Salvation::MacroProcessor::Hooks - Base class for your hooks with implementation of actual logic for Salvation::MacroProcessor::Spec




To be redefined

You can redefine following methods to achieve your own goals.


$hook -> check( $spec, $object );

Checks if given $object could be selected using this $spec.

$spec is a Salvation::MacroProcessor::Spec instance.

$object is an object representing a single row of data returned by the query.

Boolean value should be returned, false means "skip this object" and true means "yes, this object is what we want".


$hook -> query_from_attribute( $method_description, $attr, @rest );

Generates query part which needs to be applied to the query to get an object which satisfies specified criteria.

This method will be called if all following conditions are true:

class has an attribute (see Moose::Manual::Attributes for more info) which name is exactly the same as the method being described
description has no query argument specified

$method_description is a Salvation::MacroProcessor::MethodDescription instance.

$attr is a Moose::Meta::Attribute instance.

@rest is a list of arguments of the same types, conditions and meaning as it is for query argument of Salvation::MacroProcessor::smp_add_description when $query is a CodeRef.

Return value should also be as the one of $query function of Salvation::MacroProcessor::smp_add_description.


$hook -> select( $spec, $additional_query, $additional_args );

Selects objects using given $spec with a mix of $additional_query and $additional_args.

$spec is a Salvation::MacroProcessor::Spec instance.

$additional_query and $additional_args are both passed in by you or any other developer who will try to make a query. Though both are thought of as ArrayRef's.

$additional_query's meaning is "some custom query part we need to apply to the query".

$additional_args's meaning is "some additional custom arguments we need to pass to the method which will then perform a request to complete the query".

Return value will be returned directly to caller which is your custom code issued Salvation::MacroProcessor::Spec::select. Though return value is thought of as Salvation::MacroProcessor::Iterator instance.