Version 0.03
# lib/MyApp/View/
package MyApp::View::Download;
use base qw( Catalyst::View::Download );
# lib/MyApp/Controller/
sub example_action_1 : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $content_type = $c->request->params->{'content_type'} || 'plain'; # 'plain' or 'csv'
$c->header('Content-Type' => 'text/'.$content_type); # Set the content type so Catalyst::View::Download can determine how to process it.
$c->stash->{'download'} = 'text/'.$content_type; # Or set the content type in the stash variable 'download' (note this is configurable) to process it.
# Array reference of array references.
my $data = [
['col 1','col 2','col ...','col N'], # row 1
['col 1','col 2','col ...','col N'], # row 2
['col 1','col 2','col ...','col N'], # row ...
['col 1','col 2','col ...','col N'] # row N
# If the chosen content_type is 'csv' then the render function of Catalyst::View::Download::CSV will be called which uses the 'csv' stash key
$c->stash->{'csv'} = {
data => $data
# For plain text in this example we just dump the example array
# Catalyst::View::Download::Plain will use either the 'plain' stash key or just pull from $c->response->body
use Data::Dumper;
$c->response->body( Dumper( $data ) )
# Finally forward processing to the Download View
A view module to help in the convenience of downloading data into many supportable formats.
This method will be called by Catalyst if it is asked to forward to a component without a specified action.
Allows others to use this view for much more fine-grained content generation.
- stash_key
Determines the key in the stash this view will look for when attempting to retrieve the type of format to process. If this key isn't found it will search for a Content-Type header for the format. Further if neither are found a default format will be applied.
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'stash_key'} = 'content_type';
- default
Determines which Content-Type to use by default. Default: 'text/plain'
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config('default' => 'text/plain');
- content_type
A hash ref of hash refs. Each key in content_type is Content-Type that is handled by this view.
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'content_type'}{'text/csv'} = { 'outfile' => 'somefile.csv', 'module' => 'My::Module' };
The Content-Type key refers to it's own hash of parameters to determine the actions thie view should take for that Content-Type.
'outfile' - The name and extenstion of the file that will display by default in the download dialog box.
'module' - The name of the module that will handle data output. If there is a plus symbol '+' at the beginning of the module name, this will indicate that the module is a Catalyst::View module will will add 'Catalyst::View::' to the beginning of the module name.
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'content_type'}{'text/csv'}{'module'} = '+Download::CSV'; # Module Loaded: Catalyst::View::Download::CSV $c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'content_type'}{'text/csv'}{'module'} = 'My::Module::CSV'; # Module Loaded: My::Module::CSV
Content-Type Module Requirements
Any module set as 'the' module for a certain Content-Type needs to have a subroutine named 'render' that returns the content to output with the following parameters handled.
- $c
The catalyst $c variable
- $template
In case a template file is needed for the module. This view will pass $c->stash->{template} as this value.
- $args
A list of arguments the module will use to process the data into content. This view will pass $c->stash as this value.
Catalyst::View::Download has the following default configuration for this Content-Type
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'content_type'}{'text/csv'} = {
'outfile' => 'data.csv',
'module' => '+Download::CSV'
See Catalyst::View::Download::CSV for more details.
Catalyst::View::Download has the following default configuration for this Content-Type
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'default'} = 'text/plain';
$c->view('MyApp::View::Download')->config->{'content_type'}{'text/csv'} = {
'outfile' => 'data.csv',
'module' => '+Download::CSV'
See Catalyst::View::Download::Plain for more details.
Travis Chase, <gaudeon at>
Thanks to following people for their constructive comments and help:
Thanks also to my company Ti4 Technologies for their financial support.
Copyright 2008 Travis Chase.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.