Catmandu::Fix::geocode - Provide access to the Google geocoding API
# Lookup the location of
# address: 'Hollywood and Highland, Los Angeles, CA'
# address:
# address_components:
# - long_name: Highland Avenue
# short_name: Highland Ave
# types:
# - route
# - long_name: Central LA
# short_name: Central LA
# types:
# - neighborhood
# - political
# - long_name: Hollywood
# short_name: Hollywood
# types:
# - sublocality_level_1
# - sublocality
# - political
# - long_name: Los Angeles
# short_name: LA
# types:
# - locality
# - political
# - long_name: Los Angeles County
# short_name: Los Angeles County
# types:
# - administrative_area_level_2
# - political
# - long_name: California
# short_name: CA
# types:
# - administrative_area_level_1
# - political
# - long_name: United States
# short_name: US
# types:
# - country
# - political
# - long_name: '90028'
# short_name: '90028'
# types:
# - postal_code
# formatted_address: Highland Avenue & Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA
# geometry:
# location:
# lat: 34.1015473
# lng: -118.3387288
# location_type: APPROXIMATE
# viewport:
# northeast:
# lat: 34.1028962802915
# lng: -118.337379819709
# southwest:
# lat: 34.1001983197085
# lng: -118.340077780291
# partial_match: !!perl/scalar:JSON::PP::Boolean 1
# place_id: EkFIaWdobGFuZCBBdmVudWUgJiBIb2xseXdvb2QgQm91bGV2YXJkLCBMb3MgQW5nZWxlcywgQ0EgOTAwMjgsIFVTQQ
# types:
# - intersection
This code requires you to create a Google MAP API key:
Your UNIX environment should contain two variabels:
export GMAP_CLIENT=<your_google_address>
export GMAP_KEY=<your_api_key>
As a free service a maximum of 5 requests per second are permitted, 2500 requests per day.