GnuPG::Key - GnuPG Key Object
# assumes a GnuPG::Interface object in $gnupg
my @keys = $gnupg->get_public_keys( 'ftobin' );
# now GnuPG::PublicKey objects are in @keys
GnuPG::Key objects are generally not instantiated on their own, but rather used as a superclass of GnuPG::PublicKey, GnuPG::SecretKey, or GnuPG::SubKey objects.
Initialization Methods
- new( %initialization_args )
This methods creates a new object. The optional arguments are initialization of data members; the initialization is done in a manner according to the method created as described in "new_hash_init" in Class::MethodMaker.
- hash_init( %args ).
This method works as described in "new_hash_init" in Class::MethodMaker.
- short_hex_id
This returns the commonly-used short, 8 character short hex id of the key.
Note that these data members are interacted with via object methods created using the methods described in "get_set" in Class::MethodMaker, or "object" in Class::MethodMaker. Please read there for more information.
- length
Number of bits in the key.
- algo_num
They algorithm number that the Key is used for.
- hex_data
The data of the key.
- hex_id
The long hex id of the key. This is not the fingerprint nor the short hex id, which is 8 hex characters.
- creation_date_string =item expiration_date_string
Formatted date of the key's creation and expiration.
- fingerprint
A GnuPG::Fingerprint object.