Net::Vimeo - Make requests via OAuth to Vimeo Advanced API
Version 0.000004
use Net::Vimeo;
my $vimeo = Net::Vimeo->new( consumer_key => 'xxxx', consumer_secret => 'yyyy' );
# First you need to get the authorization URL
# If you need permission to upload a video, send the
# permission parameter, otherwise you will only have read permission
my $vimeo_oauth_url = $vimeo_oauth->get_authorization_url( permission => 'write' );
# Get the oauth_verifier from that url and
# exchange the request tokens with access tokens
$vimeo->get_access_token( { verifier => 'oauth_verifier' } );
# Now you are can start playing
my $request_params = {
method => 'vimeo.activity.userDid',
user_id => 'someuserid',
page => 1,
per_page => 10,
format => 'json',
my $result = $vimeo->make_api_request( 'GET', $request_params);
The canonical documentation for the Advanced API is at with the method listing residing at
The distribution has a simple example bundled, and make sure to study the tests and Net::Vimeo::OAuth for further insight into the overall process of authentication.
my $vimeo = Net::Vimeo->new(
consumer_key => 'xxxx',
consumer_secret => 'yyyy',
access_token => 'zzzz', # optional
access_token_secret => 'zzzz_secret' # optional
On construction, consumer_key and consumer_secret are mandatory to identify your app against Vimeo. In case you want your app to be "statically" provided with an access_token, you may set one on construction, but you'll commonly use the methods around get_access_token() to ask a user for access so your app can act on behalf of granting users. See Net::Vimeo::OAuth for the underlying mechanism.
Returns a Vimeo URL (URI-Object) which you will use to send a user to a page (on Vimeo) where she may accept or decline that your app receives access to her account. Acceptance means the user issues an access_token for your app, an alphanumeric string.
- make_api_request($method, $request_params)
After you have your access tokens via OAuth you can start making requests to Vimeo Advanced API. Arguments necessary to make the call to Vimeo Advanced API are:
which is a string representing the HTTP method needed for your request. The second one is the api request params, you can find the needed params on Vimeo Advanced API documentation.$vimeo->make_api_request( 'GET', $request_params);
Mirela Iclodean, <imirela at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-vimeo at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Vimeo
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Copyright 2014 Mirela Iclodean.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0).