Net::API::Stripe::Identity::VerificationReport - The VerificationReport object





A VerificationReport is the result of an attempt to collect and verify data from a user. The collection of verification checks performed is determined from the type and options parameters used. You can find the result of each verification check performed in the appropriate sub-resource: document, id_number, selfie.

Each VerificationReport contains a copy of any data collected by the user as well as reference IDs which can be used to access collected images through the FileUpload API. To configure and create VerificationReports, use the VerificationSession API.

Related guides: Accessing verification results.


id string

Unique identifier for the object.

object string

String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

created timestamp

Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

document hash

Result of the document check for this report.

It has the following properties:

address hash

Address as it appears in the document.

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Address object.

dob hash

Date of birth as it appears in the document.

day integer

Numerical day between 1 and 31.

month integer

Numerical month between 1 and 12.

year integer

The four-digit year.

error hash

Details on the verification error. Present when status is unverified.

code string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

reason string

A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.

expiration_date hash

Expiration date of the document.

day integer

Numerical day between 1 and 31.

month integer

Numerical month between 1 and 12.

year integer

The four-digit year.

files string_array

Array of File ids containing images for this document.

first_name string

First name as it appears in the document.

issued_date hash

Issued date of the document.

day integer

Numerical day between 1 and 31.

month integer

Numerical month between 1 and 12.

year integer

The four-digit year.

issuing_country string

Issuing country of the document.

last_name string

Last name as it appears in the document.

number string

Document ID number.

status string

Status of this document check.

type string

Type of the document.

id_number hash

Result of the id number check for this report.

It has the following properties:

dob hash

Date of birth.

day integer

Numerical day between 1 and 31.

month integer

Numerical month between 1 and 12.

year integer

The four-digit year.

error hash

Details on the verification error. Present when status is unverified.

code string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

reason string

A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.

first_name string

First name.

id_number string

ID number.

id_number_type string

Type of ID number.

last_name string

Last name.

status string

Status of this id_number check.

livemode boolean

Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

options hash

Configuration options for this report.

It has the following properties:

document hash

Configuration options to apply to the document check.

allowed_types array

Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn’t one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a documenttypenot_allowed error code.

require_id_number boolean

Collect an ID number and perform an ID number check with the document’s extracted name and date of birth.

require_live_capture boolean

Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device’s camera.

require_matching_selfie boolean

Capture a face image and perform a selfie check comparing a photo ID and a picture of your user’s face. Learn more.

id_number hash

Configuration options to apply to the id_number check.


This is an empty hash.

selfie hash

Result of the selfie check for this report.

It has the following properties:

document string

ID of the File holding the image of the identity document used in this check.

error hash

Details on the verification error. Present when status is unverified.

code string

A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.

reason string

A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.

selfie string

ID of the File holding the image of the selfie used in this check.

status string

Status of this selfie check.

type string

Type of report.

verification_session string

ID of the VerificationSession that created this report.


[ { "created" : "1662261086", "document" : { "address" : { "city" : "San Francisco", "country" : "US", "line1" : "1234 Main St.", "state" : "CA", "zip" : "94111" }, "error" : null, "expiration_date" : { "day" : "1", "month" : "12", "year" : "2025" }, "files" : [ "file_MMt1QnXiGixEZxoe5FxvoMDx", "file_MMt1VGyZxCEW3uV9YvuOI7yx" ], "first_name" : "Jenny", "issued_date" : { "day" : "1", "month" : "12", "year" : "2020" }, "issuing_country" : "US", "last_name" : "Rosen", "status" : "verified", "type" : "driving_license" }, "id" : "vr_1Le9F42eZvKYlo2CHjM8lwqO", "livemode" : 0, "object" : "identity.verification_report", "options" : { "document" : {} }, "type" : "document", "verification_session" : "vs_MMt1qTAB3jMvz6aXZCfHgulL" } ]



Initial version


Jacques Deguest <>


Stripe API documentation


Copyright (c) 2019-2022 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.