters,
cache security groups, and cache parameter groups. You can obtain
events specific to a particular cache cluster, cache security group, or
cache parameter group by providing the name as a parameter.

By default, only the events occurring within the last hour are returned; however, you can retrieve up to 14 days' worth of events if necessary.

DescribeReplicationGroups([Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, ReplicationGroupId => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReplicationGroups

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroupMessage instance

The I<DescribeReplicationGroups> action returns information about a
particular replication group. If no identifier is specified,
I<DescribeReplicationGroups> returns information about all replication

DescribeReservedCacheNodes([CacheNodeType => Str, Duration => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, OfferingType => Str, ProductDescription => Str, ReservedCacheNodeId => Str, ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodes

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodeMessage instance

The I<DescribeReservedCacheNodes> action returns information about
reserved cache nodes for this account, or about a specified reserved
cache node.

DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings([CacheNodeType => Str, Duration => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, OfferingType => Str, ProductDescription => Str, ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage instance

The I<DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferings> action lists available
reserved cache node offerings.

DescribeSnapshots([CacheClusterId => Str, Marker => Str, MaxRecords => Int, SnapshotName => Str, SnapshotSource => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshots

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::DescribeSnapshotsListMessage instance

The I<DescribeSnapshots> action returns information about cache cluster
snapshots. By default, I<DescribeSnapshots> lists all of your
snapshots; it can optionally describe a single snapshot, or just the
snapshots associated with a particular cache cluster.

ListAllowedNodeTypeModifications([CacheClusterId => Str, ReplicationGroupId => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ListAllowedNodeTypeModifications

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::AllowedNodeTypeModificationsMessage instance

The C<ListAllowedNodeTypeModifications> action lists all available node
types that you can scale your Redis cluster's or replication group's
current node type up to.

When you use the ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup APIs to scale up your cluster or replication group, the value of the CacheNodeType parameter must be one of the node types returned by this action.

ListTagsForResource(ResourceName => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ListTagsForResource

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::TagListMessage instance

The I<ListTagsForResource> action lists all cost allocation tags
currently on the named resource. A I<cost allocation tag> is a
key-value pair where the key is case-sensitive and the value is
optional. Cost allocation tags can be used to categorize and track your
AWS costs.

You can have a maximum of 10 cost allocation tags on an ElastiCache resource. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in Amazon ElastiCache.

ModifyCacheCluster(CacheClusterId => Str, [ApplyImmediately => Bool, AutoMinorVersionUpgrade => Bool, AZMode => Str, CacheNodeIdsToRemove => ArrayRef[Str], CacheNodeType => Str, CacheParameterGroupName => Str, CacheSecurityGroupNames => ArrayRef[Str], EngineVersion => Str, NewAvailabilityZones => ArrayRef[Str], NotificationTopicArn => Str, NotificationTopicStatus => Str, NumCacheNodes => Int, PreferredMaintenanceWindow => Str, SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotRetentionLimit => Int, SnapshotWindow => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheCluster

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheClusterResult instance

The I<ModifyCacheCluster> action modifies the settings for a cache
cluster. You can use this action to change one or more cluster
configuration parameters by specifying the parameters and the new

ModifyCacheParameterGroup(CacheParameterGroupName => Str, ParameterNameValues => ArrayRef[Paws::ElastiCache::ParameterNameValue])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheParameterGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupNameMessage instance

The I<ModifyCacheParameterGroup> action modifies the parameters of a
cache parameter group. You can modify up to 20 parameters in a single
request by submitting a list parameter name and value pairs.

ModifyCacheSubnetGroup(CacheSubnetGroupName => Str, [CacheSubnetGroupDescription => Str, SubnetIds => ArrayRef[Str]])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyCacheSubnetGroupResult instance

The I<ModifyCacheSubnetGroup> action modifies an existing cache subnet

ModifyReplicationGroup(ReplicationGroupId => Str, [ApplyImmediately => Bool, AutomaticFailoverEnabled => Bool, AutoMinorVersionUpgrade => Bool, CacheNodeType => Str, CacheParameterGroupName => Str, CacheSecurityGroupNames => ArrayRef[Str], EngineVersion => Str, NotificationTopicArn => Str, NotificationTopicStatus => Str, PreferredMaintenanceWindow => Str, PrimaryClusterId => Str, ReplicationGroupDescription => Str, SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str], SnapshotRetentionLimit => Int, SnapshottingClusterId => Str, SnapshotWindow => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::ModifyReplicationGroupResult instance

The I<ModifyReplicationGroup> action modifies the settings for a
replication group.

PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering(ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId => Str, [CacheNodeCount => Int, ReservedCacheNodeId => Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingResult instance

The I<PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering> action allows you to purchase
a reserved cache node offering.

RebootCacheCluster(CacheClusterId => Str, CacheNodeIdsToReboot => ArrayRef[Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheCluster

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::RebootCacheClusterResult instance

The I<RebootCacheCluster> action reboots some, or all, of the cache
nodes within a provisioned cache cluster. This API will apply any
modified cache parameter groups to the cache cluster. The reboot action
takes place as soon as possible, and results in a momentary outage to
the cache cluster. During the reboot, the cache cluster status is set

The reboot causes the contents of the cache (for each cache node being rebooted) to be lost.

When the reboot is complete, a cache cluster event is created.

RemoveTagsFromResource(ResourceName => Str, TagKeys => ArrayRef[Str])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::RemoveTagsFromResource

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::TagListMessage instance

The I<RemoveTagsFromResource> action removes the tags identified by the
C<TagKeys> list from the named resource.

ResetCacheParameterGroup(CacheParameterGroupName => Str, [ParameterNameValues => ArrayRef[Paws::ElastiCache::ParameterNameValue], ResetAllParameters => Bool])

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::ResetCacheParameterGroup

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::CacheParameterGroupNameMessage instance

The I<ResetCacheParameterGroup> action modifies the parameters of a
cache parameter group to the engine or system default value. You can
reset specific parameters by submitting a list of parameter names. To
reset the entire cache parameter group, specify the
I<ResetAllParameters> and I<CacheParameterGroupName> parameters.

RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress(CacheSecurityGroupName => Str, EC2SecurityGroupName => Str, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId => Str)

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress

Returns: a Paws::ElastiCache::RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult instance

The I<RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngress> action revokes ingress from a
cache security group. Use this action to disallow access from an Amazon
EC2 security group that had been previously authorized.


This service class forms part of Paws


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