

CacheKeyParameters => ArrayRef[Str]

Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.

CacheNamespace => Str

Specifies the integration's cache namespace.

Credentials => Str

Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.

HttpMethod => Str

Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.

IntegrationResponses => Paws::ApiGateway::MapOfIntegrationResponse

Specifies the integration's responses.

Example: Get integration responses of a method


GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: X-Amz-Date: 20160607T191449Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160607/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash} 


The successful response returns 200 OK status and a payload as follows:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "{rel}.html", "name": "integrationresponse", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "title": "200" }, "integrationresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" }, "integrationresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" } }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": "'application/xml'" }, "responseTemplates": { "application/json": "$util.urlDecode(\"%3CkinesisStreams%3E

Creating an API

PassthroughBehavior => Str

Specifies how the method request body of an unmapped content type will be passed through the integration request to the back end without transformation. A content type is unmapped if no mapping template is defined in the integration or the content type does not match any of the mapped content types, as specified in requestTemplates. There are three valid values: WHEN_NO_MATCH, WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES, and NEVER.

  • WHEN_NO_MATCH passes the method request body through the integration request to the back end without transformation when the method request content type does not match any content type associated with the mapping templates defined in the integration request.

  • WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES passes the method request body through the integration request to the back end without transformation when no mapping template is defined in the integration request. If a template is defined when this option is selected, the method request of an unmapped content-type will be rejected with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response.

  • NEVER rejects the method request with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response when either the method request content type does not match any content type associated with the mapping templates defined in the integration request or no mapping template is defined in the integration request.

RequestParameters => Paws::ApiGateway::MapOfStringToString

A key-value map specifying request parameters that are passed from the method request to the back end. The key is an integration request parameter name and the associated value is a method request parameter value or static value that must be enclosed within single quotes and pre-encoded as required by the back end. The method request parameter value must match the pattern of method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is querystring, path, or header and name must be a valid and unique method request parameter name.

RequestTemplates => Paws::ApiGateway::MapOfStringToString

Represents a map of Velocity templates that are applied on the request payload based on the value of the Content-Type header sent by the client. The content type value is the key in this map, and the template (as a String) is the value.

Type => Str

Specifies the integration's type. The valid value is HTTP, AWS, or MOCK.

Valid values are: "HTTP", "AWS", "MOCK"

Uri => Str

Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{subdomain.service|service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region, subdomain and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.