Storm::Builder - Build objects to use with Storm
package Foo;
use Storm::Builder; # provides Moose sugar
has 'id' => (
isa => 'Int',
traits => [qw( PrimaryKey AutoIncrement )],
has 'label' => (
isa => 'Str',
has 'bar' => (
isa => 'Bar',
weak_ref => 1,
package Bar;
has 'id' => (
isa => 'Int',
traits => [qw( PrimaryKey AutoIncrement )],
has_many 'foos' => (
foreign_class => 'Foo',
match_on => 'bar',
handles => {
foos => 'iter',
has_many 'bazzes' => (
foreign_class => 'Baz',
junction_table => 'BazBars',
local_match => 'bar',
foreign_match => 'baz',
handles => {
bazzes => 'iter',
add_baz => 'add',
remove_baz => 'remove',
package Baz;
has 'id' => (
isa => 'Int',
traits => [qw( PrimaryKey AutoIncrement )],
has_many 'bars' => (
foreign_class => 'Foo',
junction_table => 'BazBars',
local_match => 'bar',
foreign_match => 'baz',
handles => {
bars => 'iter',
add_bar => 'add',
remove_bar => 'remove',
Storm::Builder is an extension of the Moose
object system. The purpose of Storm::Builder is to apply the necessary meta-roles Storm needs to introspect your objects and to provide sugar for declaring relationships between Storm enabled objects.
- Storm::Role::Object
This role is applied to the base class.
- Storm::Role::Object::Meta::Attribute
This role is applied to the attribute meta-class.
- Storm::Role::Object::Meta::Class
This role is applied to the class meta-class.
- has_many $name => %options
- foreign_class => $class
Set the foreign_class option to the other class in the relationship.
- match_on => $attribute_name
Use when defining a one-to-many relationsuhip. This is the name of attribute in the foreign class used to define the relationship.
- junction_table => $table
Use when defining a many-to-many relationship. This is the database table used to define the relationships.
- local_match => $table
Use when defining a many-to-many relationship. This is the column in the junction_table which is to identify the __PACKAGE__ object in the relationship.
- foreign_match => $table
Use when defining a many-to-many relationship. This is the column in the junction_table which is to identify the foreign object in the relationship.
Jeffrey Ray Hallock <jeffrey.hallock at gmail dot com>
Copyright (c) 2010 Jeffrey Ray Hallock. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.