Rex::Commands::Fs - Filesystem commands
With this module you can do file system tasks like creating a directory, removing files, move files, and more.
my @files = list_files "/etc";
my %stat = stat("/etc/passwd");
my $link = readlink("/path/to/a/link");
symlink("/source", "/dest");
rename("oldname", "newname");
chmod 755, "/tmp";
chown "user", "/tmp";
chgrp "group", "/tmp";
- list_files("/path");
This function list all entries (files, directories, ...) in a given directory and returns a array.
task "ls-etc", "server01", sub { my @tmp_files = grep { /\.tmp$/ } list_files("/etc"); };
This command will not be reported.
- ls($path)
Just an alias for list_files
- symlink($from, $to)
This function will create a symlink from $from to $to.
task "symlink", "server01", sub { symlink("/var/www/versions/1.0.0", "/var/www/html"); };
- ln($from, $to)
ln is an alias for symlink
- unlink($file)
This function will remove the given file.
task "unlink", "server01", sub { unlink("/tmp/testfile"); };
- rm($file)
This is an alias for unlink.
- rmdir($dir)
This function will remove the given directory.
task "rmdir", "server01", sub { rmdir("/tmp"); };
Since: 0.45 Please use the file() resource instead.
task "prepare", sub { file "/tmp", ensure => "absent"; };
- mkdir($newdir)
This function will create a new directory.
Since: 0.45 Please use the file() resource instead.
task "prepare", sub { file "/tmp", ensure => "directory", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 1777; }; task "mkdir", "server01", sub { mkdir "/tmp"; mkdir "/tmp", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 1777; };
- chown($owner, $file)
Change the owner of a file or a directory.
chown "www-data", "/var/www/html"; chown "www-data", "/var/www/html", recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the file() resource instead.
- chgrp($group, $file)
Change the group of a file or a directory.
chgrp "nogroup", "/var/www/html"; chgrp "nogroup", "/var/www/html", recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the file() resource instead.
- chmod($mode, $file)
Change the permissions of a file or a directory.
chmod 755, "/var/www/html"; chmod 755, "/var/www/html", recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the file() resource instead.
- stat($file)
This function will return a hash with the following information about a file or directory.
- mode
- size
- uid
- gid
- atime
- mtime
task "stat", "server01", sub { my %file_stat = stat("/etc/passwd"); };
This command will not be reported.
- is_file($file)
This function tests if $file is a file. Returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "isfile", "server01", sub { if( is_file("/etc/passwd") ) { say "it is a file."; } else { say "hm, this is not a file."; } };
This command will not be reported.
- is_dir($dir)
This function tests if $dir is a directory. Returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "isdir", "server01", sub { if( is_dir("/etc") ) { say "it is a directory."; } else { say "hm, this is not a directory."; } };
This command will not be reported.
- is_symlink($file)
This function tests if $file is a symlink. Returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "issym", "server01", sub { if( is_symlink("/etc/foo.txt") ) { say "it is a symlink."; } else { say "hm, this is not a symlink."; } };
This command will not be reported.
- is_readable($file)
This function tests if $file is readable. It returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "readable", "server01", sub { if( is_readable("/etc/passwd") ) { say "passwd is readable"; } else { say "not readable."; } };
This command will not be reported.
- is_writable($file)
This function tests if $file is writable. It returns 1 if true. 0 if false.
task "writable", "server01", sub { if( is_writable("/etc/passwd") ) { say "passwd is writable"; } else { say "not writable."; } };
This command will not be reported.
- is_writeable($file)
This is only an alias for is_writable.
This command will not be reported.
- readlink($link)
This function returns the link endpoint if $link is a symlink. If $link is not a symlink it will die.
task "islink", "server01", sub { my $link; eval { $link = readlink("/tmp/testlink"); }; say "this is a link" if($link); };
This command will not be reported.
- rename($old, $new)
This function will rename $old to $new. Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure.
task "rename", "server01", sub { rename("/tmp/old", "/tmp/new"); };
- mv($old, $new)
mv is an alias for rename.
- chdir($newdir)
This function will change the current workdirectory to $newdir. This function currently only works local.
task "chdir", "server01", sub { chdir("/tmp"); };
This command will not be reported.
- cd($newdir)
This is an alias of chdir.
- df([$device])
This function returns a hashRef reflecting the output of df
task "df", "server01", sub { my $df = df(); my $df_on_sda1 = df("/dev/sda1"); };
This command will not be reported.
- du($path)
Returns the disk usage of $path.
task "du", "server01", sub { say "size of /var/www: " . du("/var/www"); };
This command will not be reported.
- cp($source, $destination)
cp will copy $source to $destination (it is recursive)
task "cp", "server01", sub { cp("/var/www", "/var/www.old"); };
- mount($device, $mount_point, @options)
Mount devices.
task "mount", "server01", sub { mount "/dev/sda5", "/tmp"; mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6", ensure => "present", fs => "ext3", options => [qw/noatime async/], on_change => sub { say "device mounted"; }; # # mount persistent with entry in /etc/fstab mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6", ensure => "persistent", fs => "ext3", options => [qw/noatime async/], on_change => sub { say "device mounted"; }; # to umount a device mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6", ensure => "absent"; };
- umount($mount_point)
Unmount device.
task "umount", "server01", sub { umount "/tmp"; };
- glob($glob)
task "glob", "server1", sub { my @files_with_p = grep { is_file($_) } glob("/etc/p*"); };
This command will not be reported.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 87:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '} list_files("/etc");'. Assuming UTF-8