WebService::CRUST - A lightweight Client for making REST calls



## Connect to Yahoo's Time service to see what time it is.

use WebService::CRUST;
use Data::Dumper;

my $url = '';
my $w = new WebService::CRUST;

print $w->get($url, appid => 'YahooDemo')->Timestamp;

Slightly more complex example, where we connect to Amazon and get a list of albums by the Magnetic Fields:

## Connect to Amazon and get a list of all the albums by the Magnetic Fields

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(
  base => '',
  request_key => 'Operation',
  params => { AWSAccessKeyId => 'my_amazon_key' }

my $result = $w->ItemSearch(
  SearchIndex => 'Music',
  Keywords => 'Magnetic Fields'

for (@{$result->Items->Item}) {
  printf "%s - %s\n", 



my $w = new WebService::CRUST( <options> );



Sets a base URL to perform actions on. Example:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(base => '');
$w->get('foo'); # calls
$w->foo;        # Same thing but AUTOLOADED

Pass hashref of options to be sent with every query. Example:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST( params => { appid => 'YahooDemo' });

Or combine with base above to make your life easier:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(
  base => '',
  params => { appid => 'YahooDemo' }
$w->getTime(format => 'ms');

Use a specific param argument for the action veing passed, for instance, when talking to Amazon, instead of calling /method you have to call ?Operation=method. Here's some example code:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(
  base => '',
  request_key => 'Operation',
  params => { AWSAccessKeyId => 'my_key' }

$w->ItemLookup(ItemId => 'B00000JY1X');
# does a GET on

Number of seconds to wait for a request to return. Default is LWP's default (180 seconds).


Pass an LWP::UserAgent object that you want to use instead of the default.


What format to use. Defaults to XML::Simple. To use something like JSON or JSON::XS:

my $w1 = new WebService::CRUST(format => [ 'JSON', 'objToJson' ]);
my $w2 = new WebService::CRUST(format => [ 'JSON::XS', 'decode' ]);

The second argument can also be a coderef, so for instance:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(
    format => [ 'JSON::Syck', sub { JSON::Syck::Load(shift) } ]

Formatter classes are loaded dynamically if needed, so you don't have to 'use' them first.


The HTTP_BASIC username to send for authentication


The HTTP_BASIC password to send for authentication

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(
    basic_username => 'user',
    basic_password => 'pass'

A hashref of alternate options to pass the data formatter.


Turn debugging on or off.



Performs a GET request with the specified options. Returns a WebService::CRUST::Result object on success or undef on failure.

Performs a HEAD request with the specified options. Returns a WebService::CRUST::Result object on success or undef on failure.


Performs a PUT request with the specified options. Returns a WebService::CRUST::Result object on success or undef on failure.

If -content is passed as a parameter, that will be set as the content of the PUT request:

$w->put('something', { -content => $content });

Performs a POST request with the specified options. Returns a WebService::CRUST::Result object on success or undef on failure.


Same as get/post except the first argument is the method to use.

my $w = new WebService::CRUST;
$w->request( 'HEAD', $url );

Returns a WebService::CRUST::Result object on success or undef on failure.


The HTTP::Response of the last request.

$w->response->code eq 200 and print "Success\n";

$w->get('invalid_action') or die $w->response->status_line;

Get or set the LWP::UserAgent object.


Mostly internal method for debugging. Prints a message to STDERR by default.


WebService::CRUST has some AUTOLOAD syntactical sugar, such that the following are equivalent:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(base => 'http://something/');

# GET request examples
$w->get('foo', key => $val);
$w->get_foo(key => $val);
$w->foo(key => $val);

# POST request examples
$w->post('foo', key => $val);
$w->post_foo(key => $val);

The pattern is $obj->(get|head|post|put)_methodname;

Additionally, instead of accessing keys in a hash, you can call them as methods:

my $response = $w->foo(key => $val);

# These are equivalent

If an element of your object returns with a key called "CRUST__Result", we will auto inflate to another URL. See WebService::CRUST::Result for more.


Results from a request come back as an WebService::CRUST::Result object. If you want to look at what came back (so you know what methods to request), just dump the result's ->request accessor:

my $w = new WebService::CRUST(base => 'http://something/');
my $result = $w->method;

# What does my result contain?
print Dumper $result->result;

# Returns: { attr => 'value' }
# Ah... my result has an attribute called 'attr'

$result->attr; # 'value'


Changes in 0.3 and 0.4 broke compatibility with previous releases (where you could just access the result as a hash directly). If you had code that looked like this:

my $x = $crust->foo;

You'll need to change it to one of these:



WebService::CRUST::Result, Catalyst::Model::WebService::CRUST, LWP, XML::Simple


Chris Heschong <>

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 237:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 241:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 243:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 332:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 334:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 386:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'