POE::Component::Client::opentick - A POE component for working with's market data feeds.


use POE qw( Component::Client::opentick );

my $alias = 'otdemo';
my $opentick = POE::Component::Client::opentick->spawn(
                   Username => 'MYUSER',       # REPLACE THIS
                   Password => 'MYPASS',       # REPLACE THIS
                   Events   => [ qw( all ) ],
                   Notifyee => $alias,

my $session = POE::Session->create(
    inline_states => {
        _start => sub {
            print "OT demo script starting up.\n";
            $poe_kernel->alias_set( $alias );
        ot_on_login => sub {
            print "Logged in!\n";
            my $rid = $opentick->call( requestSplits =>
                                       'Q', 'MSFT',
                                       999999999, 1111111111 );
            print "ReqID $rid: requestSplits()\n";
        ot_on_data  => sub {
            my ( $rid, $cmd, $record ) = @_[ARG0..$#_];
            print "ReqID $rid: Data: ", $record->as_string(), "\n";
        ot_on_error => sub {
            my ( $rid, $cmd, $error ) = @_[ARG0..ARG2];
            print "ReqID $rid: Error: $error\n";



NOTE: This is primarily the documentation for the lower-level POE component itself. You may be looking for POE::Component::Client::opentick::otFeed, which is part of this distribution, and provides an otFeed-compatible front-end interface for this component.

This POE component allows you to easily interface with's market data feed service using the power of POE to handle the asynchronous, simultaneous requests allowed with their protocol.

It is primarily designed as an interface library, for example, to log to a database, rather than a standalone client application to query market data, although it will work fine in both regards.


$obj = spawn( [ var => value, ... ] )

Spawn a new POE component, connect to the opentick server, log in, and get ready for action.

RETURNS: blessed $object or undef


All arguments are of the hash form Var => Value. spawn() will complain and exit if they do not follow this form.

Username [ required ] (but see NOTE)
Password [ required ] (but see NOTE)

These are your login credentials for If you do not have an account, please visit their website ("SEE ALSO") to create one. Note, that it is not a free service, but it is very inexpensive. (I don't work for them.)

If you do not have an account with them, this component is fairly useless to you, so what are you still doing reading this?

NOTE: A username and password MUST be specified either as arguments to spawn() or via the OPENTICK_USER and/or OPENTICK_PASS environment variables (detailed in ENVIRONMENT below), or the component will throw an exception and complain.

Events [ required ]
Notifyee [ required ]

Events is an arrayref of event notifications to send to the POE session alias specified by Notifyee. At the occurrence of various important events, this component will notify your session of its occurrence, with relevant data passed as arguments.

Both of these are mandatory.

The string 'all' works as a shortcut to just register for all events.

For a list of events for which you can register, see the "EVENTS" section.

AutoLogin [ default: TRUE ]

Set to automatically log into the opentick server upon POE kernel startup.

NOTE: This does not affect automatic reconnection, which is set with the AutoReconn option, and is disabled if you explicitly log out.

Realtime [ default: FALSE ]

Request real-time quote information. Pass in a TRUE value to enable it. It is implemented on their service by connecting you to a different port.

RawData [ default: FALSE ] IMPORTANT

The default response to your queries from the opentick server comes to you as a POE::Component::Client::opentick::Record object, which has accessor methods and additional features you can use to examine the data, but if you prefer to receive simple @arrays, set this option to a TRUE value.

Alias [ default: opentick ]

The alias under which the opentick component will be registered within POE. See the POE documentation for further details.

Servers [ default: [, ] ]

An arrayref of server hostnames with which to connect to the opentick service.

Port [ default: 10015 ]

The port number to which to connect. Two are default for the protocol: 10010 (realtime) and 10015 (delayed).

NOTE: If you specify a Port setting, it will be used regardless; otherwise the port is selected based on the Realtime setting (detailed next).

ConnTimeout [ default: 30 ]

Timeout in seconds before declaring this connection attempt to have failed.

NOTE: This also covers OT_LOGIN, so the actual timeout is from initiating the socket connection until reaching OT_STATUS_LOGGED_IN.

AutoReconnect [ default: TRUE ]

Boolean. Set TRUE to automatically reconnect to the server when disconnected, false otherwise.

ReconnInterval [ default: 60 ]

Set to the delay you wish between attempts to automatically reconnect to the server.

Please be polite with this setting.

ReconnRetries [ default: 5 ]

Set to the number of times you wish to attempt to retry before giving up. (Set to 0 to try to reconnect forever, waiting ReconnInterval seconds between attempts.)

BindAddress [ default: undef ]
BindPort [ default: undef ]

Set these if you wish to bind to a specific local address and local port for outgoing connections, for instance, if you are running this on a multi-homed host. Leaving them blank will choose an arbitrary interface and port.

Don't bother using these unless you need them. You'll know if you do.

ProtocolVer [ default: 2 ]
MacAddr [ default: some 3Com address ]
Platform [ default: 1 (opentick) ]
PlatformPass [ default: '' ]
OS [ default: 20 (Linux) ]

Internal variables used for the opentick protocol itself. I have set sane defaults. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing and have read their protocol guide thoroughly, understand it, and know the constants values for these, just leave them alone.

If you tweak these and your account becomes disabled, don't even consider blaming me or asking for support.

Also, if you tweak these at all and you ask for support, the first thing you will be told is to UNTWEAK them, so just leave them alone. Really.

Debug [ default: FALSE ]

Set to enable (lots of) debugging output from the suite.

Quiet [ default: FALSE ]

Set to have the suite not print ANYTHING AT ALL (it doesn't much anyway, but you may get the occasional warning). The only way you will be able to receive status with the suite is via sending and receiving POE events.


my $opentick = POE::Component::Client::opentick->spawn(
       Notifyee => 'myclient',     # POE alias of client session
       Events   => [ 'all' ],      # Arrayref of events to trap
       Username => 'Steve',        # Your username
       Password => 'Zissou',       # Your password


initialize( )

Initialize arguments. If you are subclassing, overload this, not spawn().

call( event => @args )
post( event => @args )
yield( event => @args )

These correspond to their POE counterparts, but automatically direct the events to the OT session instead of requiring the extra argument of the target session (in the case of call() and post()).

They are useful as time-savers so you don't have to mess around with locating the Session ID, passing in the alias, etc.

shutdown( )

Logs out and disconnects from the server, closes down the OT component and eventually exits. You need to remove all references to the object in order to have it truly destroyed, of course.

After this, you must call spawn() again to create a new object/session.

ready( )

Returns BOOLEAN depending upon whether the OT component is ready to accept API requests (i.e., POE is running, the Session exists, is connected to the server, and has successfully logged in).

statistics( )

Returns some statistics about the $opentick object and connection. More fields will be added over time, but right now it returns a list with the following fields:

0 packets sent
1 packets received
2 bytes sent
3 bytes received
4 messages sent
5 messages received
6 records received
7 errors received
8 object lifetime (in seconds)
9 server connection time (in seconds)
new( )

Nothing. Don't use this. Throws an exception.

get_status( )

Just returns the current state of the object, as specified by the opentick protocol specification.

Possible states are:

get_uptime( )

Returns object lifetime in seconds.

login( )

Begin the login process.

logout( )

Log out from the opentick server, and disconnect the socket.

set_hosts( )
set_port( )
set_platform_id( )

These exist solely for higher-level compatibility with the otFeed standard API. They are lame. Don't use them. Use arguments to the object constructor, spawn(), instead.


To do anything useful with this module, you must register to receive events upon important occurrences. You do this either by using the Events => [] argument to spawn() (preferred), or by sending a 'register' event to the object, using POE, with an \@arrayref argument containing the list of events for which you wish to register.

All events sent to your session will have at least the following two arguments:

( $request_id, $command_id ) = @_[ARG0,ARG1];

Specific events will also have more arguments.

Below is a list of events for which you may register. If they receive additional arguments, those will be listed and described as well.


A time saver. Just registers to receive all events. You don't even have to set up handlers for all of them, just the ones you want.


Sent upon successful login to the server.


Sent upon logout from the server.


Sent upon the receipt of data from a request you have placed.

Extra arguments: ( @data ) = @_[ARG2..$#_]

@data corresponds to the individual fields of the particular API call for which this is a response to. For more information on the API calls, see the "OPENTICK API" section below, as well as the home page and documentation wiki.


Sent upon any type of error.

Extra arguments: ( $Error ) = @_[ARG2]

$Error is an object of type POE::Component::Client::opentick::Error, and contains detailed information about the error, at what point it occurred, etc.

However, the object's stringify() method is overloaded, so it prints a meaningful and complete error message if you simply call something similar to print "$Error".

For more detailed documentation, see POE::Component::Client::opentick::Error.


Sent upon the completion of a request.


Sent upon the successful cancellation of a request.


Sent upon failed connection and exhaustion of all retry attempts.


Sent upon any status change; will be sent as a duplicate request, alongside (but slightly later than) ot_on_login.

Primarily exists for compatibility with, but traps all status changes; not just login and logout.


The API provides several commands that you may send. All of the API requests return a unique numeric $request_id for the particular command you issue. You properly send these commands by using the $object->call() method (or the $poe_kernel->call() method with the session ID of the component), so that you receive a numeric $request_id as a return value. ->yield() and ->post() are asynchronous, and do not return the $request_id.

Getting this $request_id into your client is essential to keep track of and match particular requests with their corresponding responses.

It is left as an exercise to the implementor (YOU!) as to how best keep track of these, although a %hash would work quite well. See the examples/ directory for some examples of how to do this if you are not sure.

Here are the API-related events that you can issue to the POE component, which correspond to the API:


NOTE: Deprecated by; use requestTickStreamEx instead.


NOTE: Deprecated by; use requestOptionChainEx instead.


NOTE: You will NOT receive an on_request_complete event upon completion of this command.


NOTE: You will NOT receive an on_request_complete event upon completion of this command.


NOTE: You will NOT receive an on_request_complete event upon completion of this command.


More information regarding the opentick API, exchange codes, field definitions, etc., can be found at

NOTE: Several of the opentick API commands return different values for CommandType. Generally, these are commands that were implemented later, that extend functionality of the earlier commands, and they return their base types. For example, requestTickStreamEx (cid=16) returns a CommandType of 3 (requestTickStream). You should keep this in mind when writing your result handlers. I could program around it, and I may in a later version, but as long as you keep track of requests by RequestID instead of CommandType (which you should anyway), it should not pose a problem.


This module suite uses the following environment variables:


These are used as a fallback mechanism, in case Username or Password are not passed as arguments to spawn(). If after exhausting these two possibilities, the username and password are not set, the suite will signal an exception and exit.

They are also provided as a security option, since many people do not desire to store passwords directly in their software.


This is part of the official opentick otFeed software. This module suite will also use this environment variable when attempting to locate the original opentick library, to preload constant values used in the protocol. attempts to load the original libraries from @INC, and will prepend the directory specified in OPENTICK_LIB to the @INC search path, if it is set.

If the original libraries are not found, that is not a problem; we use our own values; but this is an attempt to maintain compatibility with the mainline software itself.


It would be polite to, and follow the protocol, if you ensured that you always logged out before actually exiting your client application. I have included several methods of doing so, but I am hesitant to include a signal handler in this module, as that is really the responsibility of your client application.

An easy way to do this would be to use a signal handler similar to the following, to trap SIGINT, and repeat for whichever other signals you wish to trap:

$poe_kernel->sig( INT  => 'event_quit' );
$poe_kernel->sig( TERM => 'event_quit' );

sub quit {
    $opentick->call( 'shutdown' );
    $poe_kernel->alias_remove( 'your_alias' );

More information about POE's signal handling can be found at "Signal Watcher Methods" in POE::Kernel.

While testing, they did not seem to mind me disconnecting improperly several times until I finished the logout code, but I have no control over their decision-making process, and this could change at any time.

If your account gets banned, don't cry to me.


Yes, the lowercase "opentick" in the module name was on purpose, to correspond with the opentick logo and brand name.


The POE documentation, POE::Kernel, POE::Session

The examples/ directory of this module's distribution.


Thank you, Rocco Caputo (dngor) for inventing and unleashing POE upon the world!


Jason McManus (infi) --


Copyright (c) Jason McManus

This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details.

The data from are under an entirely separate license that varies according to exchange rules, etc. It is your responsibility to follow the and exchange license agreements with the data.

Further details are available on